
  author = {Simon Guilloud and Viktor Kun\v{c}ak},
  title = {Orthologic with Axioms},
  year = {2024},
  issue_date = {January 2024},
  publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  volume = {8},
  number = {POPL},
  journal = {Proc. ACM Program. Lang. (POPL)},
  month = {jan},
  keywords = {Decision procedures, Logic and decidability, Verification, Orthologic}
  author = {Simon Guilloud and Sankalp Ghambhir and Viktor Kun\v{c}ak},
  title = {Interpolation and Quantifiers in Ortholattices},
  booktitle = {Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI)},
  year = 2024,
  publisher = {Springer International Publishing}
  author = {Rodrigo Raya and Jad Hamza and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {On the Complexity of Convex and Reverse Convex Prequadratic Constraints},
  booktitle = {24th Int. Conf. Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR)},
  year = 2023
  author = {Simon Guilloud and Sankalp Ghambir and Viktor Kun\v{c}ak},
  title = {LISA -- A Proof Assistant Embedded in Scala},
  booktitle = {Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP)},
  year = 2023
  author = {Simon Guilloud and Mario Bucev and Dragana Milovan\v{c}evi\'{c} and Viktor Kun\v{c}ak},
  title = {Formula Normalizations in Verification},
  booktitle = {Computer-Aided Verification (CAV)},
  year = 2023
  author = {Dragana Milovan\v{c}evi\'{c} and Viktor Kun\v{c}ak},
  title = {Proving and Disproving Equivalence of Functional Programming Assignments},
  booktitle = {ACM SIGPLAN Conf. Programming Language Design and Implementation  (PLDI)},
  year = 2023
  author = {Mario Bucev and Viktor Kun\v{c}ak},
  title = {Formally Verified {Q}uite {OK} {I}mage Format},
  booktitle = {Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD)},
  year = 2022
  title = {From Verified {S}cala to {STIX} File System Embedded Code using {S}tainless},
  author = {Jad Hamza and Simon Felix and Viktor Kun\v{c}ak and Ivo Nussbaumer and Filip Schramka},
  pages = {18},
  year = {2022},
  abstract = {We present an approach for using formal methods in  embedded systems and its evaluation on a case study. In our  approach, the developers describe the system in a  restricted subset of the high-level programming language  Scala. We then use 1) a verification system to formally  prove properties of such Scala program, and 2) a  source-to-source translator to map Scala to C code. We have  adapted the Stainless verification system to support  constructs for describing embedded software (more machine  integer types and early returns) and to support  verification patterns needed for embedded systems code  (array swap operation, pre-allocated and initialized  memory, constant-length arrays). The implemented C code  translator generates code that can be compiled with  compilers such as GCC and integrated into larger C  applications. We evaluate our approach on a case study of a  file system of an instrument on the Solar Orbiter  satellite. We have ported around a thousand lines of C code  to Scala. We wrote specification and proof hints to make  the code verify. Stainless verified the absence of run-time  errors, as well as function preconditions, postconditions,  and data structure invariants. The generated C code was  integrated into the existing code base and exhibits very  similar code size, memory use, and performance. In this  process we identified multiple bugs in the well-tested code  base, which were fixed in-orbit.},
  booktitle = {NASA Formal Methods (NFM)},
  url = {http://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/292424}
  author = {Simon Guilloud and Viktor Kun\v{c}ak},
  title = {Equivalence Checking for Orthocomplemented Bisemilattices in Log-Linear Time},
  booktitle = {TACAS},
  abstract = {We present a quasilinear time algorithm to decide the word problem on a natural algebraic structures we call orthocomplemented bisemilattices, a subtheory of boolean algebra. We use as a base a variation of Hopcroft, Ullman and Aho algorithm for tree isomorphism which we combine with a term rewriting system to decide equivalence of two terms. We prove that the rewriting system is terminating and confluent and hence the existence of a normal form, and that our algorithm is computing it. We also discuss applications and present an effective implementation in Scala.},
  year = 2022
  author = {Schmid, Georg Stefan
and Kun{\v{c}}ak, Viktor},
  editor = {Finkbeiner, Bernd
and Wies, Thomas},
  title = {Generalized Arrays for {S}tainless Frames},
  booktitle = {Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI)},
  year = {2022},
  publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
  pages = {332--354},
  abstract = {We present an approach for verification of programs with shared mutable references against specifications such as assertions, preconditions, postconditions, and read/write effects. We implement our tool in the Stainless verification system for Scala.},
  isbn = {978-3-030-94583-1}
  author = {Raya, Rodrigo
and Kun{\v{c}}ak, Viktor},
  editor = {Finkbeiner, Bernd
and Wies, Thomas},
  title = {{NP} Satisfiability for Arrays as Powers},
  booktitle = {Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI)},
  year = {2022},
  publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
  pages = {301--318},
  abstract = {We show that the satisfiability problem for the quantifier-free theory of product structures with the equicardinality relation is in NP. As an application, we extend the combinatory array logic fragment to handle cardinality constraints. The resulting fragment is independent of the base element and index set theories.},
  isbn = {978-3-030-94583-1}
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and
               Jad Hamza},
  title = {Stainless Verification System Tutorial},
  booktitle = {Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, {FMCAD} 2021, New Haven,
               CT, USA, October 19-22, 2021},
  pages = {2--7},
  publisher = {{IEEE}},
  year = 2021,
  doi = {10.34727/2021/isbn.978-3-85448-046-4\_2}
  author = {Romain Edelmann and Jad Hamza and Viktor Kun\v{c}ak},
  title = {Zippy {LL(1)} Parsing with Derivatives},
  booktitle = {ACM SIGPLAN Conf. Programming Language Design and Implementation  (PLDI)},
  year = 2020
  author = {Jad Hamza and Nicolas Voirol and Viktor Kun\v{c}ak},
  title = {{System FR}: Formalized Foundations for the {Stainless} Verifier},
  journal = {Proc. ACM Program. Lang},
  number = {OOPSLA},
  year = {2019},
  month = {November},
  doi = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3360592}
  author = {Jad Hamza and Viktor Kun\v{c}ak},
  title = {Minimal Synthesis of String to String Functions from Examples},
  booktitle = {Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation ({VMCAI})},
  pages = {48--69},
  year = {2019},
  doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-11245-5\_3}
  author = {Mika\"el Mayer and Viktor Kun\v{c}ak and Ravi Chugh},
  title = {Bidirectional Evaluation with Direct Manipulation},
  journal = {Proc. ACM Program. Lang},
  number = {OOPSLA, Article 127},
  year = {2018},
  month = {November}
  author = {Andrew Reynolds and Tim King and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Solving quantified linear arithmetic by counterexample-guided instantiation},
  journal = {Formal Methods in System Design (FMSD)},
  year = 2017
  author = {Andrew Reynolds and Viktor Kuncak and Cesare Tinelli and Clark Barrett and Morgan Deters},
  title = {Refutation-based synthesis in {SMT}},
  journal = {Formal Methods in System Design (FMSD)},
  year = 2017
  author = {Mika{\"e}l Mayer and Jad Hamza and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {{Proactive Synthesis of Recursive Tree-to-String Functions from Examples}},
  booktitle = {31st European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2017)},
  pages = {19:1--19:30},
  series = {Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs)},
  isbn = {978-3-95977-035-4},
  issn = {1868-8969},
  year = {2017},
  volume = {74},
  editor = {Peter M{\"u}ller},
  publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik},
  address = {Dagstuhl, Germany},
  url = {http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2017/7257},
  urn = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-72575},
  doi = {10.4230/LIPIcs.ECOOP.2017.19},
  annote = {Keywords: programming by example, active learning, program synthesis}
  author = {Darulova, Eva and Kuncak, Viktor},
  title = {Towards a Compiler for Reals},
  journal = {ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. (TOPLAS)},
  issue_date = {March 2017},
  volume = {39},
  number = {2},
  month = {March},
  year = {2017},
  issn = {0164-0925},
  pages = {8:1--8:28},
  articleno = {8},
  numpages = {28},
  doi = {10.1145/3014426},
  publisher = {ACM},
  address = {New York, NY, USA}
  author = {Ravichandhran Madhavan and Sumith Kulal and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Contract-Based Resource Verification for Higher-order Functions with Memoization},
  booktitle = {ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL)},
  year = 2017
  author = {Georg Stefan Schmid and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {{SMT}-Based Checking of Predicate-Qualified Types for {S}cala},
  booktitle = {Scala Symposium},
  year = 2016
  author = {Manos Koukoutos and Etienne Kneuss and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {An Update on Deductive Synthesis and Repair in the Leon Tool},
  booktitle = {5th Workshop on Synthesis},
  year = 2016
  author = {Lars Hupel and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Translating Scala Programs to Isabelle/HOL (System Description)},
  booktitle = {International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR)},
  year = 2016
  author = {Ivan Kuraj and Viktor Kuncak and Daniel Jackson},
  title = {Programming with Enumerable Sets of Structures},
  booktitle = {OOPSLA},
  year = 2015
  author = {Tihomir Gvero and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Synthesizing Java Expressions from Free-Form Queries},
  booktitle = {OOPSLA},
  year = 2015
  author = {Ravichandhran Madhavan and Mikael Mayer and Sumit Gulwani and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Automating Grammar Comparison},
  booktitle = {OOPSLA},
  year = 2015
  author = {Etienne Kneuss and Manos Koukoutos and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Deductive Program Repair},
  booktitle = {Computer-Aided Verification (CAV)},
  year = 2015
  author = {Andrew Reynolds and Morgan Deters and 
Viktor Kuncak and Cesare Tinelli and Clark Barrett},
  title = {Counterexample Guided Quantifier Instantiation for Synthesis in {SMT}},
  booktitle = {Computer-Aided Verification (CAV)},
  year = 2015
  author = {Nicolas Voirol and Etienne Kneuss and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Counter-Example Complete Verification for Higher-Order Functions},
  booktitle = {Scala Symposium},
  year = 2015
  author = {R\'egis Blanc and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Sound Reasoning about Integral Data Types with a Reusable {SMT} Solver Interface},
  booktitle = {Scala Symposium},
  year = 2015
  author = {Tihomir Gvero and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Interactive Synthesis Using Free-Form Queries (Tool Demonstration)},
  booktitle = {International Conference on Software Engineering ({ICSE})},
  year = 2015
  author = {Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Developing Verified Software Using {Leon} (Invited Contribution)},
  booktitle = {{NASA} Formal Methods (NFM)},
  year = 2015
  author = {Andrew Reynolds and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Induction for {SMT} Solvers},
  booktitle = {Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI)},
  year = 2015
  author = {Andrew Reynolds and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {On Induction for {SMT} Solvers},
  institution = {EPFL},
  year = 2014,
  number = {EPFL-REPORT-201755}
  author = {Tihomir Gvero and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {On Synthesizing Code from Free-Form Queries},
  institution = {EPFL},
  year = 2014,
  number = {EPFL-REPORT-201606}
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Etienne Kneuss and Emmanouil Koukoutos},
  title = {Synthesizing Functions from Relations in {Leon} (Invited Contribution)},
  booktitle = {Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR)},
  year = 2014
  author = {Ivan Kuraj and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {SciFe: Scala Framework for Efficient Enumeration of Data Structures with Invariants},
  booktitle = {Scala Workshop},
  year = 2014
  author = {Emmanouil Koukoutos and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Checking Data Structure Properties Orders of Magnitude Faster},
  booktitle = {Runtime Verification (RV)},
  year = 2014
  author = {Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Verifying and Synthesizing Software with Recursive Functions (Invited Contribution)},
  booktitle = {41st International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP)},
  year = 2014
  author = {Ravichandhran Madhavan and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Symbolic Resource Bound Inference for Functional Programs},
  booktitle = {Computer Aided Verification (CAV)},
  year = 2014
  author = {Ravichandhran Madhavan and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {On Template-Based Inference of Rich Invariants in {L}eon},
  institution = {EPFL},
  year = 2013,
  number = {EPFL-REPORT-190578},
  month = {November}
  author = {Eva Darulova and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Sound Compilation of Reals},
  booktitle = {ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL)},
  year = 2014
  author = {Etienne Kneuss and Viktor Kuncak and Ivan Kuraj and Philippe Suter},
  title = {Synthesis Modulo Recursive Functions},
  booktitle = {OOPSLA},
  year = 2013
  author = {Mika\"el Mayer and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Game Programming by Demonstration},
  booktitle = {SPLASH Onward!},
  year = 2013
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and R\'egis Blanc},
  title = {Interpolation for Synthesis on Unbounded Domains},
  booktitle = {Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD)},
  year = 2013
  author = {Eva Darulova and Viktor Kuncak and Rupak Majumdar and Indranil Saha},
  title = {Synthesis of Fixed-Point Programs},
  booktitle = {Embedded Software (EMSOFT)},
  year = 2013
  author = {Etienne Kneuss and Viktor Kuncak and Philippe Suter},
  title = {Effect Analysis for Programs with Callbacks},
  booktitle = {Fifth Working Conference on Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments},
  year = 2013
  author = {Philipp R\"ummer and Hossein Hojjat and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Classifying and Solving Horn Clauses for Verification},
  booktitle = {Fifth Working Conference on Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments},
  year = 2013
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Etienne Kneuss and Philippe Suter},
  title = {Executing Specifications using Synthesis and Constraint Solving (Invited Talk)},
  booktitle = {Runtime Verification (RV)},
  year = 2013
  author = {R\'egis William Blanc and Etienne Kneuss and Viktor Kuncak and Philippe Suter},
  title = {An Overview of the {Leon} Verification System: Verification by Translation to Recursive Functions},
  booktitle = {Scala Workshop},
  year = 2013
  author = {Andrej Spielmann and Andres N\"{o}tzli and Christoph Koch and Viktor Kuncak and Yannis Klonatos},
  title = {Automatic Synthesis of Out-of-Core Algorithms},
  booktitle = {SIGMOD},
  year = 2013
  author = {R\'egis William Blanc and Etienne Kneuss and Viktor Kuncak and Philippe Suter},
  title = {On Verification by Translation to Recursive Functions},
  institution = {EPFL},
  year = 2013,
  number = {EPFL-REPORT-186233}
  author = {Etienne Kneuss and Viktor Kuncak and Ivan Kuraj and Philippe Suter},
  title = {On Integrating Deductive Synthesis and Verification Systems},
  institution = {EPFL},
  year = 2013,
  number = {EPFL-REPORT-186043}
  author = {Philipp R\"ummer and Hossein Hojjat and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Disjunctive Interpolants for Horn-Clause Verification},
  booktitle = {Computer Aided Verification (CAV)},
  year = 2013
  author = {Tihomir Gvero and Viktor Kuncak and Ivan Kuraj and Ruzica Piskac},
  title = {Complete Completion using Types and Weights},
  booktitle = {ACM SIGPLAN Conf. Programming Language Design and Implementation  (PLDI)},
  year = 2013
  author = {Milena Vujo\v{s}evi\'{c}-Jani\v{c}i\'{c} and Mladen Nikoli\'{c} and Du\v{s}an To\v{s}i\'{c} and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Software Verification and Graph Similarity for Automated Evaluation of Students' Assignments},
  journal = {Information and Software Technology},
  year = 2013
  author = {Swen Jacobs and Viktor Kuncak and Phillippe Suter},
  title = {Reductions for Synthesis Procedures},
  booktitle = {Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI)},
  year = 2013,
  abstract = {A synthesis procedure acts as a compiler for declarative
specifications. It accepts a formula describing a relation
between inputs and outputs, and generates a function
implementing this relation.  This paper presents synthesis
procedures for data structures.  Our procedures are
reductions that lift a synthesis procedure for the elements
into synthesis procedures for containers storing these
elements.  We introduce a framework to describe synthesis
procedures as systematic applications of inference rules. We
show that, by interpreting both synthesis problems and
programs as relations, we can derive and modularly prove
transformation rules that are widely applicable, thus
simplifying both the presentation and the correctness
  author = {Eva Darulova and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Certifying Solutions for Numerical Constraints},
  booktitle = {Runtime Verification (RV)},
  year = 2012,
  abstract = {A large portion of software is used for numerical
computation in mathematics, physics and engineering.  Among
the aspects that make verification in this domain difficult
is the need to quantify numerical errors, such as roundoff
errors and errors due to the use of approximate numerical
methods.  Much of numerical software uses self-stabilizing
iterative algorithms, for example, to find solutions of
nonlinear equations.  To support such algorithms, we present
a runtime verification technique that checks, given a
nonlinear equation and a tentative solution, whether this
value is indeed a solution to within a specified precision.
Our technique combines runtime verification approaches with
information about the analytical equation being solved.  It
is independent of the algorithm used for finding the
solution and is therefore applicable to a wide range of
problems.  We have implemented our technique for the Scala
programming language using our affine arithmetic library and
the macro facility of Scala 2.10.
  author = {Hossein Hojjat and Radu Iosif and
  Filip Kone\v{c}n\'{y} and Viktor Kuncak and Philipp R\"ummer},
  title = {Accelerating Interpolants},
  booktitle = {Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA)},
  year = 2012,
  abstract = {We present Counterexample-Guided Accelerated Abstraction
Refinement (CEGAAR), a new algorithm for verifying infinite-state
transition systems.  CEGAAR combines interpolation-based predicate 
discovery in counterexample-guided predicate abstraction with
acceleration technique for computing the transitive closure of
loops. CEGAAR applies acceleration to dynamically discovered
looping patterns in the unfolding of the transition system, and
combines overapproximation with underapproximation. It constructs
inductive invariants that rule out an infinite family of spurious
counterexamples, alleviating the problem of divergence in predicate
abstraction without losing its adaptive nature. We present theoretical
and experimental justification for the effectiveness of CEGAAR,
showing that inductive interpolants can be computed from classical
Craig interpolants and transitive closures of loops. We present an
implementation of CEGAAR that verifies integer transition
systems. We show that the resulting implementation robustly handles a
number of difficult transition systems that cannot be handled using
interpolation-based predicate abstraction or acceleration alone.}
  author = {Hossein Hojjat and Filip Konecny and Florent Garnier and Radu Iosif and Viktor Kuncak and Philipp Ruemmer},
  title = {A Verification Toolkit for Numerical Transition Systems (Tool Paper)},
  booktitle = {16th International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM)},
  year = 2012,
  publisher = {Springer},
  abstract = {This paper reports on an effort to create benchmarks and a toolkit for
rigorous verification problems, simplifying tool integration and
eliminating ambiguities of complex programming language constructs. We
focus on Integer Numerical Transition Systems (INTS), which can
be viewed as control-flow graphs whose edges are annotated by
Presburger arithmetic formulas. We describe the syntax, semantics, a
front-end, and a first release of benchmarks for such transition
systems. Furthermore, we present Flata and Eldarica,
two new verification tools for INTS. The Flata system is based on
precise acceleration of the transition relation, while the
Eldarica system is based on predicate abstraction with
interpolation-based counterexample-driven refinement. The
Eldarica verifier uses the Princess theorem prover
as a sound and complete interpolating prover for Presburger
arithmetic. Both systems can solve several examples for which previous
approaches failed and present a useful baseline for verifying integer
programs. Our infrastructure is publicly available; we hope that it
will spur further research, benchmarking, competitions, and
synergistic communication between verification tools.}
  author = {Andrej Spielmann and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Synthesis for Unbounded Bitvector Arithmetic},
  booktitle = {International Joint Conference on Automated 
Reasoning (IJCAR)},
  year = 2012,
  series = {LNAI},
  publisher = {Springer},
  abstract = {We propose to describe computations using QFPAbit, a language of quantifier-free linear arithmetic on unbounded integers with bitvector operations. We describe an algorithm that, given a QFPAbit formula with input and output variables denoting integers, generates an efficient function from a sequence of inputs to a sequence of outputs, whenever such function on integers exists. The starting point for our method is a polynomial-time translation mapping a QFPAbit formula into the sequential circuit that checks the correctness of the input/output relation. From such a circuit, our synthesis algorithm produces solved circuits from inputs to outputs that are no more than singly exponential in size of the original formula. In addition to the general synthesis algorithm, we present techniques that ensure that, for example, multiplication and division with large constants do not lead to an exponential blowup, addressing a practical problem with a previous approach that used the MONA tool to generate the specification automata.}
  author = {Rachid Guerraoui and Viktor Kuncak and Giuliano Losa},
  title = {Speculative Linearizability},
  booktitle = {ACM SIGPLAN Conf. Programming Language Design and Implementation  (PLDI)},
  abstract = {Linearizability is a key design methodology for reasoning
about implementations of concurrent abstract data types in
both shared memory and message passing systems.  It provides
the illusion that operations execute sequentially and
fault-free, despite the asynchrony and faults inherent to a concurrent system, especially a distributed
one. A key property of linearizability is inter-object 
composability: a system composed of linearizable objects is itself linearizable.
However, devising linearizable objects is very
difficult, requiring complex algorithms to work
correctly under general circumstances, and often resulting
in bad average-case behavior.  Concurrent algorithm
designers therefore resort to speculation: optimizing algorithms
to handle common scenarios more efficiently. 
The outcome are even more complex protocols, for which it is
no longer tractable to prove their correctness.
To simplify the design of efficient yet robust linearizable protocols,
we propose a new notion: \emph{speculative linearizability}. This property is as general as
linearizability, yet it allows intra-object composability: the correctness of independent protocol phases implies the correctness of their composition.
In particular,
it allows the designer to focus solely on the proof of
an optimization and derive the
correctness of the overall protocol from the correctness of
the existing, non-optimized one.  
Our notion of protocol phases allows
processes to independently switch from one phase to another,
without requiring them to reach agreement
to determine the change of a phase.  
To illustrate the
applicability of our methodology, we show how 
examples of speculative algorithms for shared memory and
asynchronous message passing naturally
fit into our framework.
We rigorously define
speculative linearizability and prove our intra-object composition 
theorem in a trace-based
as well as an automaton-based model.
To obtain a further degree of confidence, we also 
formalize and mechanically 
check the theorem in the automaton-based model, using 
the I/O automata framework within the Isabelle interactive proof assistant.},
  year = 2012
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Mika\"el Mayer and Ruzica Piskac and Philippe Suter},
  title = {Software Synthesis Procedures},
  journal = {Communications of the ACM},
  date = {February},
  year = 2012,
  abstract = {Automated synthesis of program fragments from specifications
can make programs easier to write and easier to reason about.  To integrate 
synthesis into programming languages software synthesis algorithms should 
behave in a predictable way: they should succeed for a well-defined class of 
specifications. We propose to systematically generalize decision procedures
into synthesis procedures, and use them to compile implicitly specified 
computations embedded inside functional and imperative programs. Synthesis
procedures are predictable, because they are guaranteed to find code that 
satisfies the specification whenever such code exists.  To illustrate our 
method, we derive synthesis procedures by extending quantifier elimination
algorithms for integer arithmetic and set data structures. We then show that 
an implementation of such synthesis procedures can extend a compiler to 
support implicit value definitions and advanced pattern matching.}
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Mikael Mayer and Ruzica Piskac and Philippe Suter},
  title = {Functional Synthesis for Linear Arithmetic and Sets},
  journal = {Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)},
  year = 2012,
  abstract = {Synthesis of program fragments from specifications can make
programs easier to write and easier to reason about.  To
integrate synthesis into programming languages, synthesis
algorithms should behave in a predictable way---they should
succeed for a well-defined class of specifications. 
To guarantee correctness and applicability to software 
(and not just hardware), these algorithms
should also support unbounded data types, such as numbers and
data structures. 

