====== ELDARICA ====== ---- NEW: GitHub link: https://github.com/uuverifiers/eldarica ---- | [[http://www.public.asu.edu/~camartin/plants/Plant%20html%20files/pinuseldarica.html|{{ eldarica.jpg?150| }}]] | {{reachability.png?100}} | | A real Eldarica Tree | A reachability tree created by **Eldarica** for the \\ mutual exclusion protocol with arbitrary number of clients | \\ \\ **Eldarica** Eldarica is a predicate abstraction engine. It generates the abstract reachability tree (ART) using lazy abstraction with Cartesian abstraction. It uses the [[http://www.philipp.ruemmer.org/princess.shtml|Princess]] interpolating prover to refine the set of predicates. Besides Princess, Eldarica is able to use [[http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/redmond/projects/z3/|Z3]] as a theorem prover for constructing an abstraction of the program. For the Z3 connection, Eldarica uses [[https://github.com/psuter/ScalaZ3/|ScalaZ3]]. Eldarica can take as input a subset of Scala, or logical representations such as [[http://nts.imag.fr/|Numerical Transition Systems]] and [[https://svn.sosy-lab.org/software/sv-benchmarks/trunk/clauses/|Horn clauses]]. ==== Download ==== \\ You can download Eldarica from the following link. * (October 2012): ({{eldarica-1429.jar.gz|JAR file}}) (sp-1429) * (January 2013): ({{eldarica-1799.jar.gz|JAR file}}) (sp-1799) * (March 2013): ({{eldarica-1930.jar.gz|JAR file}}) (sp-1930) * (July 2013): ({{eldarica-2063.jar.gz|JAR file}}) (sp-2063) * (February 2014): ({{eldarica-2305.jar.gz|JAR file}}) (sp-2305) We have released the Eldarica source code under the BSD 3-Clause license on [[https://github.com/uuverifiers/eldarica/|Github]]. We won't post the new releases in this webpage anymore. ==== Related Links ==== \\ * [[http://richmodels.epfl.ch/ntscomp/ntslib|Nts]] benchmarks. * [[http://www-verimag.imag.fr/FLATA.html|Flata]]. * Some {{horn-benchmarks.tar.gz|Horn}} clauses. * [[horn-nonrec-benchmarks|Non-recursive Horn benchmarks.]] * [[horn-parametric-benchmarks|Parametric Time Automata Horn benchmarks.]] * [[https://svn.sosy-lab.org/software/sv-benchmarks/trunk/clauses/LIA/Eldarica/|Horn clauses]] in SMT-LIB format. ==== Running ==== \\ * Verification of the horn benchmark FILENAME.horn: java -jar eldarica.jar FILENAME.horn -horn -hin -princess * Verification of the horn benchmark FILENAME.horn using the bottom-up approach: java -jar eldarica.jar FILENAME.horn -horn -hin -princess -bup * Verification of the nts benchmark FILENAME.nts: java -jar eldarica.jar FILENAME.nts -i -princess * Verification of the nts benchmark FILENAME.nts using conversion to Horn clauses: java -jar eldarica.jar FILENAME.horn -horn -princess * Converting the nts benchmark FILENAME.nts to Horn clauses: java -jar eldarica.jar FILENAME.nts -horn -p ==== Authors ==== \\ **Eldarica** is being developed and maintained at LARA by [[http://icwww.epfl.ch/~hojjat/| Hossein Hojjat]] with contributions from [[http://www.philipp.ruemmer.org/|Philipp Ruemmer]] and Filip Konecny.