Interpreting LL Parsing Table
This is the top-down parser:
var stack : Stack[GrammarSymbol] stack.push(EOF); stack.push(StartNonterminal); lex = new Lexer(inputFile) while (true) { * X = stack.pop t = lex.curent if isTerminal(X) if (t==X) if (X==EOF) return success else // eat token t else parseError("Expected " + X) else // non-terminal cs = choice(X)(t) cs match { case {i} => // exactly one choice rhs = p(X,i) // choose correct right-hand side * stack.push(reverse(rhs)) case {} => parseError("Parser expected an element of " + unionOfAll(choice(X))) case _ => crash("wrong parse table, not LL(1)") } }
The lines marked with * give us the essence of this parser: it pops non-terminals from stack and replaces them with the right-hand side of a production rule.
When we write recursive descent procedures by hand, the stack is implicit in the use of recursive procedures.
Note: the program above corresponds to a deterministic push-down automaton that parses the LL(1) grammar
- non-deterministic push down automata correspond to all grammars
- determinization of push down automata in general is not possible, non-deterministic ones are more expressive