To obtain appropriate synthesis algorithms, we propose to generalize decision
procedures into predictable and complete synthesis
procedures. Such procedures are guaranteed to find code that
satisfies the specification if such code exists. Moreover,
we identify conditions under which synthesis will statically
decide whether the solution is guaranteed to exist, and
whether it is unique.  We demonstrate our approach by
starting from a quantifier elimination decision procedure for Boolean Algebra
of set with Presburger Arithmetic (BAPA) and transforming it 
into a synthesis procedure. Our procedure also works in the presence
of parametric coefficients. We establish results on the size and the
efficiency of the synthesized code.  We show that such
procedures are useful as a language extension with implicit
value definitions, and we show how to extend a compiler to
support such definitions. Our constructs provide the
benefits of synthesis to programmers, without requiring them
to learn new concepts, give up a deterministic execution
model, or provide code skeletons.},
  volume = {TBD},
  number = {TBD}
  author = {Thomas Wies and Marco Mu\~niz and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Deciding Functional Lists with Sublist Sets},
  booktitle = {Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments (VSTTE)},
  year = 2012,
  series = {LNCS},
  abstract = {Motivated by the problem of deciding verification conditions 
for the verification of functional programs, we present new decision
procedures for automated reasoning about functional lists.  We first
show how to decide in NP the satisfiability problem for logical
constraints containing equality, constructor, selectors, as well
as the transitive sublist relation.  We then extend this class of
constraints with operators to compute the set of all sublists, and
the set of objects stored in a list. Finally, we support constraints
on sizes of sets, which gives us the ability to compute list length
as well as the number of distinct list elements.  We show that the
extended theory is reducible to the theory of sets with linear
cardinality constraints, and therefore still in NP. This reduction
enables us to combine our theory with other decidable theories that
impose constraints on sets of objects, which further increases the
potential of our decidability result in verification of functional
and imperative software.
  author = {Milena Vujo\v{s}evi\'{c}-Jani\v{c}i\'{c} and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Development and Evaluation of {LAV}: an {SMT}-Based Error Finding Platform},
  booktitle = {Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments (VSTTE)},
  year = 2012,
  series = {LNCS},
  abstract = {We present design and evaluation of LAV, a new open-source tool 
for statically checking program assertions and errors. LAV integrates into 
the popular LLVM infrastructure for compilation and analysis. LAV uses symbolic execution to construct a first-order logic formula that models the behavior
of each basic blocks. It models the relationships between basic blocks using 
propositional formulas. By combining these two kinds of formulas LAV generates 
polynomial-sized verification conditions for loop-free code. It uses 
underapproximating or overapproximating unrolling to handle loops. LAV can 
pass generated verification conditions to one of the several SMT solvers: 
Boolector, MathSAT, Yices, and Z3. Our experiments with small 200 benchmarks 
suggest that LAV is competitive with related tools, so it can be used as an 
effective alternative for certain verification tasks. The experience also 
shows that LAV provides significant help in analyzing student programs and providing feedback to students in everyday university practice.}
  author = {{Ali Sinan} K\"oksal and Viktor Kuncak and Philippe Suter},
  title = {Constraints as Control},
  booktitle = {ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL)},
  abstract = {
We present an extension of Scala that supports constraint
programming over bounded and unbounded domains. The
resulting language, Kaplan, provides the benefits of
constraint programming while
preserving the existing features of Scala. Kaplan integrates
constraint and imperative programming by using constraints
as an advanced control structure; the developers
use the monadic 'for' construct to iterate over the
solutions of constraints or branch on the existence of a
The constructs we introduce have simple 
semantics that can be understood as explicit
enumeration of values, but are implemented more efficiently using
symbolic reasoning.

