Simple Language with Local Variables

This is a Java-like language that we use to illustrate basic concepts of scopes and type checking.

For simplicity, assume

  • programs have only one class (called World)
  • all class members are static.

The following is abstract, not concrete syntax

  • some commas and semicolons are removed

But, for readabiility:

  • keywords, quotes, and parantheses are kept to make the definitions clearer

In the text below we do not use quotes around keywords, usually use bold font instead.

program ::= "class" "World" "{" varDecl* method* "}"
method  ::= varDecl "(" varDecl* ")" "{" thing* "return" expr "}"
varDecl ::= type ID
type    ::= "int" | "boolean" | "void"
thing   ::= varDecl | stmt
stmt    ::= expr | if | while | block 
if      ::= "if" expr stmt "else" stmt
while   ::= "while""("expr")" stmt 
block   ::= "{" thing* "}"
expr    ::= ID | expr "+" expr | expr "<=" expr
          | assign | call | condExpr 
assign   ::= ID "=" expr
condExpr ::= expr "?" expr ":" expr
call     ::= ID "(" expr* ")"

Remark on language:

  • blocks can be arbitrarily nested, and can contain new local variable declarations
  • method call is an expression (resulting type is return type of method)
  • assignment is an expression (resulting type is void, so 'x=(y=z)' is not correct according to types)