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sav08:lecture15 [2008/04/16 00:13]
sav08:lecture15 [2008/04/16 22:01] (current)
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-====== Lecture 15: Quantifier Elimination for Presburger Arithmetic and BAPA ======+====== Lecture 15: Quantifier Elimination for Presburger Arithmetic and Beyond ​======
 ===== Introduction ===== ===== Introduction =====
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 [[QE for Presburger Arithmetic]] [[QE for Presburger Arithmetic]]
-===== Boolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic ===== 
-Paper: [[http://​​~kuncak/​papers/​KuncakETAL06DecidingBooleanAlgebraPresburgerArithmetic.pdf|Deciding Boolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic]] 
 ===== Remarks ====== ===== Remarks ======
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 [[List of Theories Admitting QE]] [[List of Theories Admitting QE]]
-Definable relations and the use of quantifier-free fragments. 
-Use of QE for relation composition. 