Kaplan programs can manipulate constraints at run-time, with the combined benefits
of type-safe syntax trees and first-class functions.
The language of constraints is
a functional subset of Scala, supporting arbitrary recursive
function definitions over algebraic data types, sets, maps, 
and integers.

Our implementation runs on a platform
combining a constraint solver with a standard virtual
machine. For constraint solving we use an algorithm that
handles recursive function definitions through
fair function unrolling and builds upon 
the state-of-the art SMT solver Z3.
We evaluate Kaplan on examples ranging
from enumeration of data structures to execution of
declarative specifications.
We found Kaplan promising
because it is expressive, supporting a range of problem domains,
while enabling full-speed execution
of programs that do not rely on constraint programming.
  year = 2012
  author = {Eva Darulov\'a and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Trustworthy Numerical Computation in Scala},
  booktitle = {OOPSLA},
  abstract = {
Modern computing has adopted the floating point type as a default way to describe computations with real
numbers. Thanks to dedicated hardware support, such computations are efficient on modern architectures, even in double precision. 
However, rigorous reasoning about the resulting programs remains difficult.
This is in part due to a large gap between 
the finite floating point representation and the infinite-precision real-number semantics that serves as the developers' mental 
model. Because programming languages do not provide support for estimating errors, 
some computations in practice are performed more and some less precisely than needed.

We present a library solution for rigorous arithmetic computation. Our numerical data type library tracks a (double) 
floating point value, but also a guaranteed upper bound on the error between this value and the ideal value that 
would be computed in the real-value semantics. Our implementation involves
a set of linear approximations based on an extension of affine arithmetic. The derived approximations 
cover most of the standard mathematical operations, including trigonometric functions, and are more comprehensive
than any publicly available ones.
Moreover, while interval arithmetic
rapidly yields overly pessimistic estimates, our approach remains precise for several computational tasks of interest.
We evaluate the library on a number of examples from numerical analysis and physical simulations. We found it to be a useful tool
for gaining confidence in the correctness of the computation.
  year = 2011
  author = {Philippe Suter and Ali Sinan K\"{o}ksal and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Satisfiability Modulo Recursive Programs},
  booktitle = {Static Analysis Symposium (SAS)},
  year = 2011,
  abstract = {We present a semi-decision procedure for checking expressive
correctness properties of recursive first-order functional
programs.  In our approach, both properties and programs are
expressed in the same language, which is a subset of Scala.
We have implemented our procedure and integrated it with the
Z3 SMT solver and the Scala compiler. Our procedure is sound
for proofs and counterexamples.  It is terminating
and thus complete for many important classes of
specifications, including 1) all verification problems
containing counterexamples, 2) functions annotated with
inductive postconditions, and 3) abstraction functions and
invariants of recursive data types that commonly arise in
functional programs. Using our system, we verified detailed correctness 
properties for functional data structure implementations, as well as Scala 
syntax tree manipulations.  We have found our system to be fast for both 
finding counterexamples and finding correctness proofs, and to scale to 
larger programs than alternative techniques.
  author = {Thomas Wies and Marco {Mu\~{n}iz} and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {An Efficient Decision Procedure for Imperative Tree Data Structures},
  booktitle = {Computer-Aideded Deduction (CADE)},
  abstract = {
We present a new decidable logic called TREX for expressing
constraints about imperative tree data structures. In particular,
TREX supports a transitive closure operator that can express
reachability constraints, which often appear in data structure
invariants. We show that our logic is closed under weakest
precondition computation, which enables its use for automated
software verification. We further show that satisfiability of
formulas in TREX is decidable in NP. The low complexity makes it an
attractive alternative to more expensive logics such as monadic
second-order logic (MSOL) over trees, which have been traditionally
used for reasoning about tree data structures.
  year = 2011
  author = {{Ali Sinan} K{\"o}ksal and Viktor Kuncak and Philippe Suter},
  title = {Scala to the Power of {Z3}: Integrating {SMT} and Programming},
  booktitle = {Computer-Aideded Deduction (CADE) Tool Demo},
  abstract = {
We describe a system that integrates the SMT solver Z3 with the Scala
programming language. The system supports the use of the SMT solver for
checking satisfiability, unsatisfiability, as well as solution enumeration. The
embedding of formula trees into Scala uses the host type system of Scala to
prevent the construction of certain ill-typed constraints. The solution
enumeration feature integrates into the iteration constructions of Scala and
supports writing non-deterministic programs. Using Z3's mechanism of theory
extensions, our system also helps users construct custom constraint solvers
where the interpretation of predicates and functions is given as Scala code.
The resulting system preserves the productivity advantages of Scala while
simplifying tasks such as combinatorial search.
  year = 2011
  author = {Tihomir Gvero and Viktor Kuncak and Ruzica Piskac},
  title = {Interactive Synthesis of Code Snippets},
  booktitle = {Computer Aided Verification (CAV) Tool Demo},
  abstract = {
We describe a tool that applies theorem proving technology
to synthesize code fragments that use given library
functions. To determine candidate code fragments,
our approach takes into account polymorphic type
constraints as well as test cases.  Our tool interactively displays a ranked
list of suggested code fragments that are appropriate for the current program point.
We have found our
system to be useful for synthesizing code fragments for
common programming tasks, and we believe it is a good platform
for exploring software synthesis techniques.
  year = 2011
  author = {Philippe Suter and Robin Steiger and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Sets with Cardinality Constraints in Satisfiability Modulo Theories},
  booktitle = {Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI)},
  year = 2011,
  abstract = {   Boolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic (BAPA) is a
  decidable logic that can express constraints on sets of
  elements and their cardinalities. Problems from
  verification of complex properties of software 
  often contain fragments that belong to
  quantifier-free BAPA (QFBAPA).  
  In contrast to many other NP-complete problems (such
  as quantifier-free first-order logic or linear arithmetic),
  the applications of QFBAPA to a broader set of problems has
  so far been hindered by the lack of an efficient
  implementation that can be used alongside other efficient
  decision procedures.
  We overcome these limitations by extending the efficient
  SMT solver Z3 with the ability to reason about cardinality (QFBAPA)
  constraints. Our implementation uses the DPLL(T) mechanism
  of Z3 to reason about the top-level propositional
  structure of a QFBAPA formula, improving the efficiency
  compared to previous implementations.  Moreover, we
  present a new algorithm for automatically decomposing 
  QFBAPA formulas. Our algorithm alleviates the exponential
  explosion of considering all Venn regions, significantly
  improving the tractability of formulas with many set
  variables.  Because it is implemented as a theory plugin,
  our implementation enables Z3 to prove formulas that use
  QFBAPA constructs with constructs from other theories
  that Z3 supports,
  as well as with quantifiers.  We have applied our
  implementation to the verification of functional programs; we
  show it can automatically prove formulas that no automated
  approach was reported to be able to prove before. }
  author = {Swen Jacobs and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Towards Complete Reasoning about Axiomatic Specifications},
  booktitle = {Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI)},
  year = 2011,
  abstract = { To support verification of expressive properties of
  functional programs, we consider algebraic style
  specifications that may relate multiple user-defined
  functions, and compare multiple invocations of a function
  for different arguments.
  We present decision procedures for reasoning about such universally quantified
  properties of functional programs, using local
  theory extension methodology. We establish new classes of
  universally quantified formulas whose satisfiability can
  be checked in a complete way by finite quantifier
  instantiation. These classes include single-invocation
  axioms that generalize standard function contracts, but
  also certain many-invocation axioms, specifying that
  functions satisfy congruence, injectivity, or monotonicity
  with respect to abstraction functions, as well as conjunctions
  of some of these properties. These many-invocation
  axioms can specify correctness of abstract data type
  implementations as well as certain information-flow
  properties.  We also present a decidability-preserving construction that enables
  the same function to be specified using different classes
  of decidable specifications on different partitions of its
  domain. }
  author = {Philippe Suter and Ali Sinan K\"oksal and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {On Satisfiability Modulo Computable Functions},
  institution = {EPFL},
  number = {EPFL-REPORT},
  year = 2010
  author = {Eva Darulova and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {On Rigorous Numerical Computation as a Scala Library},
  institution = {EPFL},
  year = 2010,
  number = {EPFL-REPORT-158754}
  author = {Etienne Kneuss and Philippe Suter and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {{Phantm}: {PHP} Analyzer for Type Mismatch (Research Demonstration)},
  booktitle = {ACM SIGSOFT Conference on Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE)},
  abstract = {
We present Phantm, a static analyzer that
uses a flow-sensitive analysis to detect type errors in PHP
applications.  Phantm can infer types for nested arrays,
and can leverage runtime information and procedure summaries
for more precise results. Phantm found
over 200 true problems when applied
to three applications with over 50'000 lines of code, including 
the popular DokuWiki code base.
  year = 2010
  author = {Etienne Kneuss and Philippe Suter and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Runtime Instrumentation for Precise Flow-Sensitive Type Analysis},
  booktitle = {International Conference on Runtime Verification},
  abstract = {
We describe a combination of runtime information and static
analysis for checking properties of complex and configurable systems.
 The basic idea of our approach is to 1) let the
program execute and thereby read the important dynamic
configuration data, then 2) invoke static analysis from this
runtime state to detect possible errors that can happen in
the continued execution. This approach improves analysis
precision, particularly with respect to types of global
variables and nested data structures. It also enables the
resolution of modules that are loaded based on dynamically
computed information.

