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Expressing finite automaton in MSOL over strings

Consider a finite automaton with alphabet $\Sigma=\{0,1\}^n$, states $Q = \{q_0,q_1,\ldots,q_m\}$, transition relation $\Delta$, initial state $q_0$ and final states $F$.

There exists an execution of an automaton iff there exist the intermediate states given by transition relation $\Delta$. We describe intermediate states using sets $Q_0,\ldots,Q_m$, one for each state of the in $Q$. The state $Q_i$ is the set of positions in the execution at which the automaton is in state $q_i$. We encode the transition relation $\Delta$ using the formula

  \mbox{Tran} = \bigwedge (p+1) \in Q_w \leftrightarrow \bigvee \{ (p \in Q_u \land \bigwedge_{i=1}^n (p \in v_i)^{a_{ij}}) \mid (q_u,(a_1,\ldots,a_n),q_w) \in \Delta \}

Initially, the automaton is in the initial state:

  \mbox{Init} = 0 \in Q_0 \land \bigwedge_{u=1}^m (0 \notin Q_u)

and at some final position $k$ it should be in final state:

  \mbox{Final} = \bigvee_{u=0}^m (k \in Q_u)

To express the property that an automaton accepts a string whose length is given by free variable $k$ we then use formula

  \exists Q_0,\ldots, Q_m.\ \mbox{Init} \land (\forall p. p \leq k \rightarrow \mbox{Trans}) \land \mbox{Final}

Note: we need to take care of the end of the string as well, by introducing the set of all positions in the input string, often denoted $\$$.