Dragana Milovancevic
Doctoral Assistant, Laboratory for Automated Reasoning and Analysis (LARA), EPFL
Mailing address: EPFL IC LARA BC 355, Station 14, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Email: dragana.milovancevic@epfl.ch
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0003-0795-881X
CV: dragana-milovancevic.pdf
About me:
I'm a PhD student in the LARA group at EPFL, under the supervision of Viktor Kuncak. My research interests are in the field of formal verification, and include equivalence checking and automated grading.
D. Milovancevic, M. Bucev, M. Wojnarowski, S. Chassot and V. Kuncak. "Formal Autograding in a Classroom". In European Symposium on Programming. (ESOP), 2025. (accepted for publication)
D. Milovancevic, C. Fuhs, M. Bucev and V. Kuncak. 2024. "Proving Termination via Measure Transfer in Equivalence Checking". In Integrated Formal Methods. (iFM), 2024.
S. Guilloud, M. Bucev, D. Milovancevic and V. Kuncak. 2023. "Formula Normalizations in Verification". In Computer Aided Verification. (CAV), 2023.
D. Milovancevic and V. Kuncak. 2023. "Proving and Disproving Equivalence of Functional Programming Assignments". In ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation. (PLDI), 2023.
Full publication list (including workshop papers and early papers in Serbian)
EPFL (as a Doctoral Assistant)
- Functional Programming: Fall 2022, Fall 2021 (head TA), Fall 2020
- Parallelism and Concurrency: Spring 2022 (head TA), Spring 2021
- Practice of Object-Oriented Programming: Spring 2020
University of Belgrade (as a Teaching Assistant)
- Functional Programming: Spring 2019 (instructor and head TA)
- Computer Graphics: Spring 2019 (head TA), Spring 2018 (head TA)
- Intelligent Systems: Fall 2018, Fall 2017
- Computer Systems Performance: Spring 2018
- Object-Oriented Programming 1: Fall 2017
- Algorithms and Data Structures 1/2: Spring 2019, Fall 2018, Spring 2018
- Programming 1/2: Spring 2019, Fall 2018, Spring 2018, Fall 2017
University of Belgrade (as a Student Assistant)
- Practicum in Programming 1/2: Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2016, Spring 2017
- Algorithms and Data Structures 1/2: Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2016, Spring 2017
- Object-Oriented Programming 1/2: Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2016, Spring 2017
- Computer Architecture and Organization 1: Fall 2016
- Databases 1: Fall 2016
- Software Design: Fall 2016