We describe an implementation of this approach in a tool
that statically computes possible types of variables in PHP
applications, including detailed types of nested maps (arrays). PHP
is a dynamically typed language; PHP programs extensively
use nested value maps, as well as 'include' directives whose
arguments are dynamically computed file names.  We have
applied our analysis tool to over 50'000 lines of PHP code,
including the popular DokuWiki software, which has a plug-in
architecture. The analysis identified 200 problems in the
code and in the type hints of the original source code base. Some of these
problems can cause exploits, infinite loops, and crashes.
Our experiments show that dynamic information simplifies the development
of the analysis and decreases the number of false alarms compared to a purely
static analysis approach.
  year = 2010
  author = {Jad Hamza and Barbara Jobstmann and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Synthesis for Regular Specifications over Unbounded Domains},
  booktitle = {FMCAD},
  abstract = {Synthesis from declarative specifications is an
ambitious automated method for obtaining systems that are correct by construction.
Previous work includes synthesis of reactive finite-state
systems from linear temporal logic and its fragments.
Further recent work focuses on a different application area
by doing functional synthesis over unbounded domains, using
a modified Presburger arithmetic quantifier elimination
algorithm.  We present new algorithms for functional
synthesis over unbounded domains based on automata-theoretic
methods, with advantages in the expressive power and in the
efficiency of synthesized code.
Our approach synthesizes functions that meet given regular
specifications defined over unbounded sequences of input and
output bits.  Thanks to the translation from weak monadic
second-order logic to automata, this approach supports full
Presburger arithmetic as well as bitwise operations on
arbitrary length integers. The presence of quantifiers
enables finding solutions that optimize a given criterion.
Unlike synthesis of reactive systems, our notion of
realizability allows functions that require examining the
entire input to compute the output.  Regardless of the
complexity of the specification, our algorithm synthesizes
linear-time functions that read the input and directly
produce the output. We also describe a technique to
synthesize functions with bounded lookahead when possible,
which is appropriate for streaming implementations.  We
implemented our synthesis algorithm and show that it
synthesizes efficient functions on a number of examples.
  year = 2010
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Ruzica Piskac and Philippe Suter},
  title = {Ordered Sets in the Calculus of Data Structures (Invited Paper)},
  booktitle = {CSL},
  abstract = {Our goal is to identify families of relations that are
useful for reasoning about software. We describe such
families using decidable quantifier-free classes of logical
constraints with a rich set of operations.  A key challenge
is to define such classes of constraints in a modular way,
by combining multiple decidable classes. Working with
quantifier-free combinations of constraints makes the
combination agenda more realistic and the resulting logics
more likely to be tractable than in the presence of
Our approach to combination is based on reducing decidable
fragments to a common class, Boolean Algebra with Presburger
Arithmetic (BAPA). This logic was introduced by
Feferman and Vaught in 1959 and can express properties of
uninterpreted sets of elements, with set algebra operations
and equicardinality relation (consequently, it can also
express Presburger arithmetic constraints on cardinalities
of sets).  Combination by reduction to BAPA allows us to
obtain decidable quantifier-free combinations of decidable
logics that share BAPA operations.  We use the
term Calculus of Data Structures to denote a family
of decidable constraints that reduce to BAPA. This class
includes, for example, combinations of formulas in BAPA,
weak monadic second-order logic of k-successors,
two-variable logic with counting, and term algebras with
certain homomorphisms.  The approach of reduction to BAPA
generalizes the Nelson-Oppen combination that forms the
foundation of constraint solvers used in software
verification.  BAPA is convenient as a target for reductions
because it admits quantifier elimination and its
quantifier-free fragment is NP-complete.
We describe a new member of the Calculus of Data Structures:
a quantifier-free fragment that supports 1) boolean algebra
of finite and infinite sets of real numbers, 2) linear
arithmetic over real numbers, 3) formulas that can restrict
chosen set or element variables to range over integers
(providing, among others, the power of mixed integer
arithmetic and sets of integers), 4) the cardinality
operators, stating whether a given set has a given finite
cardinality or is infinite, 5) infimum and supremum
operators on sets.  Among the applications of this logic are
reasoning about the externally observable behavior of data
structures such as sorted lists and priority queues, and
specifying witness functions for the BAPA synthesis problem.
We describe an abstract reduction to BAPA for our logic,
proving that the satisfiability of the logic is in NP and
that it can be combined with the other fragments of the
Calculus of Data Structures.
  year = 2010
  author = {Thomas Wies and Marco Mu\~niz and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {On Deciding Functional Lists with Sublist Sets},
  institution = {EPFL},
  year = 2010,
  number = {EPFL-REPORT-148361},
  abstract = {Motivated by the problem of deciding verification conditions for the
  verification of functional programs, we present new decision
  procedures for automated reasoning about functional lists.  We first
  show how to decide in NP the satisfiability problem for logical
  constraints containing equality, constructor, selectors, as well
  as the transitive sublist relation.  We then extend this class of
  constraints with operators to compute the set of all sublists, and
  the set of objects stored in a list. Finally, we support constraints
  on sizes of sets, which gives us the ability to compute list length
  as well as the number of distinct list elements.  We show that the
  extended theory is reducible to the theory of sets with linear
  cardinality constraints, and therefore still in NP. This reduction
  enables us to combine our theory with other decidable theories that
  impose constraints on sets of objects, which further increases the
  potential of our decidability result in verification of functional
  and imperative software.},
  month = {April}
  author = {Swen Jacobs and Kuncak, Viktor},
  title = {On Locality of One-Variable Axioms and Piecewise Combinations},
  institution = {EPFL},
  year = 2010,
  number = {EPFL-REPORT-148180},
  month = {April},
  abstract = {Local theory extensions provide a complete and efficient way for reasoning about satisfiability of certain kinds of universally quantified formulas modulo a background theory. They are therefore useful in automated reasoning, software verification, and synthesis. In this paper, we 1) provide a sufficient condition for locality of axioms with one variable specifying functions and relations, 2) show how to obtain local axiomatizations from non-local ones in some cases, 3) show how to obtain piecewise combination of different local theory extensions.}
  author = {Ruzica Piskac and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {MUNCH - Automated Reasoner for Sets and Multisets (System Description)},
  booktitle = {IJCAR},
  abstract = {This system description provides an overview of the MUNCH
reasoner for sets and multisets.  MUNCH takes as the input a
formula in a logic that supports expressions about sets,
multisets, and integers. Constraints over collections and
integers are connected using the cardinality operator.  Our
logic is a fragment of logics of popular interactive theorem
provers, and MUNCH is the first fully automated reasoner for
this logic.  MUNCH reduces input formulas to equisatisfiable
linear integer arithmetic formulas.  MUNCH reasoner is
publicly available. It is implemented in the Scala
programming language and currently uses the SMT solver Z3 to
solve the generated integer linear arithmetic constraints.},
  year = 2010
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Mikael Mayer and  Ruzica Piskac and Philippe Suter},
  title = {Comfusy: Complete Functional Synthesis (Tool Presentation)},
  booktitle = {CAV},
  abstract = {Synthesis of program fragments from specifications can make
programs easier to write and easier to reason about. We
present Comfusy, a tool that extends the compiler for the
general-purpose programming language Scala with
(non-reactive) functional synthesis over unbounded
domains. Comfusy accepts expressions with input and output
variables specifying relations on integers and sets.
Comfusy symbolically computes the precise domain for the
given relation and generates the function from inputs to
outputs. The outputs are guaranteed to satisfy the relation
whenever the inputs belong to the relation domain. The core
of our synthesis algorithm is an extension of quantifier
elimination that generates programs to compute witnesses for
eliminated variables. We present examples that demonstrate
software synthesis using Comfusy, and illustrate how
synthesis simplifies software development.},
  year = 2010
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Mikael Mayer and Ruzica Piskac and Philippe Suter},
  title = {Complete Functional Synthesis},
  booktitle = {ACM SIGPLAN Conf. Programming Language Design and Implementation  (PLDI)},
  abstract = {Synthesis of program fragments from specifications can make
programs easier to write and easier to reason about.  To
integrate synthesis into programming languages, synthesis
algorithms should behave in a predictable way---they should
succeed for a well-defined class of specifications. They
should also support unbounded data types such as numbers and
data structures. We propose to generalize decision
procedures into predictable and complete synthesis
procedures. Such procedures are guaranteed to find code that
satisfies the specification if such code exists. Moreover,
we identify conditions under which synthesis will statically
decide whether the solution is guaranteed to exist, and
whether it is unique.  We demonstrate our approach by
starting from decision procedures for linear arithmetic and
data structures and transforming them into synthesis
procedures.  We establish results on the size and the
efficiency of the synthesized code.  We show that such
procedures are useful as a language extension with implicit
value definitions, and we show how to extend a compiler to
support such definitions. Our constructs provide the
benefits of synthesis to programmers, without requiring them
to learn new concepts or give up a deterministic execution
  year = 2010
  author = {Ruzica Piskac and Philippe Suter and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {On Decision Procedures for Ordered Collections},
  institution = {EPFL},
  year = 2010,
  number = {LARA-REPORT-2010-001},
  abstract = {
We describe a decision procedure for a logic that supports
1) finite collections of elements (sets or multisets) 2)
the cardinality operator 3) a total order relation on elements,
4) min and max operators on entire collections. Among the
applications of this logic are 1) reasoning about the
externally observable behavior of data structures such as
random access priority queues, 2) specifying witness functions for
synthesis problem of set algebra, and 3) reasoning about
constraints on orderings arising in termination proofs.
  author = {Milos Gligoric and Tihomir Gvero and Vilas Jagannath and Sarfraz Khurshid and Viktor Kuncak and Darko Marinov},
  booktitle = {International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)},
  title = {Test Generation through Programming in {UDITA}},
  url = {http://mir.cs.uiuc.edu/udita},
  abstract = {
We present an approach for describing tests using non-deterministic
test generation programs.  To write such programs, we introduce UDITA,
a Java-based language with non-deterministic choice operators and an
interface for generating linked structures.  We also describe new
algorithms that generate concrete tests by efficiently exploring the
space of all executions of non-deterministic UDITA programs.

