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sav08:unification [2008/04/02 20:28]
sav08:unification [2015/04/21 17:30]
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-====== Unification ====== 
-Unification is the process of solving equations in term algebra, which is the algebra of ground terms, with functions defined as in the [[Ground Terms]] section of proof of Herbrand theorem. 
-The solution process is essentially variable elimination,​ based on two main properties 
-  * equation $f(t_1,​\ldots,​t_n) \doteq f(s_1,​\ldots,​s_n)$ ++| is equivalent to system $t_1 \doteq s_1,​\ldots,​t_n \doteq s_n$++ 
-  * equation $f(t_1,​\ldots,​t_n) \doteq g(s_1,​\ldots,​s_m)$ where $f \neq g$ ++| is contradictory++ 
-  * equation $x \doteq t(x)$ where $t$ is a term containing $x$ but not identical to $x$ ++| is contradictory++ 
-===== Unification Examples ===== 
-First-order language: 
-  * $R$ - binary relation symbol 
-  * $f$ - binary function symbol 
-  * $a,b,c$ - constants 
-  * $x,​y,​z,​u,​v,​w$ - variables 
-**Example 1** 
-  R(x,f(x,y)) \doteq R(f(a,​v),​f(f(u,​b),​f(u,​u))) 
-**Example 2** 
-  R(x,f(x,x)) \doteq R(f(a,​v),​f(f(u,​b),​f(u,​u))) 
-**Example 3** 
-  R(x,f(x,y)) \doteq R(f(u,v),v) 
-**Definition:​** Unifier of a set $E$ of syntactic equations is a substitution that makes all equations true. 
-**Definition:​** Composition $\circ$ of substitutions. 
-**Definition:​** A //​renaming//​ is a substitution which, viewed as function, is a bijection on the set of all variables. 
-**Lemma:** If $\sigma$ is a unifier for $E$ and $\tau$ is a substitution,​ then $\tau \circ \sigma$ is also a unifier. 
-A unifier is a solution of equations. ​ mgu is the most general solution. 
-**Definition:​** A most general unifier for $E$ is a unifier $\sigma$ such that if $\sigma'​$ is another unifier, then there exists a substitution $\tau$ such that $\sigma'​ = \tau \circ \sigma$. 
-===== Algorithm ===== 
-We next sketch an algorithm for computing mgu. 
-A set of equations is in //solved form// if it is of the form $\{ x_1 \doteq t_1,\ldots, x_n \doteq t_n \}$ iff variables $x_i$ do not appear in terms $t_j$, that is 
-   ​\{x_1,​\ldots,​x_n \} \cap (FV(t_1) \cup \ldots FV(t_n)) = \emptyset 
-We obtain a solved form in finite time using the non-deterministic algorithm that applies the following rules as long as no clash is reported and as long as the equations are not in solved form. 
-=== Orient === 
-Select $t \doteq x$ where t is not x, and replace it with $x \doteq t$. 
-=== Delete === 
-Select $x \doteq x$, remove it. 
-=== Eliminate === 
-Given $x \doteq t$ where $x$ does not occur in $t$, substitute $x$ with $t$ in all remaining equations. 
-=== Occurs Check === 
-Given $x \doteq t$ where $x$ occurs in $t$, report clash. 
-=== Decomposition === 
-Given $f(t_1,​\ldots,​t_n) \doteq f(s_1,​\ldots,​s_n)$,​ replace it with $t_1 \doteq s_1,​\ldots,​t_n \doteq s_n$. 
-=== Decomposition Clash === 
-Given $f(t_1,​\ldots,​t_n) \doteq g(s_1,​\ldots,​s_m)$ for $f$ not $g$, report clash 
-===== References ===== 
-  * [[http://​​fac/​snyder/​publications/​UnifChapter.pdf|Unification Theory Chapter in Handbook of Automated Reasoning]] (also {{sav08:​unification-handbook.pdf|pdf file}}) 
-  * [[http://​​10.1145/​357162.357169|An Efficient Unification Algorithm]] (also {{sav08:​unification-p258-martelli.pdf|pdf file}}) 
-  * [[http://​​~uwe/​lehre/​eqlogic/​v5.pdf|Course at MPI]]