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comfusy [2010/03/24 20:49]
comfusy [2013/10/16 18:27] (current)
mikael.mayer making-of added
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 ====== COMFUSY: COMplete FUnctional SYnthesis ====== ====== COMFUSY: COMplete FUnctional SYnthesis ======
-Comfusy ​works as plugin ​for the [[|Scala]] compiler. Comfusy was developed and tested with the version 2.7.7 of Scala (not the recent 2.8 release).+Comfusy ​is tool for synthesizing executable code from specifications in linear integer arithmetic and constraints on sets of objects. 
 +  * see [[​~kuncak/​papers/​KuncakETAL10CompleteFunctionalSynthesis.html|PLDI 2010 Paper]] for the description ​of this work
-  ​* You can download the .jar file of the plugin here: [[http://​​~psuter/​comfusy/​synthesis-plugin.jar|synthesis-plugin.jar]] (older version: [[http://​​~psuter/​comfusy/​synthesis-plugin-older.jar|synthesis-plugin-older.jar]],​ without support for parametrized linear integer arithmetic)+Comfusy works as a plugin for the [[http://​|Scala]] compiler. Comfusy was developed and tested with the version 2.7.7 of Scala (*not* the more  recent 2.8.* or 2.9.* releases). 
 +  ​* You can download the .jar file of the plugin here: [[http://​​~psuter/​comfusy/​synthesis-plugin.jar|synthesis-plugin.jar]] (older version: [[http://​​~psuter/​comfusy/​synthesis-plugin-older.jar|synthesis-plugin-older.jar]],​ without support for parametrized linear integer arithmetic)
 +  * The source code is [[https://​​epfl-lara/​comfusy|available on GitHub]] for the brave.
 ==== Examples ==== ==== Examples ====
Line 38: Line 43:
                       ^                       ^
   answer: Int = 42   answer: Int = 42
Line 49: Line 55:
   scalac -Xplugin:​synthesis-plugin.jar -classpath synthesis-plugin.jar -P:​synthesis:​nowarnings YourFile.scala   scalac -Xplugin:​synthesis-plugin.jar -classpath synthesis-plugin.jar -P:​synthesis:​nowarnings YourFile.scala
-===== On YouTube =====+(Comfusy parses Z3 models to produce a warning; versions of Z3 more recent than 2.18 may not output the proper format.)
-Comfusy has been used to synthesize a part of computation used to generate the following [[http://​​watch?​v=E2aPFdu0FNA|Happy New Year Video]]. 
 +===== On YouTube =====
 +Comfusy has been used to synthesize a part of computation used to generate the following [[http://​​watch?​v=E2aPFdu0FNA|Happy New Year 2010 Video]] (see the [[http://​​watch?​v=a6uDAdhvpRE|making-of]] at 0:47).
-===== Reports ​=====+===== People ​=====
-  * [[|Technical Report]]+The people involved in the development of Comfusy are, in alphabetical order: ​[[|Viktor Kuncak]], [[http://​​mikael.mayer|Mikaël Mayer]], [[http://​​~piskac/​|Ruzica Piskac]] and [[http://​​~psuter/​|Philippe Suter]].