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sav07_lecture_3_skeleton [2007/03/20 21:13]
sav07_lecture_3_skeleton [2007/03/21 10:56]
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 We can apply these rules to reduce the size of formulas. We can apply these rules to reduce the size of formulas.
-==== Abstraction ==== 
-  ​for proving properties +==== Approximation ==== 
-  * for finding errors+ 
 +If (F -> G) is value, we say that F is stronger than F and we say G is weaker than F. 
 +When a formula would be too complicated,​ we can instead create a simpler approximate formula. ​ To be sound, if our goal is to prove a property, we need to generate a *larger* relation, which corresponds to a weaker formula describing a relation, and a stronger verification condition. ​ (If we were trying to identify counterexamples,​ we would do the opposite). 
 +We can replace "​assume F" with "​assume F1" where F1 is weaker. ​ Consequences:​ 
 +  * omtiting complex if conditionals (assuming both branches can happen - as in most type systems) 
 +  * replacing complex assignments with arbitrary change to variable: because x=t is havoc(x);​assume(x=t) and we drop the assume 
 +This idea is important in static analysis. 
 ==== Symbolic execution ==== ==== Symbolic execution ====
-Symbolic execution converts programs into formulas by going forward. ​ It is therefore somewhat analogous to the way an [[interpreter]] for the language would work.  ​It is based on the notion of strongest postcondition.+Symbolic execution converts programs into formulas by going forward. ​ It is therefore somewhat analogous to the way an [[interpreter]] for the language would work.  ​
 +Avoid renaming all the time.
 +  SE(F,k, c1; c2) = SE(F & R(c1), k+1, c2)             ​(update formula)
 +  SE(F,k,(c1 [] c2); c2) = SE(F, k, c1) | SE(F,​k,​c2) ​  ​(explore both branches)
 +Note: how many branches do we get?
 +Strongest postcondition:​
 +  sp(P,r) = \{ s_2 \mid \exists s_1.\ s_1 \in P \land (s_1,s_2) \in r \}
 +Like composition of a set with a relation. ​ It's called ''​relational image''​ of set $P$ under relation $r$.
 +Note: when proving our verification condition, instead of proving that semantics of relation implies error=false,​ it's same as proving that the formula for set sp(U,r) implies error=false,​ where U is the universal relation.
 ==== Weakest preconditions ==== ==== Weakest preconditions ====
 While symbolic execution computes formula by going forward along the program syntax tree, weakest precondition computes formula by going backward. While symbolic execution computes formula by going forward along the program syntax tree, weakest precondition computes formula by going backward.
 +==== Inferring Loop Invariants ====
 +Suppose we compute strongest postcondition in a program where we unroll loop k times.
 +  * What does it denote?  ​
 +  * What is its relationship to loop invariant?
 +Weakening strategies
 +  * maintain a conjunction
 +  * drop conjuncts that do not remain true
 +  * decide that you will only loop for formulas of restricted form, as in abstract interpretation and data flow analysis (next week)
 ===== Proving quantifier-free linear arithmetic formulas ===== ===== Proving quantifier-free linear arithmetic formulas =====
 +Suppose that we obtain (one or more) verification conditions of the form
 + F\ \rightarrow\ (\mbox{error}=\mbox{false})
 +whose validity we need to prove. ​ We here assume that F contains only 
 +Note: we can check satisfiability of $F\ \land\ (\mbox{error}=\mbox{true})$.
 +==== Quantifier Presburger arithmetic ====
 +Here is the grammar:
 +  var = x | y | z | ...                    (variables)
 +  K = ... | -2 | -1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | ...      (integer constants)
 +  T ::= var | T + T | K * T                (terms)
 +  A ::= T=T | T <= T                       ​(atomic formulas)
 +  F ::= F & F |  F|F  |  ~F                (formulas)
 +To get full Presburger arithmetic, allow existential and universal quantifiers in formula as well.
 +Note: we can assume we have boolean variables (such as '​error'​) as well, because we can represent them as 0/1 integers.
 +Satisfiability of quantifier-free Presburger arithmetic is decidable.
 +Proof: small model theorem.
 +==== Small model theorem for Quantifier-Free Presburger Arithmetic (QFPA) ====
 +First step: transform to disjunctive normal form.
 +Next: reduce to integer linear programming:​
 +  A\vec x = \vec b, \qquad \vec x \geq \vec 0
 +where $A \in {\cal Z}^{m,n}$ and $x \in {\cal Z}^n$.
 +Then solve integer linear programming (ILP) problem
 +  * [[wk>​Integer Linear Programming]]
 +  * online book chapter on ILP
 +  * [[http://​​software/​glpk/​|GLPK]] tool
 +We can prove small model theorem for ILP - gives bound on search.
 +Short proof by {{papadimitriou81complexityintegerprogramming.pdf|Papadimitriou}}:​
 +  * solution of Ax=b (A regular) has as components rationals of form p/q with bounded p,q
 +  * duality of linear programming
 +  * obtains bound $M = n(ma)^{2m+1}$,​ which needs $(2m+1)(\log n + \log m + \log a)$ bits
 +  * we could encode the problem into SAT: use circuits for addition, comparison etc.
 +Note: if small model theorem applies to conjunctions,​ it also applies to arbitrary QFPA formulas.  ​
 +Moreover, one can improve these bounds. ​ One tool based on these ideas is [[http://​​~uclid/​|UCLID]].
 +Alternative:​ enumerate disjuncts of DNF on demand, each disjunct is a conjunction,​ then use ILP techniques (often first solve the underlying linear programming problem over reals). ​ Many SMT tools are based on this idea (along with Nelson-Oppen combination:​ next class).
 +  * [[http://​​acsys/​cvc3/​download.html|CVC3]] (successor of CVC Lite)
 +  * [[http://​​smtlib/​|SMT-LIB]] Standard for formulas, competition
 +==== Full Presburger arithmetic ====
 +Full Presburger arithmetic is also decidable.
 +  * Quantifier-Elimination (Omega tool from Maryland) - see homework
 +  * Automata Theoretic approaches: LASH, MONA (as a special case)
 ===== Papers ===== ===== Papers =====