We implemented our approach and incorporated it into the official,
publicly available repository of Java PathFinder (JPF), a popular tool
for verifying Java programs.  We evaluate our technique by generating
tests for data structures, refactoring engines, and JPF itself.  Our
experiments show that test generation using UDITA is faster and leads
to test descriptions that are easier to write than in previous
frameworks.  Moreover, the novel execution mechanism of UDITA is
essential for making test generation feasible.  Using UDITA, we have
discovered a number of bugs in Eclipse, NetBeans, Sun javac, and JPF.
  year = 2010
  author = {Maysam Yabandeh and Nikola Kne\v{z}evi\'c and Dejan Kosti\'c and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Predicting and Preventing Inconsistencies in Deployed Distributed Systems},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Computer Systems},
  year = 2010,
  volume = {28},
  number = 1,
  abstract = {
  We propose a new approach for developing and deploying
  distributed systems, in which nodes predict distributed
  consequences of their actions, and use this information to
  detect and avoid errors.  Each node continuously runs a
  state exploration algorithm on a recent consistent
  snapshot of its neighborhood and predicts possible future
  violations of specified safety properties.  We describe a
  new state exploration algorithm, consequence prediction,
  which explores causally related chains of events that 
  lead to property violation.
  This article describes the design and implementation of this
  approach, termed CrystalBall. We evaluate CrystalBall on RandTree,
  BulletPrime, Paxos, and Chord distributed system implementations. We
  identified new bugs in mature Mace implementations of three systems.
  Furthermore, we show that if the bug is not corrected during
  system development, CrystalBall is effective in steering the
  execution away from inconsistent states at runtime.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Ruzica Piskac and Philippe Suter and Thomas Wies},
  title = {Building a Calculus of Data Structures (invited paper)},
  booktitle = {Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI)},
  year = 2010,
  abstract = {
Techniques such as verification condition
generation, predicate abstraction, and expressive type
systems reduce software verification to proving formulas in
expressive logics. Programs and their specifications often
make use of data structures such as sets, multisets,
algebraic data types, or graphs. Consequently, formulas
generated from verification also involve such data
structures. To automate the proofs of such formulas we
propose a logic (a 'calculus') of such data structures. We
build the calculus by starting from decidable logics of
individual data structures, and connecting them through
functions and sets, in ways that go beyond the 
frameworks such as Nelson-Oppen. The result are new decidable logics
that can simultaneously specify properties of
different kinds of data structures and overcome the limitations
of the individual logics.

Several of our decidable logics include abstraction
functions that map a data structure into its more abstract
view (a tree into a multiset, a multiset into a set), into a
numerical quantity (the size or the height), or into the
truth value of a candidate data structure invariant
(sortedness, or the heap property). For algebraic data
types, we identify an asymptotic many-to-one condition on
the abstraction function that guarantees the existence of a
decision procedure.

In addition to the combination based on abstraction
functions, we can combine multiple data structure theories
if they all reduce to the same data structure logic. As an
instance of this approach, we describe a decidable logic
whose formulas are propositional combinations of formulas
in: weak monadic second-order logic of two successors,
two-variable logic with counting, multiset algebra with
Presburger arithmetic, the Bernays-Sch\"onfinkel-Ramsey
class of first-order logic, and the logic of algebraic data
types with the set content function. The subformulas in this
combination can share common variables that refer to sets of
objects along with the common set algebra operations. Such
sound and complete combination is possible because the
relations on sets definable in the component logics are all
expressible in Boolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic.
Presburger arithmetic and its new extensions play an important role in our
decidability results. In
several cases, when we combine logics that belong to NP, we can prove the
satisfiability for the combined logic is still in NP.
  author = {Kuat Yessenov and Ruzica Piskac and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Collections, Cardinalities, and Relations},
  booktitle = {Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI)},
  year = 2010,
  abstract = {  Logics that involve collections (sets, multisets), and
  cardinality constraints are useful for reasoning about
  unbounded data structures and concurrent processes.  To
  make such logics more useful in verification this paper
  extends them with the ability to compute direct and
  inverse relation and function images.  We establish
  decidability and complexity bounds for the extended
  author = {Philippe Suter and Mirco Dotta and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Decision Procedures for Algebraic Data Types with Abstractions},
  year = 2010,
  booktitle = {ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL)},
  abstract = {We describe a family of decision procedures that extend the
decision procedure for quantifier-free constraints on
recursive algebraic data types (term algebras) to support
recursive abstraction functions. Our abstraction functions
are catamorphisms (term algebra homomorphisms) mapping
algebraic data type values into values in other decidable
theories (e.g. sets, multisets, lists, integers, booleans).
Each instance of our decision procedure family is sound;
we identify a widely applicable many-to-one condition on
abstraction functions that implies the completeness. Complete
instances of our decision procedure include the following
correctness statements: 1) a functional data
structure implementation satisfies a recursively specified
invariant, 2) such data structure conforms to a contract
given in terms of sets, multisets, lists, sizes, or heights, 3) a
transformation of a formula (or 
lambda term) abstract syntax tree changes the set of free variables in
the specified way.}
  author = {Philippe Suter and Ruzica Piskac and Mikael Mayer and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {On Complete Functional Synthesis},
  institution = {EPFL},
  year = 2009,
  number = {LARA-REPORT-2009-006}
  author = {Milos Gligoric and Tihomir Gvero and Vilas Jagannath and Sarfraz Khurshid and Viktor Kuncak and Darko Marinov},
  title = {On Test Generation through Programming in {UDITA}},
  institution = {EPFL, IC},
  number = {LARA-REPORT-2009-05},
  month = {September},
  abstract = {
We present an approach for describing tests using non-deterministic test generation programs. To write test generation programs, we introduce UDITA, a Java-based language with non-deterministic choice operators and an interface for generating linked structures. We also describe new algorithms that generate concrete tests by efficiently exploring the space of all executions of non-deterministic UDITA programs. We implemented our approach and incorporated it into the official, publicly available repository of Java PathFinder (JPF), a popular tool for verifying Java programs. We evaluate our technique by generating tests for data structures, refactoring engines, and JPF itself. Our experiments show that test generation using UDITA is faster and leads to test descriptions that are easier to write than in previous frameworks. Moreover, the novel execution mechanism of UDITA is essential for making test generation feasible. Using UDITA, we have discovered a number of previously unknown bugs in Eclipse, NetBeans, Sun javac, and JPF.},
  url = {http://mir.cs.uiuc.edu/udita},
  year = 2009
  author = {Kuat Yessenov and Viktor Kuncak and Ruzica Piskac},
  title = {On Decision Procedures for Collections, Cardinalities, and Relations},
  institution = {EPFL},
  year = 2009,
  number = {LARA-REPORT-2009-004},
  month = {August},
  abstract = {Logics that involve collections (sets, multisets), and
cardinality constraints are useful for reasoning about
unbounded data structures and concurrent processes.  To
make such logics more useful in verification this paper
extends them with the ability to compute direct and
inverse relation and function images.  We establish
decidability and complexity bounds for the extended
  author = {Philippe Suter and Mirco Dotta and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {On Decision Procedures for Algebraic Data Types with Abstractions},
  institution = {EPFL},
  year = 2009,
  number = {LARA-REPORT-2009-003},
  abstract = {We describe a parameterized decision procedure that extends the decision
procedure for functional recursive algebraic data types (trees) with the
ability to specify and reason about abstractions of data structures. The
abstract values are specified using recursive abstraction functions that map
trees into other data types that have decidable theories.  Our result yields a
decidable logic which can be used to prove that implementations of functional
data structures satisfy recursively specified invariants and conform to
interfaces given in terms of sets, multisets, or lists, or to increase
the automation in proof assistants.},
  month = {July}
  author = {Thomas Wies and Ruzica Piskac and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Combining Theories with Shared Set Operations},
  booktitle = {FroCoS: Frontiers in Combining Systems},
  year = 2009,
  abstract = { Motivated by applications in software verification, we
  explore automated reasoning about the non-disjoint
  combination of theories of infinitely many finite structures,
  where the theories share set variables and set
  operations.  We prove a combination theorem and apply it
  to show the decidability of the satisfiability problem for
  a class of formulas obtained by applying propositional
  connectives to formulas belonging to: 1) Boolean Algebra
  with Presburger Arithmetic (with quantifiers over sets and
  integers), 2) weak monadic second-order logic over trees
  (with monadic second-order quantifiers), 3) two-variable
  logic with counting quantifiers (ranging over elements), 4)
  the EPR class of
  first-order logic with equality (with exists*forall* quantifier prefix),
  and 5) the quantifier-free logic of
  multisets with cardinality constraints.}
  author = {Thomas Wies and Ruzica Piskac and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {On Combining Theories with Shared Set Operations},
  institution = {EPFL},
  number = {LARA-REPORT-2009-002},
  year = 2009,
  month = {May}
  author = {Maysam Yabandeh and Nedeljko Vasi\'c and Dejan Kosti\'c and Viktor  Kuncak},
  title = {Simplifying Distributed System Development},
  year = 2009,
  booktitle = {12th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems},
  abstract = {Distributed systems are difficult to design and develop.
  The difficulties arise both in basic safety correctness
  properties, and in achieving high performance.  As a
  result of this complexity, the implementation of a
  distributed system often contains the basic algorithm
  coupled with an embedded strategy for making choices, such
  as the choice of a node to interact with.

  This paper proposes a programming model for distributed
  systems where 1) the application explicitly exposes the
  choices (decisions) that it needs to make as well as the
  objectives that it needs to maximize; 2) the application
  and the runtime system cooperate to maintain a predictive
  model of the distributed system and its environment; and
  3) the runtime uses the predictive model to resolve the
  choices as to maximize the objectives. We claim that
  this programming model results in simpler source code and
  lower development effort, and can lead to increased
  performance and robustness to various deployment settings.
  Our initial results of applying this model to a sample
  application are encouraging.
  author = {Karen Zee and Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {An Integrated Proof Language for Imperative Programs},
  booktitle = {ACM SIGPLAN Conf. Programming Language Design and Implementation  (PLDI)},
  year = 2009,
  abstract = {We present an integrated proof language for guiding the actions of
multiple reasoning systems as they work together to prove complex
correctness properties of imperative programs. The language operates
in the context of a program verification system that uses multiple
reasoning systems to discharge generated proof obligations.  It is
designed to 1) enable developers to resolve key choice points in
complex program correctness proofs, thereby enabling automated
reasoning systems to successfully prove the desired correctness
properties; 2) allow developers to identify key lemmas for the
reasoning systems to prove, thereby guiding the reasoning systems to
find an effective proof decomposition; 3) enable multiple reasoning
systems to work together productively to prove a single correctness
property by providing a mechanism that developers can use to divide
the property into lemmas, each of which is suitable for a different
reasoning system; and 4) enable developers to identify specific lemmas
that the reasoning systems should use when attempting to prove other
lemmas or correctness properties, thereby appropriately confining the
search space so that the reasoning systems can find a proof in an
acceptable amount of time.

The language includes a rich set of declarative proof constructs that
enables developers to direct the reasoning systems as little or as
much as they desire.  Because the declarative proof statements are
embedded into the program as specialized comments, they also serve as
verified documentation and are a natural extension of the assertion
mechanism found in most program verification systems.

We have implemented our integrated proof language in the context of a
program verification system for Java and used the resulting system to
verify a collection of linked data structure implementations.  Our
experience indicates that our proof language makes it possible to
successfully prove complex program correctness properties that are
otherwise beyond the reach of automated reasoning systems.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Thomas Wies},
  title = {On Set-Driven Combination of Logics and Verifiers},
  institution = {EPFL},
  year = 2009,
  month = {February},
  number = {LARA-REPORT-2009-001},
  abstract = {We explore the problem of automated reasoning about the
  non-disjoint combination of logics that share set
  variables and operations.  We prove a general combination
  theorem, and apply it to show the decidability for the
  quantifier-free combination of formulas in WS2S,
  two-varible logic with counting, and Boolean Algebra with
  Presburger Arithmetic.

