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Lecture 5 Skeleton

Basic idea of Nelson-Oppen combination

We mentioned decision procedures for

  • quantifier-free Presburger arithmetic: by small model property
  • quantifier-free uninterpreted function symbols: by congruence closure

We now show how to combine these two using Nelson-Oppen combination technique.


n = 0;
while /*: inv "ALL i. 0 <= i & i < n --> a[j] > 0" */ (n < 100) 
  a[n] = 1;
  n = n + 1;

Preservation of loop invariant: prove validity of

(ALL i. 0 <= i & i < n --> a(j) > 0) -->
(ALL i. 0 <= i & i < n+1 --> a(n:=1)(j) > 0)

or satisfiability of

(ALL i. 0 <= i & i < n --> a(i) > 0) & 
(EX i. 0 <= i & i < n+1 & a(n:=1)(j) >= 0)

Let us prove a weaker quantifier-free property (by skolemizing and instantiating the quantifier):

(0 <= i & i < n --> a(i) > 0) & 
0 <= i & i < n+1 & a(n:=1)(i) >= 0

Soundness in example.

Completeness by an example graph.

When can we merge models?

  • the same number of nodes
  • same properties on shared symbols (equality and sometimes more)

General case

In general, consider quantifier-free formulas with both linear arithmetic and uninterpreted functions.

  • disjunctive normal form
  • flatten
  • separate
  • check satisfiability separately

The harder part: proving that it is complete.

Using a SAT solver to enumerate disjunctive normal form disjuncts.

Standard for satisfiability checking of formulas, competition:

Note: we can also encode entire formula into SAT.

For more details, see Combination of Decision Procedures Summer School 2004.

Quantifier instantiation

  • Basic idea, and in the above example
  • examples of incompleteness:
f(0) & ALL x. 0 <= x & f(x)>0 --> f(x+1)>0


  • f(5)
  • ALL x. 0 ⇐ x –> f(x) > 0

The notion of formal proof

Recall (Tarski) semantics of first-order logic.

Can we avoid reasoning in metatheory?

Notion of formal proof.

Minimality and independence of axioms - not so important for us.

Proof rules for first-order logic.

  • propositional axioms
  • instantiation
  • generalization

Example: axiomatizing some set operations. Axiomatization of equality.

Two different techniques (recall we can take negation of formulas):

  • Enumerating finite models (last time) gives us a way to show formula is satisfiable
  • Enumerating proofs gives us a way to show that formula is valid: semi decision procedure (complete but non-terminating)

The gap in the middle: invalid formulas with only infinite models

  • an example with only infinite models: strict partial order with no upper bound

Resolution theorem proving

Example formula: consider case where R denotes less than relation on integers and Ev denotes that integer is even

(ALL x. EX y. R(x,y))  &
(ALL x y z. R(x,y) --> R(x, plus(x,z)))  &
(Ev(x) | Ev(plus(x,1))) -->
  (ALL x. EX y. R(x,y) & E(y))

From formulas to clauses

  • negation normal form
  • prenex form
  • Skolemization
  • conjunctive normal form

Term model and herbrand theorem.

Unification as equation solving in term algebra:

  • most general unifier

Resolution and factoring proof rules.

Theorem prover competition:

Hanbdook of Automated Reasoning: