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parcon18:project8 [2018/05/07 08:20] (current)
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 +==== Handout ====
 +To start, first download the assignment:
 +[[http://​​~dockermoocs/​bigdata/​|]]. For
 +this assignment, you also need to download some data (133 MB):
 +[[http://​​~dockermoocs/​bigdata/​wikipedia.dat|http://​​~dockermoocs/​bigdata/​wikipedia.dat]] and place it in the folder: ''​src/​main/​resources/​wikipedia''​ in your
 +project directory.
 +**Do not commit the wikipedia.dat file to your repository.** This is very important, so I repeat:
 +**Do not commit the wikipedia.dat file to your repository.** Git is not made for handling large files, and this would likely cause you many problems. We will see how to ignore this large file in git...
 +=== Git procedure ===
 +First, create the branch for this assignment and switch to that branch. You can verify that you are on the correct branch using ''​git branch''​.
 +Then, we will update (or add) a git configuration file to tell git to ignore the large data file you have just downloaded.
 +To tell git to ignore this file, you can update (or create, if it doesn'​t exist yet) the ''​.gitignore''​ file of your repository, which should be located at the root of your repository.
 +Add the following line to it:
 +  src/​main/​resources/​
 +Then, every file in the ''​src/​main/​resources''​ directory will be ignored by git!
 +You can now safely add the handout to the repository and commit.
 +===== Wikipedia =====
 +In this assignment, you will get to know Spark by exploring full-text Wikipedia
 +Gauging how popular a programming language is important for companies judging
 +whether or not they should adopt an emerging programming language. For that reason,
 +industry analyst firm RedMonk has bi-annually computed a ranking of programming
 +language popularity using a variety of data sources, typically from websites like
 +GitHub and StackOverflow. See their
 +[[http://​​sogrady/​2016/​07/​20/​language-rankings-6-16/​|top-20 ranking for June 2016]]
 +as an example.
 +In this assignment, we'll use our full-text data from Wikipedia to produce a
 +rudimentary metric of how popular a programming language is, in an effort to see
 +if our Wikipedia-based rankings bear any relation to the popular Red Monk rankings.
 +You'll complete this exercise on just one node (your laptop), but you can also head
 +over to [[https://​​|Databricks Community Edition]] to
 +experiment with your code on a "​micro-cluster"​ for free.
 +==== Set up Spark ====
 +For the sake of simplified logistics, we'll be running Spark in "​local"​ mode. This
 +means that your full Spark application will be run on one node, locally, on your
 +To start, we need a ''​SparkContext''​. A ''​SparkContext''​ is the
 +"​handle"​ to your cluster. Once you have a ''​SparkContext'',​ you can use it
 +to create and populate RDDs with data.
 +To create a ''​SparkContext'',​ you need to first create a
 +''​SparkConfig''​ instance. A ''​SparkConfig''​ represents the
 +configuration of your Spark application. It's here that you must specify that you
 +intend to run your application in "​local"​ mode. You must also name your Spark
 +application at this point. For help, see the
 +[[https://​​docs/​2.0.0/​api/​scala/​index.html#​org.apache.spark.package|Spark API Docs]].
 +Configure your cluster to run in local mode by implementing ''​val conf''​
 +and ''​val sc''​.
 +==== Read-in Wikipedia Data ====
 +There are several ways to read data into Spark. The simplest way to read in data
 +is to convert an existing collection in memory to an RDD using the
 +''​parallelize''​ method of the Spark context. In this exercise, we will use the ''​textFile''​ method of ''​sc''​ instead.
 +We have already implemented a method ''​parse''​ in the object
 +''​WikipediaData''​ object that parses a line of the dataset and turns it into a ''​WikipediaArticle''​.
 +Create an ''​RDD''​ (by implementing ''​val wikiRdd''​) which contains
 +the ''​WikipediaArticle''​ objects of ''​articles''​.
 +==== Compute a ranking of programming languages ====
 +We will use a simple metric for determining the popularity of a programming
 +language: the number of Wikipedia articles that mention the language at least once.