Furthermore, we present an over-approximating algorithm
that uses such combined logics to synthesize universally
quantified invariants of infinite-state systems.  The
algorithm simultaneously synthesizes loop invariants of
interest, and infers the relationships between sets to
exchange the information between logics.  We have
implemented this algorithm and used it to prove detailed
correctness properties of operations of linked data
structure implementations.
  author = {Maysam Yabandeh and Nedeljko Vasi\'c and Dejan Kosti\'c and Viktor  Kuncak},
  title = {Simplifying Distributed System Development},
  institution = {EPFL},
  year = 2009,
  number = {NSL-REPORT-2009-001},
  abstract = {Distributed systems are difficult to design and develop.
  The difficulties arise both in basic safety correctness
  properties, and in achieving high performance.  As a
  result of this complexity, the implementation of a
  distributed system often contains the basic algorithm
  coupled with an embedded strategy for making choices, such
  as the choice of a node to interact with.

  This paper proposes a programming model for distributed
  systems where 1) the application explicitly exposes the
  choices (decisions) that it needs to make as well as the
  objectives that it needs to maximize; 2) the application
  and the runtime system cooperate to maintain a predictive
  model of the distributed system and its environment; and
  3) the runtime uses the predictive model to resolve the
  choices as to maximize the objectives. We claim that
  this programming model results in simpler source code and
  lower development effort, and can lead to increased
  performance and robustness to various deployment settings.
  Our initial results of applying this model to a sample
  application are encouraging.
  author = {Maysam Yabandeh and Nikola Kne\v{z}evi\'c and Dejan Kosti\'c and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {{CrystalBall}: Predicting and Preventing Inconsistencies in Deployed Distributed Systems},
  year = 2009,
  booktitle = {6th USENIX Symp. Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI '09)},
  url = {http://www.usenix.org/events/nsdi09/tech/full_papers/yabandeh/yabandeh_html/index.html},
  abstract = {
  We propose a new approach for developing and deploying
  distributed systems, in which nodes predict distributed
  consequences of their actions, and use this information to
  detect and avoid errors.  Each node continuously runs a
  state exploration algorithm on a recent consistent
  snapshot of its neighborhood and predicts possible future
  violations of specified safety properties.  We describe a
  new state exploration algorithm, consequence prediction,
  which explores causally related chains of events that 
  lead to property violation.

  This paper describes the design and implementation of this
  approach, termed CrystalBall. We evaluate CrystalBall on RandTree,
  BulletPrime, Paxos, and Chord distributed system implementations. We
  identified new bugs in mature Mace implementations of three systems.
  Furthermore, we show that if the bug is not corrected during
  system development, CrystalBall is effective in steering the
  execution away from inconsistent states at runtime.
  author = {Pierre-\'Evariste Dagand and Dejan Kosti\'c and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Opis: Reliable Distributed Systems in {OCaml}},
  booktitle = {ACM SIGPLAN TLDI},
  abstract = {Concurrency and distribution pose algorithmic and implementation
  challenges in developing reliable distributed systems, making the
  field an excellent testbed for evaluating programming language and
  verification paradigms.  Several specialized
  domain-specific languages and extensions of memory-unsafe languages
  were proposed to aid distributed system development.  
  We present an alternative to these approaches, showing that
  modern, higher-order, strongly typed, memory safe languages provide
  an excellent vehicle for developing and debugging distributed

  We present Opis, a functional-reactive approach for developing
  distributed systems in Objective Caml.  An Opis protocol
  description consists of a reactive function (called event function)
  describing the behavior of a distributed system node.  The event
  functions in Opis are built from pure functions as building blocks,
  composed using the Arrow combinators.  Such architecture aids reasoning about
  event functions both informally and using interactive theorem provers. For example, it facilitates
  simple termination arguments.

  Given a protocol description, a developer can use higher-order library
  functions of Opis to 1) deploy the distributed system, 2) run the
  distributed system in a network simulator with full-replay
  capabilities, 3) apply explicit-state model checking to the
  distributed system, detecting undesirable behaviors, and 4) do
  performance analysis on the system.  We describe the design and
  implementation of Opis, and present our experience in using Opis to
  develop peer-to-peer overlay protocols, including the Chord
  distributed hash table and the Cyclon random gossip protocol.  We
  found that using Opis results in high programmer productivity
  and leads to easily composable protocol descriptions.
  Opis tools were effective in helping identify and
  eliminate correctness and performance problems during distributed
  system development.
  year = 2009
  author = {Milos Gligoric and Tihomir Gvero and Sarfraz Khurshid and Viktor Kuncak and Darko Marinov},
  title = {On Delayed Choice Execution for Falsification},
  institution = {EPFL, IC},
  number = {LARA-REPORT-2008-08},
  year = 2008
  author = {Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Constraint Solving for Software Reliability and Text Analysis (Research Plan)},
  institution = {EPFL},
  year = 2008,
  number = {LARA-REPORT-2008-007},
  abstract = {
We will develop and implement new algorithms for constraint solving and apply them to construct two classes of tools: 1) bug finding and verification tools building on tools such as Java PathFinder and Jahob; 2) tools for deep semantic analysis of texts containing a mix of English, source code, and mathematical formulas. The starting point for our techniques are constraint solving algorithms developed in the rapidly expanding field of satisfiability modulo theories (SMT). We will use state-of-the art techniques to implement an SMT constraint solver in the Scala programming language running on JVM platforms. One of the distinguishing features of our constraint solver will be the ability to analyze rich constraints that include not only quantifiers, numerical domains and data structures, but also lambda expressions and recursive definitions. To be effective for program analysis, the constraint solver will have a native support for transition systems describing program semantics. This will enable it to tackle sources of exponential explosion in context-sensitive and path sensitive analyses such as symbolic execution. Such analyses can identify a wide range of bugs, many of which can cause crashes and security problems. In the area of text processing, we expect our constraint solver to enable efficient reasoning about rich semantic domains arising in computational semantics of natural language. This capability will make the solver a useful component of tools for creating semantically annotated text and post-processing search results in scientific and engineering domains. To evaluate this hypothesis, we will develop a tool for analyzing text whose subject is explanation of source code, programming language semantics, compilation, and program analysis.
  month = {August}
  author = {Pierre-\'Evariste Dagand and Dejan Kosti\'c and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Opis: Reliable Distributed Systems in {OCaml}},
  institution = {EPFL-IC-NSL},
  year = 2008,
  abstract = {
  The importance of distributed systems is growing as computing
  devices become ubiquitous and bandwidth becomes plentiful.
  Concurrency and distribution pose algorithmic and implementation
  challenges in developing reliable distributed systems, making the
  field an excellent testbed for evaluating programming language and
  verification paradigms.  Recently, several specialized
  domain-specific languages and extensions of memory-unsafe languages
  have been proposed to aid distributed system development.  In this
  paper we propose an alternative to these approaches, arguing that
  modern, higher-order, strongly typed, memory safe languages provide
  an excellent vehicle for developing and debugging distributed

  We present Opis, a functional-reactive approach for developing
  distributed systems in Objective Caml.  In Opis, a protocol
  description consists of a reactive function (called event function)
  describing the behavior of a distributed system node.  The event
  functions in Opis are built from pure functions as building blocks,
  composed using the Arrow combinators.  This facilitates reasoning about
  event functions both informally and using interactive provers.  For example,
  this approach leads to simple termination arguments.
  Given a protocol description, a developer can use higher-order library
  functions of Opis to 1) deploy the distributed system, 2) run the
  distributed system in a network simulator with full-replay
  capabilities, 3) apply explicit-state model checking to the
  distributed system and detect any undesirable behaviors, and 4) do
  performance analysis on the system.  We describe the design and
  implementation of Opis, and present our experience in using Opis to
  develop peer-to-peer overlay protocols including the Chord
  distributed hash table and the Cyclon random gossip protocol.  We
  have found that using Opis results in high programmer productivity
  and leads to concise and easily composable protocol descriptions.
  Moreover, Opis tools were effective in helping identify and
  eliminate correctness and performance problems during distributed
  system development.
  number = {NSL-REPORT-2008-001}
  author = {Maysam Yabandeh and Nikola Kne\v{z}evi\'c and Dejan Kosti\'c and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {{CrystalBall}: Predicting and Preventing Inconsistencies in Deployed Distributed Systems},
  institution = {EPFL-IC-LARA},
  year = 2008,
  number = {LARA-REPORT-2008-006},
  abstract = {
  We propose a new approach for developing and deploying
  distributed systems, in which nodes predict distributed
  consequences of their actions, and use this information to
  detect and avoid errors.  Each node continuously runs a
  state exploration algorithm on a recent consistent
  snapshot of its neighborhood and predicts possible future
  violations of specified safety properties.  We present a
  new state exploration algorithm, consequence prediction,
  which explores causally related chains of events that 
  lead to property violation.
  This paper describes the design and the implementation of
  this approach, termed CrystalBall.  Using CrystalBall we
  identified new bugs in mature Mace implementations of a
  random overlay tree and the Chord distributed hash table
  implementation.  Furthermore, we show show that if the bug
  is not corrected during system development, CrystalBall is
  effective in steering the execution away from inconsistent
  states at run-time.
  month = {May}
  author = {Ruzica Piskac and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Fractional Collections with Cardinality Bounds, 
and Mixed Integer Linear Arithmetic with Stars},
  booktitle = {Computer Science Logic (CSL)},
  year = 2008,
  abstract = {
We present decision procedures for logical constraints that
support reasoning about collections of elements such as
sets, multisets, and fuzzy sets.  Element membership in such
collections is given by a characteristic function from a
finite universe (of unknown size) to a subset of rational
numbers specified by user-defined constraints in mixed
linear integer-rational arithmetic.  Our logic supports
standard operators such as union, intersection, difference,
or any operation defined pointwise using mixed linear
integer-rational arithmetic.  Moreover, it supports the
notion of cardinality of the collection.  Deciding formulas
in such logic has application in verification of data
Our decision procedure reduces satisfiability of formulas
with collections to satisfiability of formulas in an
extension of mixed linear integer-rational arithmetic with
an ``unbounded sum'' operator.  Such extension is also
interesting in its own right because it can encode
reachability problems for a simple class of transition
systems.  We present a decision procedure for the resulting
extension, using a satisfiability-preserving transformation
that eliminates the unbounded sum operator.  Our
decidability result subsumes previous special cases for sets
and multisets.
  author = {Ruzica Piskac and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Linear Arithmetic with Stars},
  booktitle = {Computed-Aided Verification (CAV)},
  year = 2008,
  series = {LNCS},
  volume = {5123},
  abstract = {
We consider an extension of integer linear arithmetic with 
a ``star'' operator takes closure under vector addition of
the solution set of a linear arithmetic subformula.  We show
that the satisfiability problem for this extended language
remains in NP (and therefore NP-complete).  Our proof uses
semilinear set characterization of solutions of integer
linear arithmetic formulas, as well as a generalization of a
recent result on sparse solutions of integer linear
programming problems.  As a consequence of our result, we
present worst-case optimal decision procedures for two
NP-hard problems that were previously not known to be in NP.
The first is the satisfiability problem for a logic of sets,
multisets (bags), and cardinality constraints, which has
applications in verification, interactive theorem proving,
and description logics.  The second is the reachability
problem for a class of transition systems whose transitions
increment the state vector by solutions of integer linear
arithmetic formulas.
  title = {Full Functional Verification of Linked Data Structures},
  author = {Karen Zee and Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  booktitle = {ACM SIGPLAN Conf. Programming Language Design and Implementation  (PLDI)},
  abstract = {
We present the first verification of full functional correctness
for a range of linked data structure implementations, including
mutable lists, trees, graphs, and hash tables.  Specifically, we
present the use of the Jahob verification system to verify formal
specifications, written in classical higher-order logic, that
completely capture the desired behavior of the Java data structure
implementations (with the exception of properties involving execution
time and/or memory consumption). Given that the desired correctness
properties include intractable constructs such as quantifiers,
transitive closure, and lambda abstraction, it is a challenge to
successfully prove the generated verification conditions.

