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ws1s_expressive_power_and_quantifier_elimination [2007/06/29 11:24]
ws1s_expressive_power_and_quantifier_elimination [2007/07/11 18:42] (current)
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-* why the problem is interesting 
-deciding WS1S - done through automata construction (mona)\\ 
-main problem: quantifier elimination\\ 
-is there another way of QE? - can we characterize relations in WS1S in some other way?\\ 
-WS1S too big: look at a smaller subset of the language\\ 
-our L: characterize unary relations, binary relations,​...n-ary\\  ​ 
-* what was done before 
-* what the main idea is 
-* what you did (precise description) 
-* the most surprising/​interesting things you found 
-* limitations 
-* future directions 
-look at other subsets of WS1S, whole of WS1S 
-$N = \{0,​1,​2,​\ldots\}$ 
-Recall the syntax for WS1S: 
- F ::= v \subseteq v \mid s(v,v) \mid F \lor F \mid \lnot F \mid \exists v.F 
-The language $L^R$ is the language of WS1S with the restriction that there are no free second-order (set) variables. 
-A w-relation is a relation on first-order variables expressible in $L^R$. 
-**The W-Problem** 
-Characterize the set of w-relations expressible in $L^R$. 
-We want to characterize the set by proving that a w-relation is recognized by an automaton (with parallel input) ​ 
-that accepts strings of the form ABC where the length of B is completely described by a union of a 
-finite number of sets S(a,b) for some finite number of tuples (a,b) for given constants a and b. 
-Here, $S(a,b) = \{ a + k b, k \in \mathbb{N} \}$. 
-**Terminology clarification** 
-Define a set $S$ to be ultimately periodic iff its characteristic function $x \mapsto \mbox{if}\ x\in S\ \mbox{then} \ 1\ \mbox{else}\ 0$ is ultimately periodic. 
-A sequence $s : N \to \{0,1\}$ is ultimately periodic iff there exists $n_0 \in N$ and $v \in N$ such that $\forall n \geq n_0.\ s_n = s_{n+v}$. 
-Let $S(a,b) = \{ a + k b, k \in \mathbb{N} \}$. 
-Observe that a set is ultimately periodic iff it is a union of a finite number of sets of the form $S(a,b)$. 
-  * Consider an ultimately periodic set $S$ with some $v$ and $n_0$. Consider the set $I \subseteq \{1,​\ldots,​n_0-1\}$ of numbers $i < n_0$ belonging to $S$, and the set $J \subseteq \{n_0,​\ldots,​n_0+v-1\}$ of numbers $j$ between $n_0$ and $n_0+v-1$ belonging to $S$. Then $S=\bigcup_{i \in I}\{i+0k\ |\ k\in \mathbb{N}\} \cup \bigcup_{j \in J}\{j+vk\ |\ k\in \mathbb{N}\}.$\\ 
-  * We prove the other side of the equivalence by induction.\\ 
-Base Case: Clearly $S(a,b)$ is ultimately periodic ($n_0 = a$, $v=b$).\\ 
-Induction: The union of an ultimately periodic set ($n_{0old}$,​ $v_{old}$) and a set of the form $S(a,b)$ is an ultimately periodic set with $n_0 = \max(n_{0old},​a)$ and $v=b\times v_{old}.$ TO EXPLAIN WITH MORE DETAIL IF NOT OBVIOUS 
-**Little Problem** 
-Let L be a regular language over an alphabet $\Sigma$ and 
-$M = \{ |w|,  w \in L \}$ 
-be the set of lengths of words in L.  Prove that M is a union of a 
-finite number of sets S(a,b) for some finite number of tuples (a,b). 
-Here, $S(a,b) = \{ a + k b, k \in \mathbb{N} \}$. 
-We prove the claim by induction on the structure of the regular expression representing the language.\\ 
-Notation: We say that a set has property F if it is a union of finitely many sets S(a,b) for some tuples (a,b). 
