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sav08:simple_qe_for_dense_linear_orders [2008/04/22 16:33]
sav08:simple_qe_for_dense_linear_orders [2009/04/21 19:32]
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 ====== Simple QE for Dense Linear Orders ====== ====== Simple QE for Dense Linear Orders ======
-Example of dense linear order: rational numbers with less-than relation.  ​Also, real numbers with less-than relation.+Example of dense linear order: rational numbers with less-than relation.  ​(It works in the same way for real numbers with less-than relation.)
 ===== Theory of Dense Linear Orders ===== ===== Theory of Dense Linear Orders =====
-Language ${\cal L} = \{ < \}$.+Language ${\cal L} = \{ < \}$.  Atomic formulas are of two forms: 
 +  * $x=y$ 
 +  * $x < y$ 
 +Literals are either atomic formulas or their negations.
-Formulas are formulas true in structure $(\mathbb{Q},<​)$ ​for all values of free variables.+Formulas ​$T$ are the formulas ​that are closed formulas that are true in the structure $(\mathbb{Q},<​)$ ​or rational numbers.
 ===== Normal form of Formulas ===== ===== Normal form of Formulas =====
 +We have seen that it suffices to eliminate quantifiers from conjunctions of literals. ​
 +Can we assume that literals are of a special form?
 +**Example:​** simplify these formulas:
 +  * $x < y\ \land\ \lnot (y < z) \ \land\ (x \neq z)$
 +  * $x < y\ \land y < x$
 +If we have three concrete values for $x,y,z$, what is the form of the strongest type of a formula that we could write about them in this language? //(atomic type formula)//
 ===== Quantifier Elimination Step ===== ===== Quantifier Elimination Step =====