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Set Constraints for Algebraic Datatype Inference

We want that our compiler detects correctly the possible subset of types for each function.


Using the following grammar :

type form = Atom of string
          | And of form*form
          | Or of form*form
          | Not of form

we can have the following types : $F = \lbrace Atom, And(\_ , \_), Or(\_ , \_), Not \_ \rbrace$ which is an infinite set (“_” represents any kind of type).

But if we define the following function :

let rec elimOr(f : form) : form =
    match f with
 S1: | Atom s -> Atom s
 S2: | And(f1,f2) -> And(elimOr f1, elimOr f2)
 S3: | Or(f1,f2) -> Not(And(Not(elimOr f1), Not(elimOr f2)))
 S4: | Not(f1) -> Not(elimOr f1)

It is clear that the output types of this function is a subset of $F$ (as the $Or$ is removed). In fact, if we define $res$ as the resulting type of this function, $res$ can be computed by computing the fixpoint of : $S_1 \cup S_2 \cup S_3 \cup S_4 \subseteq res$

  1. $Atom \subseteq S_1$
  2. $And(res, res) \subseteq S_2$
  3. $Not(And(Not(res), Not(res))) \subseteq S_3$
  4. $Not(res) \subseteq S_4$

In this particular case, the fixpoint is : $Atom \cup And(res, res) \cup Not(res) \subseteq res$ which computes correctly the fact that the $Or$ has been removed.