-We say a language L (or the corresponding regular expression) has property P if its set of lengths M has property F.\\ 
-Hence, we need to prove that any regular language has property P. 
-Recall that Regular Expressions over an alphabet $\alpha^*$ are all strings over the alphabet $\{\Sigma \cup \{(,),\phi, \cup, *\}\}$ that can be obtained as follows:\\ 
-(1) $\phi$ and each member of $\alpha$ is a regular expression.\\ 
-(2) If $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are regular expressions,​ then so is their concatenation:​ $(\alpha\beta)$.\\ 
-(3) If $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are regular expressions,​ then so is their union: $(\alpha \cup \beta)$.\\ 
-(4) If $\alpha$ is a regular expression, then so is its Kleene closure: $\alpha*$.\\ 
-(5) Nothing is a regular expression unless it follows from (1) through (4).\\ 
-A Regular Language, $L$ is generated as follows:\\ 
-(1) $L(\phi) = \phi$ and $L(a) = a$ for each $a \in \Sigma$.\\ 
-(2) If $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are regular expressions,​ then $L((\alpha\beta)) = L(\alpha)L(\beta)$.\\ 
-(3) If $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are regular expressions,​ then $L((\alpha \cup \beta)) = L(\alpha) \cup (\beta)$.\\ 
-(4) If $\alpha$ is a regular expression, then $L((\alpha)*) = L(\alpha)*$.\\ 
-**Base Case:**\\ 
-The length of a single character in $\Sigma$ is 1. Thus the length of any word corresponding to a single character belongs to the set $\{1+0.k, k \in \mathbb{N}\}$. Hence any such word has property P. 
-To prove the inductive step, we need the following lemma: 
-**Lemma 1**  
-The set $S=\{a+bk_1+ck_2\}$ where $k_1, k_2 \in N$ satisfies property F, that is, $S$ is equal to a union of finitely many sets of the form $\{\alpha + \beta k\}$, $k \in N$. 
-**Proof of Lemma 1** 
-Consider the following two (mutually disjoint and exhaustive) cases: 
-For $b,c,d \in \mathbb{N}$,​ 
-(1) gcd(b,​c)=1\\ 
-(2) gcd(b,c)=d, $d\neq 1$,  
-Case (1): gcd(b,c)=1 
-Consider the numbers contained in the set $\{bk_1 + ck_2\}.$ ​ 
-Any such number is congruent to $ck_2 \pmod{b}.$ ​ 
-Letting $k_2$ range over $0,​\ldots,​b-1\}$,​ we obtain for each value of $k_2$ a distinct congruence class $\pmod{b}$: $[0], [c], 2c],​\ldots,​[(b-1)c].$ 
-The congruence classes are distinct by the following argument: assume there exist $j$ and $l$ such that $0\leq j,l<b$ and $jc=lc \pmod{b}.$ Then $jc+m b = lc + n b$ for some $m,n.$ Hence $(l-j)c = (m-n)b.$ Since b divides $(n-m)b,$ it must divide $(l-j)c.$ But gcd(b,c)=1 hence b must divide $l-j$. But $l-j<b$, hence we must have $l-j=0.$\\ 
-Since there are b distinct congruence classes $\pmod{b},$ the set $\{bk_1 + ck_2\}$ contains all natural numbers beyond $n_0 = (b-1)(c-1)$. 
-This is because of the following theorem from Elementary Number Theory: If gcd(b,c)=1 and n >= (b-1)(c-1). ​ Then bx+cy=n has a 
-non-negative solution, that is, one in which both x and y are non-negative integers. 
-There are also finitely many numbers below $n_0$ that are contained in the set $\{bk_1 + ck_2\}$ (For example, $0$ is in the set).    
-Hence, the set $\{a + bk_1 + ck_2\}$ is equal to the union of a finite number of constants (less than $a + n_0$) and the set $\{a + n_0 + k\}$. Each constant $c$ can be represented in the set $\{c + 0.k, k\in \mathbb{N}\}$. 
