Tokens (Words) of While Language

token = word (in a general sense)

What are the tokens in squares.while example?

// Prints n^2 for n=1...10
i = 0;
j = 1;
while (i < 10) {
  println("", j);
  i = i + 1; // increment counter
  j = j + 2*i+1;

Several token types (kinds of tokens):

token type examples description regular expression
identifier i j sum sequence of letters and digits starting with a letter letter (letter |digit)*
keyword while println special identifiers
integer constant 0 10 1 nonempty sequence of digits digit digit*
strings “hello” “value is:” sequence of characters in quotes “ anyCharExceptQuote* ”
EQUAL = = =
PLUS + + +
LEQ <= <= <=
LESS < < <
COMMA , , ,
LPAREN ( ( (

Note: we could treat each keyword as a separate token type, whatever is more convenient.

We also describe parts treated as white space (ignored):

  • space
  • tab
  • end of line signs (CR,LF)
  • end of line comments starting with Can we find a regular expression for * end of line comment? * white space? * nested comments (useful to comment out some code) /* perhaps some code /* and nested comment */ */