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sav08:combining_fol_models [2009/05/13 00:09]
sav08:combining_fol_models [2015/04/21 17:30]
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-====== Combining Decision Procedures ===== 
-===== Merging Models of Theories with Disjoint Languages (Signatures) ===== 
-**Theorem:​** Let ${\cal L}$ be a finite language ${\cal L} = {\cal L}_1 \cup {\cal L}_2$ where ${\cal L}_1 \cap {\cal L}_2 = \emptyset$. ​ Let $C$ be a conjunction in language ${\cal L}$, and for $i\in \{1,2\}$ let $C_i$ be those literals from $C$ whose symbols appear only in ${\cal L}_i$, as well as equality and disequality literals. ​ Suppose further that if variables $x,y \in FV(C_1)\cap FV(C_2)$ then either $x=y$ appears in $C$ or $x \neq y$ appears in $C$ (thus they also appear in $C_1$ and $C_2$). ​ Let $Ax_i$ be a set of sentences in language ${\cal L}_i$ for $i\in\{1,​2\}$. ​ Suppose there exists a model for $Ax_i \cup C_i$ for $i\in\{1,​2\}$ and that these models have domains of same cardinality. ​ Then there exists a model for $C \cup Ax_1 \cup Ax_2$. 
-**Proof:** There exists an isomorphism of interpretation $I_2$ such that the resulting structure $I'_2$ agrees with $I_1$ on the common variables. ​ Extending $I_1$ with interpratation of symbols in $I'_2$ we obtain the desired model. **End.** 
-Note: for $C$ to satisfy the condition, it suffices for it to be flat and to contain equality or disequality for all common variables. ​ One possible way to achieve this is [[Atomic Diagram Normal Form]] but there is no need to do case analysis on literals other than equality literals. 
-===== Stable Infiniteness ===== 
-We wish to use different decision procedures to check $Ax_i \cup C_i$ satisfiability. 
-How do we know whether models have same cardinality?​ 
-  * decision procedure could tell us cardinality of model which it found (see [[ftp://​​pub/​tinelli/​papers/​KrsGGT-TACAS-07.pdf|Combined Satisfiability Modulo Parametric Theories]]) 
-  * we only work with theories that are guaranteed to have infinite models - stable infiniteness requirement 
-**Definition:​** Theory $T$ is //stably infinite// iff for every quantifier-free formula $F$, if $T \cup \{F\}$ is satisfiable then $T \cup \{F\}$ has an infinite model. 
-In practice this is not a restriction. 
-One way to ensure this: make sure that $T$ only has infinite models by adding axioms that there exists at least $k$ elements for all $k$. 
-  * if we need to reason about some number of finitely many elements, add a unary predicate and look at elements that satisfy it 
-**Example:​** The following theories are stably infinite: 
-  * integers, rationals (in fact, they have only infinite models, because they can define irreflexive total order) 
-  * uninterpreted function symbols: add fresh elements (they do not participate in satisfying assignment of quantifier-free formula) 
-===== Combining Decision Procedures By Guessing Arrangements ===== 
-Suppose we have a collection of decision procedures for stably infinite theories. 
-Algorithm for deciding quantifier-free formulas in union of those theories: 
-  * generate a conjunction (using SAT solver) 
-  * flatten conjunction and separate it into different theories 
-  * guess an arrangement of equalities (this is additional case analysis) 
-  * apply decision procedure with its literals and the guessed arrangement 
-This method is complete for quantifier-free formulas: 
-  * if a decision procedure says UNSAT, the conjunction is UNSAT (because conjunctions given to theories are weaker than the entire conjunction) 
-  * if all conjuncts are UNSAT (for all arrangements,​ for all SAT disjuncts), the problem is UNSAT 
-  * if some conjunct, for some arrangement,​ is SAT for all decision procedures, then the Theorem above says that the entire conjunction is SAT, so problem is SAT 
-===== Convex Theories ===== 
-Convex theories are theories that allow us to avoid guessing the arrangement. 
-Idea: instead of just checking SAT/UNSAT, the decision procedure will derive all equalities that follow from the conjunction. 
-In some cases there is no single equality that follows, but only a disjunction can be derived: 
-    1 \le x \land x \le 2 \land y = 1 \land z = 2 
-implies $x=y \lor x=z$ but not any other non-trivial equality between variables. ​ We say integer linear arithmetic is a //​non-convex theory//. 
-**Definition:​** Theory $T$ is convex iff for every conjunction of literals $C$, the condition $T \land C \models \bigvee_{i=1}^n (u_i=v_i)$ implies that there exists $i$ such that  
-$T \land C \models u_i=v_i$. 
-In short, a formula in convex theory implies a disjunction iff it implies one of the disjuncts. 
-Examples of convex theories 
-  * linear arithmetic over rational numbers 
-  * quantifier-free uninterpreted functions 
-  * quantifier-free term algebras 
-===== Equality Propagation ===== 
-Instead of guessing arrangement,​ split the literals and let theories derive equalities and disjunctions of equalities, and propagate it to all other theories. 
-  * convex theories propagate only individual equalities 
-  * non-convex theories propagate disjunctions of equalities 
-This is the Nelson-Oppen technique for combining decision procedures. 
-To see completeness,​ consider the stage when no theory has new equalities or disjunctsions of equalities to report. ​ Take the conjunction of negations of all remaining atomic formulas. ​ We claim that this is satisfiable for all theories. ​ Indeed, if it was not, then the negation of this conjunction would be implied by one of the theories. 
-===== Theory Propagation ===== 
-Why derive only new equalities and rely on SAT solver to guess literals? 
-  * if theory concludes that a literal must be true, it selects it 
-  * can improve efficiency if the algorithm for theory anyway derives such information 
-Recent approach - try to propagate candidate equalities (even if they are not implied) 
-  * [[http://​​projects/​z3/​smt07.pdf|Model-based Theory Combination]],​ Leonardo de Moura and Nikolaj Bjørner, Workshop on Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT), Berlin, Germany, 2007. 
-===== Theories with Non-Disjoint Languages ===== 
-Essentially,​ what is shared between conjunctions of literals in languages in ${\cal L}_1$ and ${\cal L}_2$ is the equality symbol. ​ If more than equality is shared, then interpolation theorem tells us that we may need to exchange quantified formulas. ​ If we have quantifier elimination for the theory of shared signature, then it suffices to exchange quantifier-free formulas. 
-The correctness proof for Nelson-Oppen techniques in [[Calculus of Computation Textbook]], Section 10.4 uses a proof of Theorem stated above that would generalize to the case of some other theories that admit quantifier elimination. 
-Proof idea: 
-  * FOL has interpolation property 
-  * if the formula is unsatisfiable,​ there exists an interpolant in language ${\cal L}_1 \cap {\cal L}_2$, which generalizes the notion of //​arrangement//​ for equalities 
-  * if we have quantifier elimination for formulas in ${\cal L}_1 \cap {\cal L}_2$ with respect to $T_1 \cup T_2$, then arrangements are quantifier-free 
-Alternative method: 
-  * [[http://​​~kuncak/​papers/​WiesETAL09CombiningTheorieswithSharedSetOperations.html|On Combining Theories with Shared Set Operations]] 
-===== Complexity ===== 
-  * if each theory is convex and polynomial time (e.g. congruence closure + real linear arithmetic),​ then conjunctions can be decided in PTIME 
-  * if each theory is NP (e.g. we also allow integer linear programming),​ then (even for non-convex theories), any quantifier-free combination is in NP 
-===== References ===== 
-  * [[ftp://​​pub/​tinelli/​papers/​NieOT-JACM-06.pdf|DPLL(T) paper]]