-In other words, if gcd(b,c) = 1, then the set $S=\{a+bk_1+ck_2\}$ where $k_1, k_2 \in N$ satisfies property F. 
-Case(2): gcd(b,c)=d, $d\neq 1$ 
-Any number of the form $bk_1 + ck_2$ can be written as $d(mk_1 + nk_2)$ where $b = md$ and $c = nd$ and $gcd(m,n) = 1$. From (1), we know that the set $T = (mk_1 + nk_2)$ satisfies property F. The set $d(mk_1 + nk_2)$ can be obtained from $T$ by multiplying the constant factors (a and b) in each set of $T$ by $d$ and so, satisfies property F. 
-Hence, if gcd(b,c) = d , then the set $S=\{a+bk_1+ck_2\}$ where $k_1, k_2 \in N$ satisfies property F. 
-**Inductive step:**\\ 
-We prove that the operations union, concatenation and Kleene closure ​ 
-of two regular expressions satisfying property P yield a regular expression satisfying property P. 
-Let $r_1$ and $r_2$ be two regular expressions satisfying property P. Then, their corresponding sets of lengths $M_1$ and $M_2$ satisfy property F. The set of lengths $M$ of $r=r_1 \cup r_2$ is simply $M=M_1 \cup M_2$. Hence $r$ satisfies property P. 
-Let $r_1$ and $r_2$ be two regular expressions satisfying property P. Then, their corresponding sets of lengths $M_1$ and $M_2$ satisfy property F. The set of lengths of $r=r_1r_2$ is the finite set $Q = \{t_1 + t_2, t_1 \in M_1 \mbox, t_2 \in M_2\}.$ This set contains elements of the form $a_1 + bk_1 + a_2 + ck_2= a + bk_1 + ck_2.$ ​ By Lemma 1, $\{a+bk_1+ck_2\}$ satisfies property F. Set Q therefore, also satisfies property F. Thus, $r$ satisfies property P. 
-Kleene Closure: 
-Let $r$ be a regular expression satisfying property P. Let the corresponding set of lengths be $M$ that satisfies property F. $M = \bigcup_{n} m_i$ where $m_i$ is a set of the form S(a,b) and $n$ is finite. The regular expression $r*$ can contain any number of repetitions (including zero) of any of the sub-regular expressions. Hence, the possible lengths of words in $r*$ is given by $M* = \Sigma_{n} m_ik_i$ where $k_i \in \mathbb{N}$. Each term of this summation is of the form $(a_i + kb_i)k_i$ where $k, k_i \in \mathhbb{N}$. ​ 
-Consider one such term: $(a + kb)k_1$. For different values of $k$, we get terms of the form: $ak_1, (a + b)k_1, (a + 2b)k_1, (a + 3b)k_1,...$ 
-Any number of the form $(a + nb)k$ can also be obtained from $ak_1 + (a +b)k_2 = a(k_1 + k_2) + bk_2$ by choosing the constants appropriately:​ $k = k_1 + k_2, nk = k_2$ 
-Thus, the term $(a + kb)k_1$ can be written as $ak_1 + (a +b)k_2$ 
-(Example: Consider the regular expression: $r = (aaa(aaaaa)*)$. The set of lengths of words corresponding to its language is ${3 + 5k, k \in \mathbb{N}}$. The corresponding set for $r*$ is ${3k_1 + 8k_2, k_1, k_2 \in \mathbb{N}}$.)\\ 
-So, $M* = \Sigma_{n} a_ik_i + c_ik_j$ where $c_i = a_i + b_i$. From lemma 1, we know that the sum of any two terms in this summation is a set that satisfies property F.  
-Thus, $M*$ is the sum of finitely many sets: each set satisfying property F. We can repeatedly combine the terms of all these sets and by the argument in the case for concatenation,​ we know that the resulting set also satisfies property F. Hence, $M*$ satisfies property F. 
