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sav08:applications_of_quantifier_elimination [2008/04/16 22:44]
sav08:applications_of_quantifier_elimination [2015/04/21 17:30] (current)
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 ====== Applications of Quantifier Elimination ====== ====== Applications of Quantifier Elimination ======
-===== Deciding ​Formulas ​=====+Quantifier elimination works by eliminating quantifiers and produces an equivalent formula. 
 +**Example:​** By eliminating quantifier over $x$ from the formula 
 +    \exists x. x \ge 0 \land x + y = z 
 +we obtain formula 
 +    y \le z 
 +**Example:​** By eliminating all quantifiers from the formula 
 +    \forall x. \forall y. (x \le y \rightarrow (x+1 \le y+1)) 
 +we obtain the formula '​true'​. 
 +**Example:​** By eliminating quantifier $\forall D$ from the formula 
 +    (\forall D. 
 +     A \subseteq D \land B \subseteq D\ \rightarrow\ C \subseteq D) 
 +we obtain formula 
 +    C \subseteq A \cup B 
 +We review several uses of quantifier elimination. 
 +===== Deciding ​Formula Validity and Satisfiability using Quantifier Elimination ​=====
 **Quantified formulas:​** ​ **Quantified formulas:​** ​
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   * Check satisfiability of negation   * Check satisfiability of negation
-Reduction to satisfiability:​ 
-  * often we have better algorithms for quantifier-free fragments 
-  * then for quantified formula we just reduce remove "​quantifier alternations"​ (obtain only one block of existential quantifiers) 
-===== Do we need quantifiers? ​=====+Often we have better algorithms for quantifier-free fragments. 
 +In such cases, we stop when we obtain formulas that has only existential quantifiers. 
 +  * for quantified formula the goal becomes to remove all quantifiers except for innermost existential quantifiers 
 +===== The Purpose of Quantifiers ​=====
 Suppose we want to describe a set of states of an integer program manipulating varibles $x,​y$. ​ We describe it by a formula $F(x,y)$ in theory admitting QE. Suppose we want to describe a set of states of an integer program manipulating varibles $x,​y$. ​ We describe it by a formula $F(x,y)$ in theory admitting QE.
-\[ +\begin{equation*} 
-    S = \{ (x,y) \mid F(x,y) +    S = \{ (x,y) \mid F(x,​y) ​\} 
 Then there is equivalent formula $F'​(x,​y)$ that contains no quantifiers,​ so it defines same set of states: Then there is equivalent formula $F'​(x,​y)$ that contains no quantifiers,​ so it defines same set of states:
     S = \{ (x,y) \mid F'​(x,​y) \}     S = \{ (x,y) \mid F'​(x,​y) \}
-\] +\end{equation*} 
-Are quantifiers ​useless+Are quantifiers ​useful when there is qe
-  * to an extent+  * to an extent, qe does show quantifiers are not necessary
   * $F'$ can be (more than) exponentially larger than $F$   * $F'$ can be (more than) exponentially larger than $F$
-  * sometimes quantifiers ​are natural+  * sometimes quantifiers ​naturally come up when encoding the problem 
 ===== Quantifier Elimination in Relation Composition ===== ===== Quantifier Elimination in Relation Composition =====
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 What class of relations is defined by integer programs without loops in the syntax of [[Simple Programming Language]] ? What class of relations is defined by integer programs without loops in the syntax of [[Simple Programming Language]] ?
-++++|  ​Formulas ​in Presburger arithmetic.+++++|  ​The class given by formulas ​in Presburger arithmetic.
 ++++ ++++
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 What does quantifier elimination tell us about representations of such formulas? What does quantifier elimination tell us about representations of such formulas?
 ===== Quantifier Elimination for Optimization ===== ===== Quantifier Elimination for Optimization =====
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 //​Optimization problems// try to find a maximum or minimum of some function, subject to given constraints. //​Optimization problems// try to find a maximum or minimum of some function, subject to given constraints.
-In [[Homework08]] ​you explore ​how you can (in principle) use quantifier elimination for optimization.+[[Homework08|problem 1]] in this homework shows how to (in principle) use quantifier elimination for optimization.
 Example reference: Example reference:
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 ===== Interpolation ===== ===== Interpolation =====
-We have observed before that, if a theory ​has has quantifier elimination,​ then it also has interpolants.+**Definition of Interpolant:​** 
 +Given two formulas $F$ and $G$, such that $\models F \rightarrow G$, an interpolant for $(F,G)$ is a formula $H$ such that: \\ 
 +1) $\models F \rightarrow H$ \\ 
 +2) $\models H \rightarrow G$ \\ 
 +3) $FV(H)\subseteq FV(F) \cap FV(G)$  
 +{{sav08:​mcmillaninterpolation.pdf|Paper on Interpolation in Verification}} 
 +Here are two **simple ways to construct an interpolant:​** 
 +  * We can quantify existentially all variables in $F$ that are not in $G$. 
 +$H_{min} \equiv elim(\exists p_1, p_2, ..., p_n.\  F)$ where $\{p_1, p_2, ..., p_n \}\ = FV(F)\backslash FV(G)$ \\ 
 +  * We can quantify universally all variables in $G$ that are not in $F$. 
 +$H_{max} \equiv elim(\forall q_1, q_2, ..., q_m.\ G)$ where $\{q_1, q_2, ..., q_m \}\ = FV(G)\backslash FV(F)$ \\ 
 +**Definition:​** ${\cal I}(F,G)$ denote the set of all interpolants for $(F,G)$, that is, 
 +   {\cal I}(F,G) = \{ H \mid H \mbox{ is interpolant for $(F,G)$ \} 
 +**Theorem:​** The following properties hold for $H_{min}$, $H_{max}$, ${\cal I}(F,G)$ defined above: 
 +  - $H_{min} \in {\cal I}(F,G)$ 
 +  - $\forall H \in {\cal I}(F,G).\ \models (H_{min} \rightarrow H)$ 
 +  - $H_{max} \in {\cal I}(F,G)$ 
 +  - $\forall H \in {\cal I}(F,G).\ \models (H \rightarrow H_{max})$ 
 +We have observed before that, if a theory has quantifier elimination,​ then it also has interpolants.
 Therefore, all theories in the [[List of Theories Admitting QE]] have interpolants. ​ (But interpolants may exist even if there is no quantifier elimination.) Therefore, all theories in the [[List of Theories Admitting QE]] have interpolants. ​ (But interpolants may exist even if there is no quantifier elimination.)
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   * [[http://​​content/​n674875430157r80/​|A New Approach for Automatic Theorem Proving in Real Geometry]]   * [[http://​​content/​n674875430157r80/​|A New Approach for Automatic Theorem Proving in Real Geometry]]
 +  * [[:Harrison textbook]]