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Formal Verification EPFL Course (CS-550), Fall 2019


Autumn 2019 Semester. 2h Lectures, 2h Exercises, 2h Labs. Continuous Control


In this course we introduce formal verification as an approach for developing highly reliable systems.

Formal verification finds proofs that computer systems work under all scenarios of interest. Formal verification tools help developers construct such proofs, automatically searching for proofs using theorem proving and constraint solving (using, e.g. SMT solvers), and static analysis to discover program invariants. When it succeeds, formal verification is guaranteed to identify all software errors, including, for example, security vulnerabilities or cases when the computation produces a wrong numerical or symbolic result. The best approach to obtain formally verified software is to perform formal verification while software is developed, as opposed to after the fact.

In this course we will learn how to use formal verification tools and explain the theory and the practice behind building them.

Warmup videos by others:


Importance of Reliable Systems. Methodology of Formal Verification. Soundness and Completeness in Modeling and Tools. Successful Tools and Flagship Case Studies

Review of Sets, Relations, Computability, Propositional and First-Order Logic Syntax, Semantics, Sequent Calculus.

Completeness and Semi-Decidability for First-Order Logic. Inductive Definitions and Proof Trees. Higher-Order Logic and LCF Approach.

State Machines. Transition Formulas. Traces. Strongest Postconditions and Weakest Preconditions.

Hoare Logic. Inductive Invariants. Well-Founded Relations and Termination Measures

Modeling Hardware: Verilog to Sequential Circuits

Linear Temporal Logic. System Verilog Assertions. Monitors

SAT Solvers and Bounded Model Checking

Model Checking using Binary Decision Diagrams

Loop Invariants. Hoare Logic. Statically Checked Function Contracts. Relational Semantics and Fixed-Point Semantics

Symbolic Execution. Satisfiability Modulo Theories

Abstract Interpretation and Predicate Abstraction

Information Flow and Taint Analysis

Verification of Security Protocols

Dependent and Refinement Types

Relevant Textbooks

  • Michael Huth and Mark Rayan: Logic in Computer Science - Modelling and Reasoning about Systems. Cambridge University Press 2004.
  • Handbook of Model Checking, Springer 2018. Including Chapter Model Checking Security Protocols by David Basin.
  • Tobias Nipkow, Gerwin Klein: Concrete Semantics with Isabelle/HOL.
  • Aaron Bradley and Zohar Manna: The Calculus of Computation - Decision Procedures with Applications to Verification, Springer 2007.
  • Nielson, Flemming, Nielson, Hanne R., Hankin, Chris: Principles of Program Analysis. ISBN 978-3-662-03811-6. Springer 1999.
  • Peter B. Andrews: An Introduction to Mathematical Logic and Type Theory (To Truth Through Proof), Springer 2002.

Additional Introductions and Background