Transition System and Collecting Semantics

$v \in V$ - program counter values. Denoted $p_i$ (program point) or $v_i$ (vertex in CFG)

$s \in S$ - values of other variables

Transition system semantics:

  • state is set of pairs $(v,s) \in V \times S$
  • element of concrete lattice is a set of such pairs $c \subseteq V \times S$, i.e. $c \in 2^{V \times S}$
  • post maps set of such pairs to an extended set of such pairs, $post : 2^{V \times S} \to 2^{V \times S}$

Collecting Semantics

Take $c \in 2^{V \times S}$.

$c = \{ (v_0, s_0), (v_1,s_1), (v_1, s_2), (v_2, s_2), (v_2,s_3), (v_4, s_4)  \ldots \}$

Because $c$ is an arbitrary set, for a given $v_i$, there can be any number of $s_j$ such that $(v_i,s_j)$ is in $c$ (in fact, $c$ is a relation on $V \times S$).

We can equivalently represent this relation $c \in 2^{V \times S}$ as the following multi-valued function, by grouping all $s_j$ for a given $v_i$:

   g \in \left(2^S\right)^V

   g : V \to 2^S

   g = \{ (v_0, \{s_0\}), (v_1, \{s_1,s_2\}), (v_2,\{s_2,s_3\}), \ldots \}

Collecting semantics simply works with $(2^S)^V$ instead of $2^{V \times S}$, which is just notational change.

  • lattice element is a function $g \in (2^S)^V$ i.e. $g : V \to 2^S$
  • we have function $F : (2^S)^V \to (2^S)^V$ that transforms such functions and directly corresponds to $post$

Control-flow graph: $(V,E,r)$ where

  • $V = \{p_1,\ldots,p_n\}$ is set of program points
  • $E \subseteq V \times V$ are control-flow graph edges
  • $r : E \to 2^{PS \times PS}$, so each $r(p_1,p_2) \subseteq PS \times PS$ is relation describing the meaning of command between $p_1$ and $p_2$

Compute the big relation on global states in terms of $E$ and $r(v,v')$.

    R = \bigcup_{(v,v') \in E} \{ ((v,s),(v',s') \mid (s,s') \in r(v,v') \}

Then derive a nice expression for $sp(c,R)$ where $c \subseteq V \times S$.

   sp(c,R) = \bigcup_{(v,v') \in E} sp(c,\{ ((v,s),(v',s') \mid (s,s') \in r(v,v') \})

Now we come back to the definition of post, which was

   post(c) = Init \cup sp(c,R)

so we obtain

   post(c) = Init \cup \bigcup_{(v,v') \in E} sp(c,\{ ((v,s),(v',s') \mid (s,s') \in r(v,v') \})

Now instead of $c \subseteq V \times S$, consider $g : V \to 2^S$, and define a new sp on such different representation. Then

   sp(g,R) = g'


   g'(v') = \bigcup_{(v,v') \in E} sp(g(v),r(v,v'))

We also represent $Init$ as $g_{init} : V \to 2^S$, then we obtain function $F$ that corresponds to $post$:

   F : (V \to 2^S) \to (V \to 2^S)

   F(g)(v') = g_{init}(v') \cup \bigcup_{(v,v') \in E} sp(g(v),r(v,v'))

Note that $g_{init}(v')$ will be $\emptyset$ except at the entry into our control-flow graph.

If we compute $lfp(F)$, we obtain $g^* : V \to 2^S$ such that $g^*(v)$ gives precisely the set of all reachable states at a program point $v$. Such $g^*$ is isomorphic to $sp(Init,R^*)$.

We call this way of defining $g^*$ the collecting semantics of the program, because it collects all states for each program point. It will be convenient to define how abstract interpretation works.