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Higher-Order Logic and Interactive Provers

Lambda Calculus

Untyped Lambda Calculus

Simply Typed Lambda Calculus

Further reading:

Classical Higher-Order Logic (HOL)

Syntax and Shorthands of HOL

Standard-Model Semantics of HOL

Axioms of HOL

Results Proved in HOL

Further reading:

LCF Theorem Proving Approach

Approaches to Reliable Complex Proofs

Immutable Abstract Data Types

Theorems as Abstract Data Types

Proof and Code Generation in LCF Systems

Further reading:

  • A Metalanguage for interactive proof in LCF - ML stands for meta-Language, because it was a language for writing theorem provers that prove theorems (in object-language i.e. logic of computable functions)
  • Upcoming book “Introduction to Logic and Automated Theorem Proving” by John Harrison
  • Logic and Computation: Interactive Proof with Cambridge LCF

Overview of Interactive Provers

HOL, Isabelle

PVS - decision procedures

Coq, NuPRL - more complex type theory, constructive mathematics

ACL2 - emphasis on executable functions, quantifier-free statements, automated induction, pioneering industrial-scale case studies