Our verification system uses 'integrated reasoning' to
split each verification condition into a conjunction of simpler
subformulas, then apply a diverse collection of specialized decision
procedures, first-order theorem provers, and, in the worst case,
interactive theorem provers to prove each subformula. Techniques such
as replacing complex subformulas with stronger but simpler
alternatives, exploiting structure inherently present in the
verification conditions, and, when necessary, inserting verified
lemmas and proof hints into the imperative source code make it
possible to seamlessly integrate all of the specialized decision
procedures and theorem provers into a single powerful integrated
reasoning system. By appropriately applying multiple proof techniques
to discharge different subformulas, this reasoning system can
effectively prove the complex and challenging verification conditions
that arise in this context.
  note = {see also \cite{Kuncak07DecisionProceduresModularDataStructureVerification}},
  year = 2008
  author = {Ruzica Piskac and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {On Linear Arithmetic with Stars},
  institution = {EPFL},
  number = {LARA-REPORT-2008-005},
  year = 2008,
  abstract = {
We consider an extension of integer linear arithmetic with a
star operator that takes closure under vector addition of
the set of solutions of linear arithmetic subformula.  We
show that the satisfiability problem for this language is in
NP (and therefore NP-complete).  Our proof uses a
generalization of a recent result on sparse solutions of
integer linear programming problems.  We present two
consequences of our result.  The first one is an optimal 
decision procedure for a logic of sets,
multisets, and cardinalities that has applications in
verification, interactive theorem proving, and description
logics.  The second is  NP-completeness of the
reachability problem for a class of ``homogeneous''
transition systems whose transitions are defined using
integer linear arithmetic formulas.
  author = {Mirco Dotta and Philippe Suter and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {On Static Analysis for Expressive Pattern Matching},
  institution = {EPFL},
  year = 2008,
  number = {LARA-REPORT-2008-004},
  abstract = {
Pattern matching is a widespread programming language
construct that enables definitions of values by cases,
generalizing if-then-else and case statements.  The cases in
a pattern matching expression should be exhaustive: when the
value does not match any of the cases, the expression throws
a run-time exception.  Similarly, each pattern should be
reachable, and, if possible, patterns should be disjoint to
facilitate reasoning.  Current compilers use simple analyses
to check patterns. Such analyses ignore pattern guards, 
use static types to approximate possible
expression values, and do not take into account properties
of user-defined functions.

We present a design and implementation of a new analysis of
pattern matching expressions.  Our analysis detects a wider
class of errors and reports fewer false alarms than previous
approaches.  It checks disjointness, reachability, and
exhaustiveness of patterns by expressing these conditions as
formulas and proving them using decision procedures and
theorem provers.  It achieves precision by propagating
possible values through nested expressions and approximating
pattern-matching guards with formulas.  It supports
user-defined ``extractor'' functions in patterns by relying
on specifications of relationships between the domains of
such functions.  The result is the first analysis that
enables verified, declarative pattern matching with guards
in the presence of data abstraction.  We have implemented
our analysis and describe our experience in checking a range
of pattern matching expressions in a subset of the Scala
programming language.
  author = {Ruzica Piskac and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Decision Procedures for Multisets with Cardinality Constraints},
  booktitle = {9th International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI)},
  series = {LNCS},
  year = 2008,
  abstract = { Applications in software verification and interactive
theorem proving often involve reasoning about sets of
objects.  Cardinality constraints on such collections also
arise in these scenarios.  Multisets arise
for analogous reasons as sets: abstracting the
content of linked data structure with duplicate elements
leads to multisets.  Interactive theorem provers such as
Isabelle specify theories of multisets and prove a number of
theorems about them to enable their 
use in interactive verification.  
However, the decidability and
complexity of constraints on multisets is much less understood
than for constraints on sets.
The first contribution of this paper is a polynomial-space
algorithm for deciding expressive quantifier-free
constraints on multisets with cardinality operators.  Our
decision procedure reduces in polynomial time constraints on
multisets to constraints in an extension of quantifier-free
Presburger arithmetic with certain ``unbounded sum'' expressions.  We
prove bounds on solutions of resulting constraints and
describe a polynomial-space decision procedure for these
The second contribution of this paper is a proof that adding
quantifiers to a constraint language containing subset and
cardinality operators yields undecidable constraints.  The
result follows by reduction from Hilbert's 10th problem.
  author = {Huu Hai Nguyen and Viktor Kuncak and Wei Ngan Chin},
  title = {Runtime Checking for Separation Logic},
  booktitle = {9th International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI)},
  series = {LNCS},
  year = 2008,
  abstract = { 
  Separation logic is a popular approach for specifying
  properties of recursive mutable data structures.  Several
  existing systems verify a subclass of separation logic
  specifications using static analysis techniques.  Checking
  data structure specifications during program execution is
  an alternative to static verification: it can enforce the
  sophisticated specifications for which static verification
  fails, and it can help debug incorrect specifications and
  code by detecting concrete counterexamples to their
  This paper presents Separation Logic Invariant ChecKer
  (SLICK), a runtime checker for separation logic
  specifications.  We show that, although the recursive
  style of separation logic predicates is well suited for
  runtime execution, the implicit footprint and existential
  quantification make efficient runtime checking
  challenging.  To address these challenges we introduce a
  coloring technique for efficiently checking method
  footprints and describe techniques for inferring values of
  existentially quantified variables.  We have implemented
  our runtime checker in the context of a tool for enforcing
  specifications of Java programs.  Our experience suggests
  that our runtime checker is a useful companion to a static
  verifier for separation logic specifications.
  author = {Ruzica Piskac and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Decision Procedures for Multisets with 
Cardinality Constraints},
  year = 2007,
  number = {LARA-REPORT-2007-002},
  institution = {EPFL},
  abstract = { Applications in software verification and interactive
                  theorem proving often involve reasoning about sets
                  of objects. Cardinality constraints on such
                  collections also arise in these
                  applications. Multisets arise in these applications
                  for analogous reasons as sets: abstracting the
                  content of linked data structure with duplicate
                  elements leads to multisets. Interactive theorem
                  provers such as Isabelle specify theories of
                  multisets and prove a number of theorems about them
                  to enable their use in interactive
                  verification. However, the decidability and
                  complexity of constraints on multisets is much less
                  understood than for constraints on sets. The first
                  contribution of this paper is a polynomial-space
                  algorithm for deciding expressive quantifier-free
                  constraints on multisets with cardinality
                  operators. Our decision procedure reduces in
                  polynomial time constraints on multisets to
                  constraints in an extension of quantifier-free
                  Presburger arithmetic with certain ``unbounded sum''
                  expressions. We prove bounds on solutions of
                  resulting constraints and describe a
                  polynomial-space decision procedure for these
                  constraints. The second contribution of this paper
                  is a proof that adding quantifiers to a constraint
                  language containing subset and cardinality operators
                  yields undecidable constraints. The result follows
                  by reduction from Hilbert's 10th problem.  }
  author = {Huu Hai Nguyen and Viktor Kuncak and Wei Ngan Chin},
  title = {Runtime Checking for Separation Logic},
  institution = {EPFL},
  year = 2007,
  number = {LARA-REPORT-2007-003},
  abstract = { Separation logic is a popular approach for specifying
                  properties of recursive mutable data
                  structures. Several existing systems verify a
                  subclass of separation logic specifications using
                  static analysis techniques. Checking data structure
                  specifications during program execution is an
                  alternative to static verification: it can enforce
                  the sophisticated specifications for which static
                  verification fails, and it can help debug incorrect
                  specifications and code by detecting concrete
                  counterexamples to their validity. This paper
                  presents Separation Logic Invariant ChecKer (SLICK),
                  a runtime checker for separation logic
                  specifications. We show that, although the recursive
                  style of separation logic predicates is well suited
                  for runtime execution, the implicit footprint and
                  existential quantification make efficient runtime
                  checking challenging. To address these challenges we
                  introduce a coloring technique for efficiently
                  checking method footprints and describe techniques
                  for inferring values of existentially quantified
                  variables. We have implemented our runtime checker
                  in the context of a tool for enforcing
                  specifications of Java programs. Our experience
                  suggests that our runtime checker is a useful
                  companion to a static verifier for separation logic
                  specifications.  }
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {Towards Efficient Satisfiability Checking for
{B}oolean {A}lgebra with {P}resburger {A}rithmetic},
  booktitle = {Conference on Automateded Deduction (CADE-21)},
  series = {LNCS},
  volume = {4603},
  year = 2007,
  abstract = {
Boolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic (BAPA) is a
decidable logic that combines 1) Boolean algebra of sets of
uninterpreted elements (BA) and 2) Presburger arithmetic (PA).  
BAPA can express relationships between
integer variables and cardinalities of unbounded sets.  In
combination with other decision procedures and theorem
provers, BAPA is useful for automatically verifying quantitative
properties of data structures.  This paper examines QFBAPA, the
quantifier-free fragment of BAPA.  The computational
complexity of QFBAPA satisfiability was previously unknown;
previous QFBAPA algorithms have non-deterministic
exponential time complexity due to an explosion in the
number of introduced integer variables.
This paper shows, for the first time, how to avoid such
exponential explosion.  We present an algorithm for checking
satisfiability of QFBAPA formulas by reducing them to
formulas of quantifier-free PA, with only O(n log(n))
increase in formula size.  We prove the correctness of our
algorithm using a theorem about sparse solutions of integer
linear programming problems.  This is the first proof that
QFBAPA satisfiability is in NP and therefore NP-complete.
We implemented our algorithm in the context of the Jahob
verification system.  Our preliminary experiments suggest
that our algorithm, although not necessarily better for proving
formula unsatisfiability, is more effective in
detecting formula satisfiability than previous approaches.
  author = {Bruno Marnette and Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {Polynomial Constraints for Sets with Cardinality Bounds},
  booktitle = {Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures (FOSSACS)},
  series = {LNCS},
  volume = {4423},
  year = 2007,
  month = {March},
  abstract = {
Logics that can reason about sets and their cardinality
bounds are useful in program analysis, program verification,
databases, and knowledge bases.  This paper presents a class
of constraints on sets and their cardinalities for which the
satisfiability and the entailment problems are computable in
polynomial time.  Our class of constraints, based on
tree-shaped formulas, is unique in being simultaneously
tractable and able to express 1) that a set is a union of
other sets, 2) that sets are disjoint, and 3) that a set has
cardinality within a given range.  As the main result we
present a polynomial-time algorithm for checking entailment
of our constraints.
  author = {Thomas Wies and Viktor Kuncak and Karen Zee and
Andreas Podelski and Martin Rinard},
  title = {Verifying Complex Properties using Symbolic Shape Analysis},
  booktitle = {Workshop on Heap Abstraction and Verification 
(collocated with ETAPS)},
  year = 2007
  author = {Karen Zee and Viktor Kuncak and Michael Taylor 
and Martin Rinard},
  title = {Runtime Checking for Program Verification},
  booktitle = {Workshop on Runtime Verification},
  series = {LNCS},
  volume = {4839},
  year = 2007,
  abstract = {
The process of verifying that a program
conforms to its specification is often hampered by errors in
both the program and the specification.  
A runtime checker
that can evaluate formal specifications can be 
useful for quickly identifying such errors.  
This paper describes our preliminary experience with incorporating run-time checking
into the Jahob verification system and discusses 
some lessons we learned in this process.  One of the
challenges in building a runtime checker for a program
verification system is that the language of invariants and
assertions is designed for simplicity of semantics and
tractability of proofs, and not for run-time checking.  Some
of the more challenging constructs include existential and
universal quantification, set comprehension, specification
variables, and formulas that refer to past program states.
In this paper, we describe how we handle these constructs in
our runtime checker, and describe directions for
future work.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Modular Data Structure Verification},
  school = {EECS Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology},
  month = {February},
  year = {2007},
  url = {http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/38533},
  abstract = {
This dissertation describes an approach for automatically
verifying data structures, focusing on techniques for
automatically proving formulas that arise in such
verification.  I have implemented this approach with my
colleagues in a verification system called Jahob.  Jahob
verifies properties of Java programs with dynamically
allocated data structures.

