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sav08:propositional_logic_semantics [2008/03/11 14:47]
sav08:propositional_logic_semantics [2015/04/21 17:30]
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-====== Propositional Logic Semantics ====== 
-Recall [[homework01]]. 
-Let ${\cal B} = \{{\it true}, {\it false}\}$. 
-**Interpretation** for propositional logic is a function $I : V \to {\cal B}$. 
-We next define evaluation function: 
-    e : F \to (I \to {\cal B}) 
-++++by recursion on formula syntax tree:| 
-  e(p)(I) = I(p), \mbox{ for } p \in V \\ 
-  e({'​\lnot'​} F)(I) = \lnot (e(F)(I)) \\ 
-  e(F_1 {'​\land'​} F_2)(I) = e(F_1)(I) \land e(F_2)(I) \\ 
-  e(F_1 {'​\lor'​} F_2)(I) = e(F_1)(I) \lor e(F_2)(I) \\ 
-  e(F_1 {'​\rightarrow'​} F_2)(I) = (e(F_1)(I) \rightarrow e(F_2)(I)) \\ 
-  e(F_1 {'​\leftrightarrow'​} F_2)(I) = (e(F_1)(I) \leftrightarrow e(F_2)(I)) 
-We wrote symbols like $'​\land'​$ on left in single quotes to emphasize that those are syntactic entities, in contrast to symbols like $\land$ on right-hand side that denote propositional operations given by truth tables (stated in [[Propositional Logic Informally]]). 
-This definition follows one in the formula evaluator in [[homework01]]. 
-We denote $e(F)(I) = {\it true}$ by 
-    I \models F 
-and denote $e(F)(I) = {\it false}$ by 
-   I \not\models F 
-===== Validity and Satisfiability ===== 
-Formula is valid iff $\forall I. I \models F$.  We write this simply 
-   ​\models F 
-Formula is satisfiable iff $\exists I. I \models F$ 
-Formula is contradictory iff $\forall I. I \not\models F$ 
-[[Satisfiability of Sets of Formulas]]