-Since, any regular expression can be constructed only by the application of the above three steps: Union, Concatenation and Kleene Closure, the language corresponding to any regular expression satisfies property P. 
-**The unary case for the W-problem** 
-We consider the special case of a unary relation on natural numbers corresponding to a formula $F(x)$ with only one free variable $x$. 
-This formula defines a set $S=\{x\ |\ F(x)\}.$\\ 
-**Claim:** Set S is ultimately periodic.\\ 
-Given formula $F(x)$, there exists and automaton A with input alphabet $\{0,1\}$ which accepts the string $0^{x-1}10^*$ iff $F(x)=\mbox{true}.$\\ 
-We define the automaton $A^*$ on $\{0,1\}$ which accepts the string $0^{x-1}1$ iff $F(x)=\mbox{true}.$ Note that $x=|0^{x-1}1|$.\\ 
-Note that the language corresponding to $0^{x-1}1,\ F(x)=\mbox{true}$ is regular iff the language corresponding to $0^{x-1}10^*,​\ F(x)=\mbox{true}$ is regular. Indeed, if $0^{x-1}1$ is regular then $0^{x-1}10^*$ is the concatenation of the regular expressions $0^{x-1}1$ and $0^*$ and hence is regular. Conversely, if $0^{x-1}10^*$ is regular, then the language corresponding to $0^{x-1}1$ is the intersection of the languages corresponding to the regular expressions $0^{x-1}10^*$ and $0^*1$, and hence is regular.\\ 
-Furthermore,​ $A^*$ accepts string $0^{x-1}1$ iff $A$ accepts strings $0^{x-1}10^*$.\\ 
-Consider the language $L$ of $A.$ By the Little Problem, the set of lengths $M_L$ of words in $L$ is a finite union of linear sets $S_i(a,b).$ For all $i$, the set $S_i(a,b)$ is the set of lengths of a subset of the words accepted by $A$, all of the form $0^{x-1}1$. Since $x=|0^{x-1}1|$,​ $S_i(a,b)$ is a subset of the integers $x$ such that $0^{x-1}1$ is accepted by A, i.e. a subset of S. Furthermore,​ the finite disjoint union $\bigcup_{i}S_i(a,​b)=M_L$ contains exactly all lengths of words accepted by $A$, hence $\bigcup_{i}S_i(a,​b)$ contains exactly all integers $x$ such that $0^{x-1}1$ is accepted by A, i.e. $\bigcup_{i}S_i(a,​b)=S$.\\ 
-S is thus a finite union of linear sets $S_i(a,b).$ Hence by definition, S is ultimately periodic.\\ 
-**The binary case for the W-problem** Consider a binary relation $R(x,y)$ in $L_R$ and the corresponding formula $F(x,y)$ with two free variables $x$ and $y$. $F(x,y)$ defines a set $Q=\{(x,​y)|\ F(x,y)\}$. Elements of the set $Q$ are recognized by an automaton $A$ with parallel inputs and input alphabet $\Sigma = \{\binom{0}{0},​\binom{0}{1},​\binom{1}{0},​\binom{1}{1}\}$. The language L of A is a subset of the regular language corresponding to $\binom{0}{0}^*\binom{1}{0}\binom{0}{0}^*\binom{0}{1}\binom{0}{0}* + \binom{0}{0}^*\binom{0}{1}\binom{0}{0}^*\binom{1}{0}\binom{0}{0}^* + \binom{0}{0}^*\binom{1}{1}\binom{0}{0}^*$. Thus the input string to the automaton is of the form $\binom{0}{0}^{k_1}\binom{1}{0}\binom{0}{0}^{k_2}\binom{0}{1}\binom{0}{0}^{k_3}$ or $\binom{0}{0}^{k_4}\binom{0}{1}\binom{0}{0}^{k_5}\binom{1}{0}\binom{0}{0}^{k_6}$ or $\binom{0}{0}^{k_7}\binom{1}{1}\binom{0}{0}^{k_8}$.\\ 
-**Claim** A pair $(x,y)$ belongs to some set $Q=\{(x,​y)|\F(x,​y)\}$ for some $F$ iff the sets $\{k_i\}_i$ of possible lengths of the exponents $k_i$ are ultimately periodic.\\ 
-**Proof** ​ 
-  * **Only if**: Let $(x,y)$ belong to $Q=\{(x,​y)|\F(x,​y)\}$. There exists an automaton A with parallel inputs which accepts the corresponding input string.\\ 
-W.l.o.g, assume $x \leq y.$ Then the input string can be of one of the two forms:\\ 
-(a)$\binom{0}{0}^{k_1}\binom{1}{0}\binom{0}{0}^{k_2}\binom{0}{1}\binom{0}{0}^{k_3}$ \\ 
-case (a): We want to show that the sets {k_1}, {k_2} and {k_3} are ultimately periodic. Due to the little problem, it is sufficient to show that the language generated by the unary alphabet $\binom{0}{0}$:​ $\binom{0}{0}^{k_i},​ i = 1,2,3$ is regular. 
