Full Employment Theorem for Compiler Writers
Informal Statement
The problem of given a program and a property
that is true for some programs and false for other programs, check (precisely) whether program satisfies
is undecidable if property
talks only about the values computed by the program and program termination (and not e.g. how the values are computed).
This follows from Rice's theorem which follows from the undecidability of the Halting problem
- to check if
terminates, we build a program
such that
and a program
, that behaves like
does not terminate, and otherwise
Examples of undecidable problems:
- can a given program reach a state where null dereference happens
- is a given variable dynamically alive at a given program point in a given program
- is the given variable initialized before the execution reaches a given program point
- are the values of two given variables equal in all executions of the program
- does the given assertion evaluate to 'true' in all executions of a given program
- …
How can we then build compilers?
- we do not attempt to answer this question precisely
- we either compute an answer, or we say “we do not know”
- we say compilers do “conservative” static analysis
In initialization analysis, output is:
- variable is definitely initialized
- variable is possibly un-initialized (either it is un-initialized, or it is initialized but it is too hard to see why)
In live-variable analysis, output is:
- variable is definitely not live
- variable is live (it is either dynamically live, or it is not dynamically live but it is difficult to see why)
Proof Sketches
Halting Problem Undecidability Theorem (Turing): There is no program (think of it as analyzer that checks if programs are terminating) that takes as input a representation of an arbitrary program
and the input of the program
, and determines whether
will terminate its computation if we ran
on input
Proof sketch: This is a proof by a diagonal argument. Suppose that we do have such program . Then define the following program that takes program descriptions
as input:
def F(Y) = if H(Y,Y) then (while(true){}) else true
The question is then whether running will terminate. There are two cases, either
holds, or not.
If holds, then
, by definition of
enters the 'true' branch and thus executes
Thus, does not terminate. But this is in contradiction with the definition of
, which says that
terminates on input
If does not hold, it then
goes to 'else' branch and terminates. But this is in contradiction with
the definition of
being false, which says that
should not terminate on input
Impossibility of detecting dead code: There is no program (think of it as data-flow analyzer) that can take as an input a program
and a program location
, whether there exists an execution of
that reaches
Proof sketch: By reduction to previous theorem. We can always transform a given program into a program that always terminates in its last location (all 'halt' and 'exit' instructions are replaced by a jump to end of the program). Suppose p0 is such a program. To check if p0 terminates on an input
, we consider the program
def p = { p0 L: {} }
Clearly, if p0 terminates, then it will execute L. Conversely, if p0 does not terminate, it will never reach L. Therefore, checking if would tell us whether p0 terminates. By Halting problem, this is undecidable, so
cannot exist. QED
Impossibility of checking assertions: There is no program that will accept a program
containing assertions and check whether these assertions are true in all executions.
Proof: By reduction to previous theorem. Given a program with assertions, we introduce a fresh location L and replace each assertion
with the condition
if (!c) { goto L }
Then the assertions are true in all executions if and only if program never reaches location .