 +=== Rank languages attempt #1: rankLangs ===
 +== Computing ''​occurrencesOfLang''​ ==
 +Start by implementing a helper method ''​occurrencesOfLang''​ which computes
 +the number of articles in an ''​RDD''​ of type ''​RDD[WikipediaArticles]''​
 +that mention the given language at least once. For the sake of simplicity we check
 +that it least one word (delimited by spaces) of the article text is equal to the given
 +== Computing the ranking,​ ''​rankLangs''​ ==
 +Using ''​occurrencesOfLang'',​ implement a method ''​rankLangs''​ which
 +computes a list of pairs where the second component of the pair is the number of
 +articles that mention the language (the first component of the pair is the name of
 +the language).
 +An example of what ''​rankLangs''​ might return might look like this, for
 +    List(("​Scala",​999999),​("​JavaScript",​1278),​("​LOLCODE",​982),​("​Java",​42))
 +The list should be sorted in descending order. That is, according to thisranking,​
 +the pair with the highest second component (the count) should be thefirst element
 +of the list.
 +Pay attention to roughly how long it takes to run this part! (It should take
 +tens of seconds.)
 +=== Rank languages attempt #2: ''​rankLangsUsingIndex''​ ===
 +== Compute an inverted index ==
 +An inverted index is an index data structure storing a mapping from content,
 +such as words or numbers, to a set of documents. In particular, the purpose of
 +an inverted index is to allow fast full text searches. In our use-case, an
 +inverted index would be useful for mapping from the names of programming
 +languages to the collection of Wikipedia articles that mention the name at
 +least once.
 +To make working with the dataset more efficient and more convenient, implement
 +a method that computes an "​inverted index" which maps programming language names
 +to the Wikipedia articles on which they occur at least once.
 +Implement method ''​makeIndex''​ which returns an RDD of the following type:
 +''​RDD[(String,​ Iterable[WikipediaArticle])]''​. This RDD contains pairs,
 +such that for each language in the given ''​langs''​ list there is at most
 +one pair. Furthermore,​ the second component of each pair (the ''​Iterable''​)
 +contains the ''​WikipediaArticles''​ that mention the language at least once.
 +//Hint:// You might want to use methods ''​flatMap''​ and
 +''​groupByKey''​ on ''​RDD''​ for this part.
 +== Computing the ranking,​ ''​rankLangsUsingIndex''​ ==
 +Use the ''​makeIndex''​ method implemented in the previous part to
 +implement a faster method for computing the language ranking.
 +Like in part 1, ''​rankLangsUsingIndex''​ should compute a list of pairs
 +where the second component of the pair is the number of articles that mention
 +the language (the first component of the pair is the name of the language).
 +Again, the list should be sorted in descending order. That is, according to
 +this ranking, the pair with the highest second component (the count) should
 +be the first element of the list.
 +//Hint:// method ''​mapValues''​ on ''​PairRDD''​ could be useful
 +for this part.
 +Can you notice a performance improvement over attempt #2? Why?
 +=== Rank languages attempt #3: ''​rankLangsReduceByKey''​ ===
 +In the case where the inverted index from above is //​only//​ used for computing
 +the ranking and for no other task (full-text search, say), it is more efficient
 +to use the ''​reduceByKey''​ method to compute the ranking directly,
 +without first computing an inverted index. Note that the ''​reduceByKey''​
 +method is only defined for RDDs containing pairs (each pair is interpreted as
 +a key-value pair).
 +Implement the ''​rankLangsReduceByKey''​ method, this time computing the
 +ranking without the inverted index, using ''​reduceByKey''​.
 +Like in part 1 and 2, ''​rankLangsReduceByKey''​ should compute a list
 +of pairs where the second component of the pair is the number of articles that
 +mention the language (the first component of the pair is the name of the language).
 +Again, the list should be sorted in descending order. That is, according to
 +this ranking, the pair with the highest second component (the count) should
 +be the first element of the list.
 +Can you notice an improvement in performance compared to measuring both the
 +computation of the index and the computation of the ranking as we did in
 +attempt #2? If so, can you think of a reason?