-We show that $\binom{0}{0}^{k_2}$ is regular by constructing an accepting automaton, $A = (\Sigma, \delta, s, f, S)$. Let $M = (\Sigma^{'​},​ \delta^{'​},​ s^{'}, f^{'}, S^{'​})$ be the automaton that accepts the original input string (a). Let $q$ be the accepting run in $M$. In $q$, there exists a unique state $s$ such that $\delta^{'​}(m,​ \binom{1}{0}) = n$ where $m$,$n$ are states in $q$. Define $s = n$. Similarly there exists $\delta^{'​}(g,​ \binom{0}{1}) = h$. Define $f = g$. $S$ contains all the states of $S^{'​}$ that are in $q$ between $s$ and $f$. And, $\delta$ is the restriction of $\delta^{'​}$ to the transitions in $q$ between $s$ and $f$. $\Sigma = \{\binom{0}{0}\}$. Thus the automaton is defined unambiguously. 
-We can similarly construct automata for the languages $\binom{0}{0}^{k_1}$ and $\binom{0}{0}^{k_3}$. In the former case, the start state corresponds to $s^{'​}$ and the final state is the state (in $q$) from which there is a transition on consuming $\binom{1}{0}$. In the latter case, the final state corresponds to $f^{'​}$ and the start state is that state in $q$ that is reached after consuming $\binom{0}{1}$. ​ 
-The construction of the automata for case (c) are along the same lines. 
-**If**: If $\{k_i\}$ is an ultimately periodic set. then the expression $p^k$ where $p$ belongs to a unary alphabet and $k \in \{k_i\}$ is a regular expression. This is because for each set $S(a,b)$ one can construct a regular expression (ppp...a times) concatenated with the kleene closure of (ppp...b times). Since $\{k_i\}$ is the finite union of sets of the form $S(a,b)$, one can construct a regular expression which is the union of all the regular expressions formed as described above. Thus, $\binom{0}{0}^{k}$ is a regular expression for $k \in \{k_i\}$. 
-We now extend our alphabet to include $\binom{1}{0}$,​ $\binom{0}{1}$ and $\binom{1}{1}$. The above argument for $\binom{0}{0}^{k}$ still holds. (a), (b) and (c) are all regular expressions formed by concatenation. Thus, the input strings are accepted by finite automata. They are satisfying interpretations of some formula in $L^R$ because (a) can be written as $\exists k_1, k_2, x = k_1 \wedge y = x + k_2$, and (b) is simply $x = y$. (c) is symmetric to (a). 
-The above reasoning can be extended to the n-ary case. The input string has n non-zero elements and n+1 expressions of the form $(\{(0...0)^{-1}\})^k$. A tuple $(x_1, x_2,​...x_n)$ belongs to an n-ary relation iff the possible values of each exponent $k$  forms an ultimately periodic set. 
 +{{report1.pdf|Expressive Power of a Fragment of WS1S}}