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sav08:using_automata_to_decide_ws1s [2011/04/12 15:09]
sav08:using_automata_to_decide_ws1s [2015/04/21 17:30]
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-====== Using Automata to Decide WS1S ====== 
-Consider a formula $F$ of [[weak_monadic_logic_of_one_successor|WS1S]]. ​ Let $V$ be a finite set of all variables in $F$.  We construct an automaton $A(F)$ in the finite alphabet 
-   ​\Sigma = \Sigma_1^V 
-for $\Sigma_1 = \{0,1\}$ such that the following property holds: for every $w \in \Sigma^*$, ​ 
-$w \in L(A(F))$ iff $e(F)(D,​\alpha(w))={\it true} \ \ \ \ \ \  (*)$ 
-where $\alpha(w)$ is an interpretation of WS1S (mapping variables $V$ to finite sets) defined by 
-   ​\alpha(a_0 \ldots a_n)(v) = \{ i \mid 0 \le i \le n \land a_i(v) = 1 \} 
-Instead of $e(F)(D,​\alpha(w))={\it true}$ we write for short $w \models F$. 
-The following lemma follows from the definition of semantic evaluation function '​e'​ and the shorthand $w \models F$. 
-**Lemma**: Let $F,F_i$ denote formulas, $w \in \Sigma^*$. Then 
-  * $w \models (F_1 \lor F_2)$ iff $w \models F_1$ and $w \models F_2$ 
-  * $w \models \lnot F$ iff $\lnot (w \models F)$ 
-  * $w \models \exists x.F$ iff $\exists b. patch(w,​x,​b) \models F$ 
-     ​....... ​   
-     ​....... ​ 0 
-     ​....... 
-     ​bbbbbbbbbbbbbb 
-     ​....... ​   
-     ​....... ​ 0 
-     ​....... 
-     ​_______ 
-        w 
-     ​______________ 
-      patch(w,​x,​b) 
-Let $w = w_1 \ldots w_n$ where $w_i \in \Sigma$ and $b = b_1 \ldots b_m$ where $b_j \in \Sigma_1$. ​ 
-Let $N=\max(n,​m)$. Define $patch(w,​x,​b) = p_1 \ldots p_N$ where $p_i \in \Sigma$ such that 
-   ​p_i(v) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 
-w_i(v), & \textsf{ if } v \neq x \land i \le n \\ 
-0, & \textsf{ if } v \neq x \land i > n \\ 
-b_i, & \textsf{ if } v=x \land i \le m \\ 
-0, & \textsf{ if } v=x \land i > m 
-We define the automaton by recursion on the structure of formula. 
-**Case** $A(x \subseteq y)$: 
-++|Automaton for regular expression $[x \rightarrow y]^*$ ++ 
-**Case** $A(succ(x,​y))$:​ 
-++|Automaton for regular expression $[\lnot x \land \lnot y]^* [x \land \lnot y][\lnot x \land y] [\lnot x \land \lnot y]^*$ ++ 
-**Case** $A(F_1 \lor F_2)$: 
-++|Automaton for union of regular languages, $A(F_1) \lor A(F_2)$ ++ 
-**Case** $A(\lnot F)$: 
-++|Complement $\lnot A(F)$. ++ 
-**Example:​** Use the rules above to compute (and minimize) the automaton for $\lnot ((\lnot (X \subseteq Y)) \land (\lnot (Y \subseteq X)))$. 
-Proof of correctness if by induction. For example, for disjunction we have: 
-  * $w \in L(A(F_1 \lor F_2))$ 
-  * $w \in L(A(F_1) \sqcup A(F_2)))$ 
-  * $w \in L(A(F_1)) \lor w \in L(A(F_2))$, so by I.H. 
-  * $w \models F_1\  \lor\ w \models F_2$, so by Lemma above, 
-  * $w \models (F_1 \lor F)$ 
-==== Existential Quantification ==== 
-**Case** $A(\exists x.F)$: 
-To maintain the equivalence $(*)$ above, we need that for every word, 
-    w \in L(A(\exists x.F)) 
-    \exists s \in \Sigma_1^*.\ patch(w,​x,​s) \in L(A(F)) 
-Given a deterministic automaton $A(F)$, we can construct a deterministic automaton ​ 
-accepting $\{ w \mid \exists s \in \Sigma_1^*.\ patch(w,​x,​s) \in L(A(F)) \}$ in two steps: 
-  * take the same initial state 
-  * for each transition $\delta(q,​w)$ introduce transitions $\delta(q,​w[x:​=b])$ for all $b \in \Sigma_1$ 
-  * initially set final states as in the original automaton 
-  * if $q$ is a final state and $zero_x \in \Sigma$ is such that $zero_x(v)=0$ for all $x \neq v$, and if $\delta(q',​zero_x)=q$,​ then set $q'$ also to be final 
-**Example 1:** Compute automaton for formula $\exists X. \lnot (X \subseteq Y)$. 
-**Example 2:** Compute automaton for formula $\exists Y. (X < Y)$ where $<$ is interpreted treating $X,Y$ as digits of natural numbers. 
-===== References ===== 
-  * [[http://​​mona/​mona14.pdf|MONA tool manual]] (Chapter 3, page 18)