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minimization_of_state_machines [2008/09/20 18:01]
minimization_of_state_machines [2015/04/21 17:32]
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-====== Minimization of Deterministic Finite State Machines ====== 
-We consider **deterministic** [[finite state machine]] $M = (\Sigma,​Q,​\delta,​q_0,​F)$. 
-**Goal:** build a state machine $M'$ with the least number of states that accepts the language $L(M)$. 
-  * we obtain a space-efficient,​ executable representation of a regular language 
-This is the process of //​minimization//​ of $M$. 
-We say that state machine $M$ distinguishes strings $w$ and $w'$ iff it is not the case that ($w \in L(M)$ iff $w' \in L(M)$). 
-==== Minimization Algorithm ==== 
-=== Step 1: Remove unreachable states === 
-We first discard states that are not reachable from the initial state--such states are useless. ​ In resulting machine, for each state $q$ there exists a string $s$ such that $\delta(q_0,​s)=q$,​ let $s_q$ one such string of minimal length. 
-=== (Main) Step 2: Compute Non-Equivalent States === 
-We wish to merge states $q$ and $q'$ into same group as long as they "​behave the same" on all future strings $w$, i.e.  
-   ​\delta(q,​w) \in F \mbox{ iff } \delta(q',​w) \in F  \ \ \ (*) 
-for all $w$. 
-If the condition $(*)$ above holds, we called states **equivalent**. ​ If the condition does **not** hold, we call states $q$,​$q'​$ **non-equivalent**.  ​ 
-States $q$ and $q'$ are $w$-non-equivalent if it is not the case that ($\delta(q,​w) \in F \mbox{ iff } \delta(q',​w) \in F$).  ​ 
-Two states are non-equivalent iff they are $w$-non-equivalent for some string $w$. 
-Observe that  
-  - if $q \in F$ and $q' \notin F$ then $q$ and $q'$ are $\epsilon$-non-equivalent. 
-  - if $q$ and $q'$ are $w$-non-equivalent and we have $\delta(r,​a)=q$,​ $\delta(r',​a)=q'​$ for some symbol $a \in \Sigma$, then $r$ and $r'$ are $aw$-non-equivalent. 
-These two observations lead to an iterative algorithm for computing non-equivalence relation $\nu$ 
-  - initially put $\nu = (Q \cap F) \times (Q \setminus F)$  (only final and non-final states are initially non-equivalent) 
-  - repeat until no more changes: if $(r,​r'​) \notin \nu$ and there is $a \in \Sigma$ such that $(\delta(r,​a),​\delta(r',​a)) \in \nu$, then  
-   \nu := \nu \cup \{(r,​r'​)\} 
-=== Step 3: Merge States that are not non-equivalent === 
-Relation $Q^2 \setminus \nu$ is an equivalence relation $\sim$. ​  We define the '​factor automaton'​ by merging equivalent states: 
-  * the initial state is ${q_0}/​_{\sim}$ 
-  * $Q/_{\sim} = \{ \{ y \mid x \sim y \} \mid x \in Q \}$ 
-  * $F/_{\sim} = \{ \{ y \mid x \sim y \} \mid x \in F \}$ 
-  * relation $r = \{ ([x],[y]) \mid (x,y) \in \delta \}$ is a function, and we can use it to define a new deterministic automaton (there is a transition in the resulting automaton iff there is a transition between two states in the original automaton) 
-This is the minimal automaton. 
-==== Correctness of Constructed Automaton ==== 
-Clearly, this algorithm terminates because in worst case all states become non-equivalent. ​ We will prove below that the resulting value $\nu$ is the non-equivalence relation, i.e. the complement of relation given by $(*)$ above. 
-By induction, we can easily prove that if $(q,​q'​) \in \nu$, then $q$ and $q'$ are non-equivalent. ​ Similarly we can show that if $q$ and $q'$ are $w$-non-equivalent for $w$ of length $k$, then $(q,​q'​) \in \nu$ by step $k$ of the algorithm. ​ Because the algorithm terminates, this completes the proof that $\nu$ is the non-equivalence relation. 
-Consequently,​ $Q^2 \setminus \nu$ is the equivalence relation. ​ From the definition of this equivalence it follows that if two states are equivalent, then so is the result of applying $\delta$ to them.  Therefore, we have obtained a well-defined deterministic automaton. 
-==== Minimality of Constructed Automaton ==== 
-Note that if two states are non-equivalent,​ there is $w$ such that states $\delta(q_0,​s_q w)$ and $\delta(q_0,​s_{q'​} w)$ have different acceptance, so $M$ distinguishes $s_q w$ and $s_{q'​}w$. ​ Now, if we take any other state machine ​ $M' = (\Sigma,​Q',​\delta',​q'​_0,​F'​)$ with $L(M'​)=L(M)$,​ it means that $\delta'​(q'​_0,​s_q) \neq \delta'​(q'​_0,​s_{q'​})$,​ otherwise $M'$ would not distinguish $s_q w$ and $s_{q'​} w$.  So, if there are $K$ pairwise non-equivalent states in $M$, then a minimal finite state machine for $L(M)$ must have at least $K$ states. ​ Note that if the algorithm constructs a state machine with $K$ states, it means that $Q^2 \setminus \tau$ had $K$ equivalence relations, which means that there exist $K$ non-equivalent states. ​ Therefore, any other deterministic machine will have at least $K$ states, proving that the constructed machine is minimal.