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sav08:dpll_algorithm_for_sat [2008/03/12 18:34]
sav08:dpll_algorithm_for_sat [2015/04/21 17:30]
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-====== DPLL Algorithm for SAT ====== 
-  * boolean constraint propagation when possible 
-  * case analysis on variables for completeness 
-INPUT: set of clauses $S$ (see [[Normal Forms for Propositional Logic]], [[Definition of Propositional Resolution]]) 
-OUTPUT: //true// iff there exists an interpretation that makes $S$ //true// 
-===== Terminology ===== 
-A **unit clause** is $\{p\}$ or $\{\lnot p\}$ where $p \in V$. 
-**Unit resolution** is application of resolution to two clauses where at least one clause is a unit clause. 
-  * like substituting the value of variable forced by the unit clause 
-===== Boolean Constraint Propagation ===== 
-Apply unit resolution as much as possible. 
-def BCP(S : Set[Clause]) : Set[Clause] = 
-  if for some unit clause U and clause C in S, resolve(U,​C) is not in in S 
-  then BCP(S union resolve(U,​C)) 
-  else S 
-Note: for each unit clause and other clause we can perform unit resolution at most once (variable disappears) 
-  * BCP is polynomial procedure 
-===== DPLL Recursively ===== 
-def DPLL(S : Set[Clause]) : boolean = 
-  val S' = BCP(S) 
-  if (emptyClause in S') then false 
-  else if (S' has only unit clauses) then true 
-  else 
-     val P = pick variable from FV(S') 
-     ​DPLL(F'​ union {p}) or DPLL(F'​ union {Not(p)}) 
-===== State Representation ===== 
-State representation - group clauses by number of elements: 
-  * S.C (conflict, size zero): true if empty clause was derived ​ 
-  * S.A (assignment,​ size one): partial map from $V$ to $\{0,1\}$ 
-      * $p \mapsto 1$ for $\{p\}$ ​ 
-      * $p \mapsto 0$ for $\{\lnot p\}$ 
-  * S.B: the remaining clauses 
-To check satisfiability of set of clauses, invoke DPLL procedure with  
-  * S.C=false 
-  * S.A=EmptyMap ​ 
-  * S.B containing all desired clauses 
-Desired invariants: 
-  * if S.A(p) defined, then p does not occur in S.B 
-  * S.B has only clauses with at least two literals 
-Maintaining invariant - part of BCP 
-  * if S.A(p)=1, delete from S.B clauses containing $p$ and remove literals $\lnot p$ from clauses in S.B 
-  * if S.A(p)=0, delete from S.B clauses containing $\lnot p$ and remove literals $p$ from clauses in S.B 
-  * if empty clause is in S.B, set S.C to true 
-  * if $\{p\}$ is in S.B, then set $S.A(p)=1$ 
-  * if $\{\lnot p\}$ is in S.B, then set $S.A(p)=0$ 
-Termination conditions (when invariants hold): 
-  * if S.C, set is unsatisfiable 
-  * if S.B is empty and not S.C, then S.A gives satisfying assignment 
-===== Emiting a Satisfying Assignments or a Proof ===== 
-Instead of returning just true/false we want SAT solver to return 
-  * one satisfying assignment, if $S$ is satisfiable (easy: print S.A) 
-  * proof, if $S$ is unsatisfiable - in some format 
-Emiting resolution proofs - needs extra work 
-**Unit resolution** is resolution, so we can construct proofs directly. 
-**Decision step** (picking variable value): from proofs for 
-    S' \cup \{p\} \vdash {\it false} 
-    S' \cup \{\lnot p\} \vdash {\it false} 
-we would like to construct the proof for 
-    S' \vdash {\it false} 
-    S' \cup \{p\} \vdash {\it false} 
-derive proof tree for 
-    S' \vdash \lnot p 
-and from 
-    S' \cup \{\lnot p\} \vdash {\it false} 
-derive proof tree for 
-    S' \vdash p 
-Then combine these two trees with resolution on $\{p\}$ and $\{\lnot p\}$ to get ${\it false}$. 
-Why can we modify resolution proof to move $p$ from assumption and put its negation to conclusion? 
-=== Lower Bounds on Running Time === 
-Observation:​ constructed resolution proof is polynomial in the running time of the DPLL algorithm. 
-Theorem: for some formulas, shortest resolution proofs are exponential. 
-This does not contradict P vs NP question, because there may be "​better"​ proof systems than resolution. 
-Lower bounds for both resolution and a stronger system are shown here by proving that interpolants can be exponential,​ and that interpolants are polynomial in proof size: 
-  * Pavel Pudlák: [[http://​​36219.html|Lower Bounds for Resolution and Cutting Plane Proofs and Monotone Computations]] 
-===== DPLL Imperatively ===== 
-Selecting order of variables. 
-Lemma learning.