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software_verification_tools_overview [2007/06/20 11:23]
clement.beffa created
software_verification_tools_overview [2008/12/05 15:17]
Line 3: Line 3:
 **by Clément Beffa, Vincent Pazeller, and Olivier Gobet** **by Clément Beffa, Vincent Pazeller, and Olivier Gobet**
 +===== Report =====
 +Abstract : //Bugs are becoming a bigger concern nowadays as we
 +are seeing their huge cost. Academics are building numerous
 +tools to get rid of them with more or less success. In
 +this paper, we make an overview of bug finding tools and
 +focus deeper on those targeting Java code. We explain the
 +purpose of each of them and test automatic tools on a specially
 +built Java test case in order to see their accuracy. Finally,
 +we develop our vision of a theoretical meta-tool which
 +would be able to combine the best of them.//
 +  * {{sav_report_bgp.pdf|Report}}
 +===== Files related to the presentation ===== 
 +  * {{svto.pdf|Presentation slides}}
 +  * {{tools_list.pdf|Tools overview list}}
 +  * {{|Java Test case file}}
 ===== Related paper ===== ===== Related paper =====
 The paper [[http://​​~jfoster/​papers/​issre04.pdf|A Comparison of Bug Finding Tools for Java]] is related to our project and was explained with those {{javabugs.pdf|slides}} during class. The paper [[http://​​~jfoster/​papers/​issre04.pdf|A Comparison of Bug Finding Tools for Java]] is related to our project and was explained with those {{javabugs.pdf|slides}} during class.
 +Another tool list ([[http://​​%7Eamoeller/​SV/​|from here]])
 +    * SLAM
 +    * Java PathFinder
 +    * Bandera
 +    * Blast
 +    * SPIN
 +    * ESP
 +    * TVLA
 +    * Cyclone
 +    * CQual
 +    * ESC/Java
 +    * MC
 +    * Saturn
 +    * CUTE
 +    * PALE