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sav08:set_constraints_for_algebraic_datatype_inference [2008/05/22 12:11]
sav08:set_constraints_for_algebraic_datatype_inference [2015/04/21 17:30]
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-====== Set Constraints for Algebraic Datatype Inference ====== 
-We want that our compiler detects correctly the possible subset of types  for each function. 
-Consider data type definition 
-  type form = Atom of string 
-            | And of form * form 
-            | Or of form * form 
-            | Not of form 
-We represent values of this data type as ground terms in language $L = \{ atom,​not,​and,​or\}$. 
-Define function: 
-  let rec elimOr(f : form) : form = 
-      match f with 
-   S1: | Atom s -> Atom s 
-   S2: | And(f1,f2) -> And(elimOr f1, elimOr f2) 
-   S3: | Or(f1,f2) -> Not(And(Not(elimOr f1), Not(elimOr f2))) 
-   S4: | Not(f1) -> Not(elimOr f1) 
-We infer the subset of formulas returned by this function using set constraints. ​ Introduce set for each case of pattern matching expression. ​ Let '​res'​ denote the set of values that can be returned by the function. ​ We obtain the system of constraints:​ 
-   atom \subseteq S_1 \\ 
-   ​and(res,​ res) \subseteq S_2 \\ 
-   ​not(and(not(res),​ not(res))) \subseteq S_3 \\ 
-   ​not(res) \subseteq S_4 \\  
-   res = S_1 \cup S_2 \cup S_3 \cup S_4 
-We can prove that the least fixpoint is the same as the least fixpoint of 
-    res = atom \cup and(res,​res) \cup not(res) 
-the last expression is a description of the solution set.  We can use it later on to prove that the result does not mention '​or'​ syntax tree node. 
-  * [[http://​​~aiken/​publications/​papers/​|Type inference]]. ​ Semantics of untyped lambda calculus. 
-  * [[http://​​~aiken/​publications/​papers/​|Soft typing with conditional types]] 
-  * [[http://​​dokuwiki/​doku.php?​id=projects:​matcheck|Verifying Pattern Matching in Scala]]