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Substitution theorem

Recall the statement in the optional part of Homework 1.

Review of

  • semantics of first-order logic
  • definition of capture-avoiding substitution and the set of free variables
  • structural induction on algebraic data types and comparison to induction on natural numbers
  • proof of substitution theorem using structural induction
  • the case of a quantifier as a justification for the definition of capture-avoiding substitution

Quantifier elimination from Homework 2

  • the idea of Fourier-Motzkin elimination

Resolution through an example

(ALL x. EX y. R(x,y))  &
(ALL x y z. R(x,y) --> R(x, plus(x,z)))  &
(Ev(x) | Ev(plus(x,1))) -->
  (ALL x. EX y. R(x,y) & E(y))

Review of transformation to clauses, unification and resolution rule.

The meaning of completeness and soundness of resolution.