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Closure properties of finite state machines

If we have some number of finite state machines, we show how to create a finite state machine whose language is union, intersection, complement, concatenation, or iteration of the languages of these state machines.


Let $A = (\Sigma,Q,\Delta,q_0,F)$. Let $\lnot A = (\Sigma,Q,\Delta,q_0,Q \setminus F)$. Then $L(\lnot A) = \Sigma^* \setminus L(A)$.
This is only true if A is a deterministic FSM. If A is nondeterministic, we must first convert it into an equivalent deterministic FSM, then take the complement. This can result in an exponential blowup of the number of states.


Put two machines together disjointly, with a new initial state that has epsilon transitions to the original initial states. Let $A = (\Sigma, Q_A, q_0^A, \Delta_A, F_A)$ and $B = (\Sigma, Q_B, q_0^B, \Delta_B, F_B)$.
Then the union of the two automata will be $C=(\Sigma, Q_A \cup Q_B, q_0, \Delta_A \cup \Delta_B \cup \{(q_0,\epsilon, q_0^A), (q_0,\epsilon, q_0^B)\}, F_A \cup F_B)$.


Product of state spaces for deterministic machines.
For nondeterministic machines, must use DeMorgan's laws with complementation and union. Note that every time we want to complement an machine, we must determinize it first.


Put one machine after another, with epsilon transitions from the accepting states of the first machine to the start state of the second machine.
The new accepting states are those of the second machine.


Create a new initial state and put a loop around the existing machine.


Deterministic versus non-deterministic machines in input and output.

Cost of complementation. Cost of determinization.