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sav07_lecture_20 [2007/06/05 09:44]
sav07_lecture_20 [2007/06/05 11:02]
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 == Multi-automata == == Multi-automata ==
-A multi-automaton for a PDS $\mathcal{P}$ (MA for short) is a tuple $\mathcal{A} = (\Gamma, Q, \delta, I, F)$ where+Let $\mathcal{P} ​= (P, \Gamma, \Delta)be a PDS with $P=\{p^{1},​...,​p^{m}\}$. A multi-automaton ​(MA for short) ​for $\mathcal{P}$ ​is a tuple $\mathcal{A} = (\Gamma, Q, \delta, I, F)$ where
 $Q$ is a finite set of states $Q$ is a finite set of states
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   * if $q \stackrel{\w}{\longrightarrow} q''​$ and $q''​ \stackrel{\gamma}{\longrightarrow} q'$ then $q \stackrel{w\gamma}{\longrightarrow} q'$   * if $q \stackrel{\w}{\longrightarrow} q''​$ and $q''​ \stackrel{\gamma}{\longrightarrow} q'$ then $q \stackrel{w\gamma}{\longrightarrow} q'$
 +$\mathcal{A}$ accepts or recognizes a configuration $\langle p^{i},w \rangle$ if $s^{i} \stackrel{w}{\longrightarrow} q$ for some $q \in F$. The set of configurations recognized by $\mathcal{A}$ is denoted $Conf($\mathcal{A}$)$. As stated before, a set of configurations is regular if it recognized by some MA.