Teaching Staff Page for Compiler Construction

Grading: Friday Thursday mornings



  • Burgener, Raphaël & Favre, Ludovic (#01)
  • Chappuis, Daniel & Testuz, Stéphane (#02)
  • Köksal, Ali Sinan & Kneuss, Etienne (#03)
  • Kviatkevitch, Ivan & Bindschaedler, Laurent (#04)
  • Blatter, Jérémy & Joneja, Vishal (#05)
  • Barras, Florian & Zbinden, Eric (#06)
  • Girard, Thomas & Schaller, Julien (#07, aka. FredFred)
  • Lindmark, Jonas & Morales García, Antonio (#08)
  • Pache, Christophe & Perrin, Alexandre (#09)
  • Duc, Alexandre & Blanc, Régis (#10)
  • Ly, Papa Alione & Kesici, Omer (#11)
  • Delort, Vincent & Jutzeler, Arnaud (#12)
  • Beuret, Thibaut & Laquerre, Pierre-François (#13)

Things we can ask at the oral defense

  • Easy:
    • give an overview of all phases: what they take as an input and what they do
    • how did you implement code generation for conditional constructs?
    • which are the identifiers which do not get associated to a symbol during name analysis?
    • how did you solve the good old dangling else problem?
    • is * commutative? what about +?
    • show us in the code where…
  • Medium:
    • how do you keep track of the position in the lexer?
    • what is the “other way” to generate code for conditional constructs? (ie. the one you did not implement)
    • why can't you assign symbols to methods at the name analysis phase?
    • what happens if you compile a class where a method has locals which are not initialized? why?
    • in how many sub-phases did you break name analysis? why?
  • Hard:
  • what type of parser did you write (it's supposed to be LL(2)), and why?
  • what invalid Java program would your compiler still accept? and if we omit the definite assignment rule?
  • in the current MiniJava+, assignments to array cells can only be done if the array is given a name. How would you change the compiler to allow assignements to array cells where the array can be recovered in the assignment? (ex: this.getArray()[0] = this.getArray()[1]).

Things we can ask in an exam


  • write in English
  • solve it
  • translate to French (with disclaimer)

Little subset of a functional language:

  • from regular expressions for identifiers, digits, draw automaton with accepting state for different tokens
  • compute first,follow sets, show it is not LL(1), rewrite it to be LL(1)
  • separate scopes for type and variable idents, typedef
  • show LR(0) automaton for simple grammar
  • language with int, float, overloaded + (rules 1+2.0 is a float), =, ⇐
  • give JVM code generation rules for subset (we give one example, students do the rest)
  • translate manually an expression with && ((x > 0) && (2.0/x < 10)) using those rules
  • octagons paper, take some little thing
  • take this CFG, run this analysis on it
  • suppose we wanted to add unary minus to MiniJava+:
    1. describe how to do this very simply (ie: minimal number of phases to change), without caring about the generated code
    2. how to do it in a clean way: all changes to be made to each phase.
