Translate manually into bytecodes using the techniques in Compilation as Tree Transformation:
- First translate the while loop to
- Give code for the loop
- Take care of the rest
b should be treated as a member of the current class.
boolean b; int f(int x, int y, int z) { while ((!b && (x > 2*(y+z))) || (x < 2*y +z)) { x = x +3; } return x; }
Translating While Expressions
Using the branch(c, l1, l2) instruction this will translate into
lLoop: branch( condition, cYes, lAfter) cYes: [|x=x+3|] goto lLoop lAfter:
Translating Complex Boolean Conditions
The boolean condition is again complex and it can be represented as a disjunction of two simpler conditions.
lLoop: branch( condition1 || condition2, cYes, lAfter) cYes: [|x=x+3|] goto lLoop lAfter:
Using the rule for translating disjunctions, this becomes:
lLoop: branch( condition1, cYes, c1No) c1No: branch( condition2, cYes, lAfter) cYes: [|x=x+3|] goto lLoop lAfter:
The boolean condition condition1 is a conjunction of two conditions:
lLoop: branch( condition11 && condition12, cYes, c1No) c1No: branch( condition2, cYes, lAfter) cYes: [|x=x+3|] goto lLoop lAfter:
Using the rule for translating conjunctions, this becomes:
lLoop: branch( condition11, c11Yes, c1No) c11Yes: branch( condition12, cYes, c1No) c1No: branch( condition2, cYes, lAfter) cYes: [|x=x+3|] goto lLoop lAfter:
Using the real boolean conditions from the program we obtain:
lLoop: branch( !b, c11Yes, c1No) c11Yes: branch( x > 2*(y+z), cYes, c1No) c1No: branch( x < 2*y +z, cYes, lAfter) cYes: [|x=x+3|] goto lLoop lAfter:
Negation is eliminated by reversing the labels:
lLoop: branch( b, c1No, c11Yes) c11Yes: branch( x > 2*(y+z), cYes, c1No) c1No: branch( x < 2*y +z, cYes, lAfter) cYes: [|x=x+3|] goto lLoop lAfter:
Translation of Relations in Boolean Conditions
Translating a boolean condition is done using a bytecode comparison instruction:
lLoop: branch(b, c1No, c11Yes) c11Yes: [| x |] [| 2*(y+z) |] if_icmpgt cYes c1No: [| x |] [| 2*y+z |] if_icmplt cYes goto lAfter cYes: [|x=x+3|] goto lLoop lAfter: <\code> ===== Translating of Boolean Variables ===== The next unprocessed branch instruction checks the value of a boolean variable objects: <code java> [| b |] [| 0 |] if_icmpne c1No c11Yes: [| x |] [| 2*(y+z) |] if_icmpgt cYes c1No: [| x |] [| 2*y+z |] if_icmplt cYes goto lAfter cYes: [|x=x+3|] goto lLoop lAfter:
We must load the object member b:
aload_0 getfield iconst_0 if_icmpne c1No c11Yes: [| x |] [| 2*(y+z) |] if_icmpgt cYes c1No: [| x |] [| 2*y+z |] if_icmplt cYes goto lAfter cYes: [|x=x+3|] goto lLoop lAfter:
Translating Arithmetical Expressions
Arithemtical expressions are translated using standard postfix notation:
aload_0 getfield iconst_0 if_icmpne c1No c11Yes: [| x |] [| 2 |] [| y |] [| z |] [| + ]| [| * |] if_icmpgt cYes c1No: [| x |] [| 2 |] [| y |] [| * |] [| z |] [| + |] if_icmplt cYes goto lAfter cYes: [|x=x+3|] goto lLoop lAfter:
At the end this piece of code translates to:
aload_0 getfield iconst_0 if_icmpne c1No c11Yes: iload_1 iconst_2 iload_2 iload_3 iadd imul if_icmpgt cYes c1No: iload_1 iconst_2 iload_2 imul iload_3 iadd if_icmplt cYes goto lAfter cYes: [|x=x+3|] goto lLoop lAfter:
Integrating the rest of the program gives:
aload_0 getfield iconst_0 if_icmpne c1No c11Yes: iload_1 iconst_2 iload_2 iload_3 iadd imul if_icmpgt cYes c1No: iload_1 iconst_2 iload_2 imul iload_3 iadd if_icmplt cYes goto lAfter cYes: iload_1 iconst_3 iadd istore_1 goto lLoop lAfter: iload_1 ireturn