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sav07_lecture_9_skeleton [2007/04/17 19:58]
sav07_lecture_9_skeleton [2007/04/19 11:53] (current)
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 === Reduced product === === Reduced product ===
-===== ASTREE Static Analyzer ===== 
-=== A Static Analyzer for Large Safety-Critical Software === 
-[[http://​​~cousot/​COUSOTpapers/​PLDI03.shtml|Link to paper]] 
-Section 5.4: A remark on notation: 
-  * if $\rho$ denotes the state and $S$ is a deterministic statement, then $[\![S]\!]^s(\rho)$ represents the new state after executing the statement; the relation corresponding to statement semantics would be $\{(S,​[\![S]\!]^s(\rho)) \mid \rho \mbox{ is a state, mapping variables to their values \}$. 
-  * this function is extended to map sets of states to sets of states, which gives function mapping $E$ to $[\![S]\!]^c(E)$ and is what we called strongest postcondition $sp(S,E)$. 
-  * this is abstracted to abstract domain 
-=== The Octagon Abstract Domain === 
-[[http://​​~mine/​publi/​article-mine-HOSC06.pdf|Link to paper]] 
-=== Combination of Abstractions in the ASTRÉE Static Analyzer === 
-  * [[http://​​~cousot/​COUSOTpapers/​ASIAN06.shtml|Link to paper]]