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sav08:homework01 [2009/03/11 17:22]
sav08:homework01 [2015/04/21 17:30]
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-====== Homework 01 ====== 
-===== Problem 0: Simple preparatory steps ===== 
-  * If you think you may attend the class, send emails to viktor.kuncak and ruzica.piskac saying that you plan to attend, so that we put you into system (e.g., wiki, grading). ​ If at any point you wish to be removed from our mailing list, we will of course do that promptly. 
-  * Make sure you have access to a working [[http://​​|Scala language]] installation and learn how to use [[http://​​intro/​caseclasses.html|Pattern Matching in Scala]]. ​ Some very simple examples that use pattern matching is this binary search in Scala: 
-sealed abstract class BST { 
-  def contains(key:​ Int): Boolean = (this : BST) match {  
-    case Node(left: BST,value: Int, _) if key < value => left.contains(key) 
-    case Node(_,​value:​ Int, right: BST) if key > value => right.contains(key) 
-    case Node(_,​value:​ Int, _) if key == value => true 
-    case e : Empty => false 
-  } 
-case class Empty extends BST 
-case class Node(val left: BST, val value: Int, val right: BST) extends BST 
-object BinarySearchTree { 
-  def main(args: Array[String]):​ Unit = 
-    if (Node(Node(Empty(),​3,​Empty()),​5,​Empty()).contains(3)) println("​Inside"​) 
-    else println("​Outside"​) 
-You should be able to save this file as BinarySearchTree.scala,​ compile it with "​scalac BinarySearchTree.scala",​ run it with "scala BinarySearchTree",​ and obtain as a result "​Inside"​. 
-  * for fun, test [[piVC tool]] and on BinarySearch.pi example (install piVC if needed) 
-  * for fun, use [[Isabelle theorem prover]] to prove the [[Proofs and Induction#​Example|example from class]] (install Isabelle if needed) 
-      * you may also wish to check the tutorial and this [[http://​​browser_info/​current/​HOL/​BinarySearchTree/​BinaryTree_TacticStyle.html|Binary Search Tree example]] 
-  * for fun, Use formDecider.opt from [[:Jahob system]] to prove the same [[Proofs and Induction#​Example|example from class]], as well as the examples in Exercises (install [[:Jahob system]] as well as provers CVC3 and E if needed) 
-  * if you log into your EPFL account, the Jahob verifier should be accessible by invoking: 
-~kuncak/​software/​bin/​verify --help 
-===== Problem 1 ===== 
-Recall [[Proving Correctness of Some Small Examples]] from the class. ​ Consider the following annotated procedure that computes multiplication of arguments, but iterates backwards: 
-private static int fi3(int x, int y) 
-/*: requires "x >= 0 & y >= 0" 
-    ensures "​result = x * y" */ 
-  int r = 0; 
-  int i = y; 
-  while //: inv "​..."​ 
-     (i > 0) { 
-    i = i - 1; 
-    r = r + x; 
-  } 
-  return r; 
-Write a loop invariant for this procedure that is sufficient to prove the postcondition //result = x * y//.  Prove that the invariant satisfies all three conditions in the [[Notion of Inductive Loop Invariant]]. 
-===== Problem 2 ===== 
-The following is a skeleton of an iterative version to the recursive procedure in [[Proving Correctness of Some Small Examples]]. 
-private static int fip(int x, int y) 
-/*: requires "x >= 0 & y >= 0" 
-    ensures "​result = x * y" */ 
-  int y1 = y; 
-  int a = x; 
-  int r = 0; 
-  while /*: inv "​..."​ */ 
-     (y1 > 0) { 
-    if (y1 % 2 != 0) { 
-      r = ... 
-      y1 = ... 
-    } 
-    y1 = ... 
-    a = ... 
-  } 
-  return r; 
-Complete the code with appropriate expressions,​ find the loop invariant, and prove that it satisfies all three conditions in the [[Notion of Inductive Loop Invariant]]. 
-===== Problem 3 ===== 
-Consider the definition of abstract syntax trees for [[Propositional Logic Informally|propositional formulas]] in [[http://​|Scala]],​ built from operators for negation, conjunction,​ disjunction,​ and implication. 
-Write the evaluation function that takes a mapping from variable names to truth values and returns the truth value of the formula. 
-You can find a skeleton that is a good starting point for this problem and the next one in file {{Propositional.scala.txt}} (remove the "​.txt"​ file name suffix after saving the file). 
-===== Problem 4 ===== 
-Negation-normal form of a propositional formula contains only conjunction,​ disjunction,​ and negation operators. ​ Such formula should not contain implication operator. ​ Moreover, negation only can only apply to variables and not to other formulas. ​ The following tautologies can be used to transform formula to negation normal form: 
-  \lnot (p \land q) \leftrightarrow (\lnot p) \lor (\lnot q) \\ 
-  p \leftrightarrow ​ \lnot (\lnot p) \\ 
-  (p \rightarrow q) \leftrightarrow ((\lnot p) \lor q) \\ 
-  \lnot (p \lor q) \leftrightarrow (\lnot p) \land (\lnot q) 
-Extend the solution for the previous problem with a function that takes formula syntax tree and transforms it into an equivalent formula in negation-normal form.  For example, the function should transform formula $\lnot (p \rightarrow \lnot q)$ into formula $p \land q$. 
-Write also code that tests transformation to normal form by repeating several times the following steps: 
-  * generate a random assignment to propositional variables of the formula 
-  * compare the truth value of the original and of the transformed formula 
-===== Optional Problem 5 ===== 
-Consider [[:regular expression]]s with variables denoting subsets of $\Sigma^*$ where $\Sigma=\{0,​1\}$. ​ Define function $W$ that takes such a regular expression and replaces ​ 
-  * each constant 0 with some relation $r_0$ and each constant 1 with some relation $r_1$ 
-  * for each variable $L$ denoting a subset of $\Sigma^*$, replaces all of its occurrences with a relation variable $r_L$, denoting relations on $S$ 
-  * replaces regular set union with relation union $\cup$ 
-  * replaces concatenation with relation composition $\circ$ 
-  * replaces language iteration star with transitive closure $*$ 
-For example 
-   ​W({(p+qp)*}\,​ p) = (r_p \cup (r_q \circ r_p))^* \circ r_p 
-Is it the case that that if an equality $r_1 = r_2$ holds for all values of variables representing subsets of $\Sigma^*$, then $W(r_1) = W(r_2)$ holds for all values of relation variables? ​ If so, prove it.  If not, give a counterexample.