Scoping Rules Affect Program Meaning

We define several different scoping rules, rules that define which variable is visible where.

We show

  • the same program can have different meaning under different scoping rules
  • scoping rules can affect which programs are considered valid

Standard Static Scoping

Consider the following example:

class World {
  int sum;
  int value;
  void add() {
    sum = sum + value;
    value = 0;
  void main() {
    sum = 0;
    value = 10;
    if (sum % 3 == 1) {
      int value;
      value = 1;
      print("inner value = ", value);
      print("sum = ", sum);
    print("outer value = ", value);

Question: What is the result of invoking 'main' according to standard Java rules (put 'static' in front of class methods and fields, replace 'print' with 'System.out.println')?


inner value = 1
sum = 10
outer value = 0

With static scoping (also called 'lexical scoping') rules, simple rules determine which identifier refers to which symbol:

  • identifier refers to the symbol that was declared closes to the place in program text

We will assume static scoping (unless otherwise specified).

Below we see some alternatives, to understand what those could be in principle.

Dynamic Scoping

In dynamic scoping, symbol refers to the variable that was most recently declared within program execution.

Dynamic scoping views variable declaration as a statement that establishes which symbol is considered to be the 'current one'.

Question: What is the result of the same example?


inner value = 0
sum = 11
outer value = 0

Dynamic scoping used to be popular in languages like LISP, but it can make programs difficult to understand. Sometimes it can lead to shorter code.

Dynamic scoping can be simulated in languages with static scoping by explicitly referring to maps in our program.

class World {
  Map env; // implemented like e.g. Hashtable<String, Stack<Int>>
           // env.declareNew(id) --> env.get(id).push(0)
           // env.get(id) --> env.get(id).top()
           // env.pop(id) --> env.get(id).pop()
           // env.update(id, v) --> {env.get(id).pop(); env.get(id).push(v);}
  void add() {
    env.update("sum", env.get("sum") + env.get("value"));
    env.update("value", 0);
  void main() {
    env.update("sum", 0);
    env.update("value", 0);
    if (env.get("sum") % 3 == 1) {
      env.update("value", 1);
      print("inner value = ", value);
      print("sum = ", env.get("sum"));
    print("outer value = ", env.get("value"));
    env = new ...

Giving Priorities to Local vs Global Variables

We could imagine that, if there is both a global and a local variable, we give the priority to the global variable.

Consider the following program.

class World {
  int sum;
  int value;
  void main() {
    sum = 0;
    value = 10;
    if (value > 5) {
      int value;
      value = 1;
      print("value = ", value);
      sum = sum + value;
    print("sum = ", sum);

What would the result be with standard Java scoping rules?


value = 1
sum = 1

What would the result be if global variables take precedence?


value = 1
sum = 1

We prefer to use the closest declaration (unless otherwise specified)

Multiple Independent Scopes

Some languages (including ML, Java, Scala) use independent scopes for different purposes.

In principle, one could use different scopes for:

  • scope for variables
  • scope for method names
  • scope for user-defined types (e.g. classes)

In such a language, we can have:

class World {
  int sum;
  int value;
  void sum() {
    sum = sum + value;
    value = 0;
  void main() {

The compiler knows whether 'sum' refers to method or variable according to the place where the identifier occurrs in the syntax tree (in the case above: whether it has parentheses () afterwards or not).

We will avoid such multiple scopes (unless otherwise specified), and expect the compiler to reject such declarations.