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sav07_lecture_20 [2007/06/05 09:44]
sav07_lecture_20 [2007/06/05 19:22]
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   - must follow protocol: ​ (open (read+write)* close)*   - must follow protocol: ​ (open (read+write)* close)*
   - must follow protocol: (startLog stopLog)*   - must follow protocol: (startLog stopLog)*
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 Let $S$ be the set of program states and $V$ be the set of vertices in the control flow graph. Then we can describe a point in the program as: Let $S$ be the set of program states and $V$ be the set of vertices in the control flow graph. Then we can describe a point in the program as:
-where $\in S\in V$+where $\in V\in S$
 Consider the following example: Consider the following example:
-Picture will go here+{{lect20_big_step.png|}}
 $p()$ is a procedure which can described by the relation $r$: $\{(x,y), (x',​y'​) | x'=100 \wedge y'​=y\}$ $p()$ is a procedure which can described by the relation $r$: $\{(x,y), (x',​y'​) | x'=100 \wedge y'​=y\}$
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 Then we can formally define the semantics of a big step ($\mapsto$) as: Then we can formally define the semantics of a big step ($\mapsto$) as:
-$(c_{0},s_{1}) \mapsto (c_{3}, s_{2})$ ​+$(c_{1},s_{1}) \mapsto (c_{2}, s_{2})$ ​
 where $(s_{1},​s_{2}) \in r$ iff $(c_{0},​s_{1}) \rightarrow (c_{3},​s_{2})$ where $(s_{1},​s_{2}) \in r$ iff $(c_{0},​s_{1}) \rightarrow (c_{3},​s_{2})$
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 $(s, l, c, t)$ $(s, l, c, t)$
-Here $l \in L$, where $L$ is the set of local variables of a procedure. Everything would be popped off from $l$ when the procedure returns control to the callee.+Here $l \in L$, where $L$ is the set of mappings ​of local variables of a procedure ​to their values. ​ Furthermore,​ on each procedure call, the program pushes $l$ on the stack along with the program point Everything would be popped off from $l$ when the procedure returns control to the callee.
 One instance where small step semantics would be necessary is in concurrency,​ so that we can take into account interleaving. ​ One instance where small step semantics would be necessary is in concurrency,​ so that we can take into account interleaving. ​
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 In order to define procedure contracts for ''​readContent()''​ and ''​p1()''​ to ensure that this property is satisfied, we introduce an object called ''​FileState''​ which has a typestate. In typestate systems, the type of an object is allowed to change during its lifetime in the computation. In the paper [[http://​​~kuncak/​papers/​LamETAL05GeneralizedTypestateCheckingDataStructureConsistency.pdf|Generalized typestate checking for data structure consistency]],​ it says that "​unlike standard type systems, typestate systems can enforce safety properties that depend on changing object states"​. ​ In order to define procedure contracts for ''​readContent()''​ and ''​p1()''​ to ensure that this property is satisfied, we introduce an object called ''​FileState''​ which has a typestate. In typestate systems, the type of an object is allowed to change during its lifetime in the computation. In the paper [[http://​​~kuncak/​papers/​LamETAL05GeneralizedTypestateCheckingDataStructureConsistency.pdf|Generalized typestate checking for data structure consistency]],​ it says that "​unlike standard type systems, typestate systems can enforce safety properties that depend on changing object states"​. ​
-Therefore ''​FileState''​ has type ''​file''​ and two states, ''​open''​ and ''​closed''​. Using this notion, we can write the procedure contracts for the two methods as follows:+Therefore ''​FileState''​ has type ''​file''​ and two states, ''​open''​ and ''​closed''​. ​ 
 +Using this notion, we can write the procedure contracts for the two methods as follows:
   readContent()   readContent()
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   modifies: FileState   modifies: FileState
   ensures: ​ FileState = open   ensures: ​ FileState = open
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 === Convergence of automata for reachable configurations === === Convergence of automata for reachable configurations ===
-One of the main results of this paper is an algorithm which, given a set of states S, computes the set of all predecessors of S, denoted by $pre^{*}(S)$. The states in $pre^{*}(S)$ are regular, i.e. they can be represented using a finite state automaton.+One of the main results of this paper is an algorithm which, given a set of states ​$S$, computes the set of all predecessors of $S$, denoted by $pre^{*}(S)$. The states in $pre^{*}(S)$ are regular, i.e. they can be represented using a finite state automaton.
 In the paper, a pushdown system is defined as a triplet $\mathcal{P} = (P, \Gamma, \Delta)$ where In the paper, a pushdown system is defined as a triplet $\mathcal{P} = (P, \Gamma, \Delta)$ where
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 == Multi-automata == == Multi-automata ==
-A multi-automaton for a PDS $\mathcal{P}$ (MA for short) is a tuple $\mathcal{A} = (\Gamma, Q, \delta, I, F)$ where+Let $\mathcal{P} ​= (P, \Gamma, \Delta)be a PDS with $P=\{p^{1},​...,​p^{m}\}$. A multi-automaton ​(MA for short) ​for $\mathcal{P}$ ​is a tuple $\mathcal{A} = (\Gamma, Q, \delta, I, F)$ where
 $Q$ is a finite set of states $Q$ is a finite set of states
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   * if $q \stackrel{\w}{\longrightarrow} q''​$ and $q''​ \stackrel{\gamma}{\longrightarrow} q'$ then $q \stackrel{w\gamma}{\longrightarrow} q'$   * if $q \stackrel{\w}{\longrightarrow} q''​$ and $q''​ \stackrel{\gamma}{\longrightarrow} q'$ then $q \stackrel{w\gamma}{\longrightarrow} q'$
 +$\mathcal{A}$ accepts or recognizes a configuration $\langle p^{i},w \rangle$ if $s^{i} \stackrel{w}{\longrightarrow} q$ for some $q \in F$. The set of configurations recognized by $\mathcal{A}$ is denoted $Conf(\mathcal{A})$. As stated before, a set of configurations is regular if it recognized by some MA.   
 +Section 2.2 of the paper explains how, given a regular set of configurations $C$ of a PDS $\mathcal{P}$ recognized by an MA $\mathcal{A}$,​ we can construct another MA $\mathcal{A}_{pre*}$ recognizing $pre^{*}(C)$ (refer to paper for details).
 +So the idea in the end is to make $C$ include those undesirable (error) states, and then check whether $pre^{*}(C)$ includes the starting state configurations (in other words, whether any of the error states are reachable from the start state). ​
 ==== References ==== ==== References ====