D. Milovancevic, M. Bucev, M. Wojnarowski, S. Chassot and V. Kuncak. "Formal Autograding in a Classroom". In European Symposium on Programming. (ESOP), 2025. (accepted for publication)
D. Milovancevic, C. Fuhs, M. Bucev and V. Kuncak. 2024. "Proving Termination via Measure Transfer in Equivalence Checking". In Integrated Formal Methods. (iFM), 2024.
D. Milovancevic and V. Kuncak. 2023. "Proving and Disproving Equivalence of Functional Programming Assignments". In ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation. (PLDI), 2023.
S. Guilloud, M. Bucev, D. Milovancevic and V. Kuncak. 2023. "Formula Normalizations in Verification". In Computer Aided Verification. (CAV), 2023.
D. Milovancevic. 2023. "Towards Practical and Rigorous Automated Grading in Functional Programming Courses". In Women in EuroProofNet. (WEPN), 2023.
S. Gambhir, S. Guilloud, D. Milovancevic, P. Rummer and V. Kuncak. 2023. "LISA Tool Integration and Education Plans". In Artificial Intelligence and Theorem Proving. (AITP), 2023.
D. Milovancevic, M. Misic, and J. Protic. "Comparison of the Collaboration in Education and Research in the Field of Computing at the School of EE in Belgrade". Trend, Kopaonik, Serbia, 2019.
D. Zivanovic, M. Misic, D. Milovancevic, and J. Protic. 2019. "Comparative Analysis of Scientific Production in Computer Science at the University of Belgrade". Trend, Kopaonik, Serbia, 2019.
K. Ziza, D. Milovancevic, M. Misic, and J. Protic. 2018. "Applying Social Network Analysis Methods on the Modeling of Transport Lines in Belgrade". Trend, Kopaonik, Serbia, 2018.
D. Milovancevic, M. Misic, and J. Protic. "Network Analysis of Scientific Collaboration Among Employees of the School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade". Trend, Kopaonik, Serbia, 2018.