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Herbrand's Expansion Theorem

Expansion of a Clause

Recall that we do not write quantifiers in the clause, but when we say that a clause is true in a model we mean that its universal closure is true.

We obtain an instance of a clause $C$ by replacing all variables with some ground terms from $GT$.

Define \[

 expand(C) = \{ subst(\{x_1 \mapsto t_1,\ldots,x_n \mapsto t_n\})(C) \mid FV(C) = \{x_1,\ldots,x_n\}\ \land\ t_1,\ldots,t_n \in GT \}


Note that if $C$ is true in $I$, then $expand(C)$ is also true in $I$ ($expand(C)$ is a consequence of $C$).

We expand entire set: \[

 expand(S) = \bigcup_{C \in S} expand(C)


Clauses in the expansion have no variables, they are ground clauses.

Constructing a Propositional Model

We can view the set $expand(S)$ as a set of propositional variables with “long names”.

For an expansion of clause $C_G$ we can construct the corresponding propositional formula $p(C_G)$.


Define propositional model $I_P : V \to \{{\it true},{\it false\}\}$ by \[

  I_P(p(C_G)) = e_F(C_G)(I)


Let \[

 propExpand(S) = \{ p(C_G) \mid C_G \in expand(S) \}


Lemma: If $I$ is a model of $S$, then $I_P$ is a model of $propExpand(S)$.

Instead of searching for a model, we can search for a propositional model.

If we prove there is no propositional model for $propExpand(S)$, then there is no model for $I$.

What if there is a model $propExpand(S)$? Could it still be the case that $S$ is unsatisfiable?

Constructing Herbrand Model

For $I = (GT,\alpha_H)$ we define $\alpha_H(R)$ so that $I_H$ evaluates ground formulas $expand(S)$ same as in $I_P$ (and thus same as in $I$).

We ensure that atomic formulas evaluate the same:

$   \alpha_H(R) = \{ (t_1,\ldots,t_n)\ \mid $

How does it evaluate non-ground formulas?

Lemma: If $I_P$ is a model for $propExpand(S)$, then $(GT,\alpha_H)$ is a model for $S$.

Herbrand's Theorem

Theorem: The following statements are equivalent:

  • set $S$ has a model
  • set $propExpand(S)$ has a propositional model
  • set $S$ has a model with domain $GT$