Developers write Jahob specifications in classical
higher-order logic (HOL); Jahob reduces the verification
problem to deciding the validity of HOL formulas.  I present
a new method for proving HOL formulas by combining automated
reasoning techniques.  My method consists of 1) splitting
formulas into individual HOL conjuncts, 2) soundly
approximating each HOL conjunct with a formula in a more
tractable fragment and 3) proving the resulting
approximation using a decision procedure or a theorem
prover.  I present three concrete logics; for each logic I
show how to use it to approximate HOL formulas, and how to
decide the validity of formulas in this logic.

First, I present an approximation of HOL based on a
translation to first-order logic, which enables the use of
existing resolution-based theorem provers.
Second, I present an approximation of HOL based on field
constraint analysis, a new technique that enables decision
procedures for special classes of graphs (such as monadic
second-order logic over trees) to be applied to arbitrary

Third, I present an approximation using Boolean Algebra with
Presburger Arithmetic (BAPA), a logic that combines
reasoning about sets of elements with reasoning about
cardinalities of sets.  BAPA can express relationships
between sizes of data structures and invariants that
correlate data structure size with integer variables.  I
present the first implementation of a BAPA decision
procedure, and establish the exact complexity bounds for
BAPA and quantifier-free BAPA.

Together, these techniques enabled Jahob to modularly and
automatically verify data structure implementations based on
singly and doubly-linked lists, trees with parent pointers,
priority queues, and hash tables.  In particular, Jahob was
able to prove that data structure implementations
satisfy their specifications, maintain key data structure
invariants expressed in a rich logical notation, and never
produce run-time errors such as null dereferences or out of
bounds accesses.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Quantifier-Free Boolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic is NP-complete},
  institution = {MIT CSAIL},
  year = 2007,
  month = {January},
  url = {http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/35258},
  number = {MIT-CSAIL-TR-2007-001},
  abstract = {
Boolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic (BAPA) combines
1) Boolean algebras of sets of uninterpreted elements (BA)
and 2) Presburger arithmetic operations (PA).  BAPA can
express the relationship between integer variables and
cardinalities of unbounded finite sets and can be used to
express verification conditions in verification of data
structure consistency properties.

In this report I consider the Quantifier-Free fragment of
Boolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic (QFBAPA).
Previous algorithms for QFBAPA had non-deterministic
exponential time complexity.  In this report I show that
QFBAPA is in NP, and is therefore NP-complete.  My result
yields an algorithm for checking satisfiability of QFBAPA
formulas by converting them to polynomially sized formulas
of quantifier-free Presburger arithmetic.  I expect this
algorithm to substantially extend the range of QFBAPA
problems whose satisfiability can be checked in practice.
  author = {Charles Bouillaguet and Viktor Kuncak and Thomas Wies and Karen Zee and Martin Rinard},
  title = {Using First-Order Theorem Provers in the {J}ahob Data Structure Verification System},
  booktitle = {Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation},
  year = 2007,
  series = {LNCS},
  volume = {4349},
  month = {November},
  note = {See \cite{BouillaguetETAL06UsingFirstOrderTheoremProvers} for full version},
  abstract = {
This paper presents our integration of efficient resolution-based
theorem provers into the Jahob data structure verification system.
Our experimental results show that this approach enables Jahob to
automatically verify the correctness of a range of complex dynamically
instantiable data structures, such as hash tables and search trees,
without the need for interactive theorem proving or techniques
tailored to individual data structures.

Our primary technical results include: (1) a translation from
higher-order logic to first-order logic that enables the application
of resolution-based theorem provers and (2) a proof that eliminating
type (sort) information in formulas is both sound and complete, even
in the presence of a generic equality operator.  Our experimental
results show that the elimination of type information often
dramatically decreases the time required to prove the resulting

These techniques enabled us to verify complex correctness properties
of Java programs such as a mutable set implemented as an imperative
linked list, a finite map implemented as a functional ordered tree, a
hash table with a mutable array, and a simple library system example
that uses these container data structures.  Our system verifies (in a
matter of minutes) that data structure operations correctly update the
finite map, that they preserve data structure invariants (such as
ordering of elements, membership in appropriate hash table buckets, or
relationships between sets and relations), and that there are no
run-time errors such as null dereferences or array out of bounds
  author = {Charles Bouillaguet and Viktor Kuncak and Thomas Wies and Karen Zee and Martin Rinard},
  title = {On Using First-Order Theorem Provers in a the {J}ahob Data Structure Verification System},
  institution = {MIT},
  number = {MIT-CSAIL-TR-2006-072},
  year = 2006,
  url = {http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/34874},
  month = {November},
  note = {Full version of \cite{BouillaguetETAL07UsingFirstOrderTheoremProvers}},
  abstract = {
  This paper presents our integration of efficient
  resolution-based theorem provers into the Jahob data
  structure verification system.  Our experimental results
  show that this approach enables Jahob to automatically
  verify the correctness of a range of complex dynamically
  instantiable data structures, including data structures
  such as hash tables and search trees, without the need for
  interactive theorem proving or techniques tailored to
  individual data structures.

  Our primary technical results include: (1) a translation
  from higher-order logic to first-order logic that enables
  the application of resolution-based theorem provers and
  (2) a proof that eliminating type (sort) information in
  formulas is both sound and complete, even in the presence
  of a generic equality operator.  Our
  experimental results show that the elimination of 
  type information dramatically decreases the time required
  to prove the resulting formulas.

  These techniques enabled us to verify complex correctness
  properties of Java programs such as a mutable set
  implemented as an imperative linked list, a finite map
  implemented as a functional ordered tree, a hash table
  with a mutable array, and a simple library system example
  that uses these container data structures.  Our system
  verifies (in a matter of minutes) that data structure
  operations correctly update the finite map, that they
  preserve data structure invariants (such as ordering of
  elements, membership in appropriate hash table buckets, or
  relationships between sets and relations), and that there
  are no run-time errors such as null dereferences or array
  out of bounds accesses.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Patrick Lam and Karen Zee and Martin Rinard},
  title = {Modular Pluggable Analyses for Data Structure Consistency},
  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE)},
  volume = 32,
  number = 12,
  month = {December},
  year = 2006,
  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TSE.2006.125},
  abstract = {
Hob is a program analysis system that enables the
focused application
of multiple analyses to different modules in the same
program.  In our approach, each module encapsulates one or
more data structures and uses membership in abstract sets to
characterize how objects participate in data structures.
Each analysis verifies that the implementation of the module
1) preserves important internal data structure consistency
properties and 2) correctly implements a set algebra interface
that characterizes the effects
of operations on the data structure.
Collectively, the analyses use the set algebra to 1)
characterize how objects participate in multiple data
structures and to 2) enable the inter-analysis communication
required to verify properties that depend on multiple
modules analyzed by different analyses.

We implemented our system and deployed several pluggable
analyses, including a flag analysis for modules in which
abstract set membership is determined by a flag field in
each object, a PALE shape analysis plugin, and a theorem
proving plugin for analyzing arbitrarily complicated data
structures.  Our experience shows that our system can
effectively 1) verify the consistency of data structures
encapsulated within a single module and 2) combine analysis
results from different analysis plugins to verify properties
involving objects shared by multiple modules analyzed by
different analyses.
  author = {Thomas Wies and Viktor Kuncak and Karen Zee and Andreas Podelski and Martin Rinard},
  title = {On Verifying Complex Properties using Symbolic Shape Analysis},
  institution = {Max-Planck Institute for Computer Science},
  year = 2006,
  number = {MPI-I-2006-2-1},
  url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/cs.PL/0609104},
  abstract = {
  One of the main challenges in the verification of software systems
  is the analysis of statically unbounded data structures with dynamic memory
  allocation, such as linked data structures and arrays.  We describe
  Bohne, a new analysis for verifying data structures.  Bohne verifies
  data structure operations and shows that 1) the operations preserve
  data structure invariants and 2) the operations satisfy their
  specifications expressed in terms of changes to the set of objects
  stored in the data structure.  During the analysis, Bohne infers
  loop invariants in the form of disjunctions of universally
  quantified Boolean combinations of formulas, represented as sets of
  binary decision diagrams.  To synthesize loop invariants of this
  form, Bohne uses a combination of decision procedures for Monadic
  Second-Order Logic over trees, SMT-LIB decision procedures
  (currently CVC Lite), and an automated reasoner within the Isabelle
  interactive theorem prover.  This architecture shows that
  synthesized loop invariants can serve as a useful communication
  mechanism between different decision procedures.  In addition, Bohne
  uses field constraint analysis, a combination mechanism that enables
  the use of uninterpreted function symbols within formulas of Monadic
  Second-Order Logic over trees.  Using Bohne, we have verified
  operations on data structures such as linked lists with iterators
  and back pointers, trees with and without parent pointers, two-level
  skip lists, array data structures, and sorted lists.  We have
  deployed Bohne in the Hob and Jahob data structure analysis systems,
  enabling us to combine Bohne with analyses of data structure clients
  and apply it in the context of larger programs.  This paper
  describes the Bohne algorithm, the techniques that Bohne uses
  to reduce the amount of annotations and the running time of the analysis.
  We also describe the analysis architecture that enables Bohne to 
  effectively take advantage of multiple reasoning procedures 
  when proving complex invariants.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Huu Hai Nguyen and Martin Rinard},
  title = {Deciding {B}oolean {A}lgebra with {P}resburger {A}rithmetic},
  journal = {Journal of Automated Reasoning},
  year = 2006,
  volume = {36},
  number = 3,
  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10817-006-9042-1},
  abstract = {
We describe an algorithm for deciding the first-order
multisorted theory BAPA, which combines 1) Boolean algebras
of sets of uninterpreted elements (BA) and 2) Presburger
arithmetic operations (PA).  BAPA can express the
relationship between integer variables and cardinalities of
unbounded finite sets, and supports
arbitrary quantification over sets and integers.

Our original motivation for BAPA is deciding verification conditions
that arise in the static analysis of data structure
consistency properties.  Data structures often use an
integer variable to keep track of the number of elements
they store; an invariant of such a data structure is that
the value of the integer variable is equal to the number of
elements stored in the data structure.  When the data
structure content is represented by a set, the resulting
constraints can be captured in BAPA.  BAPA formulas with
quantifier alternations arise when verifying programs with
annotations containing quantifiers, or when proving
simulation relation conditions for refinement and
equivalence of program fragments.  Furthermore, BAPA
constraints can be used for proving the termination of
programs that manipulate data structures, as well as in
constraint database query evaluation and loop invariant inference.

We give a formal description of an algorithm for deciding
BAPA.  We analyze our algorithm and show that it has optimal
alternating time complexity, and that the complexity of BAPA
matches the complexity of PA.  Because it works by a
reduction to PA, our algorithm yields the decidability of a
combination of sets of uninterpreted elements with any
decidable extension of PA.  When restricted to BA formulas,
the algorithm can be used to decide BA in optimal
alternating time.  Furthermore, the algorithm can eliminate
individual quantifiers from a formula with free variables
and therefore perform projection onto a desirable set of

We have implemented our algorithm and used it to discharge
verification conditions in the Jahob system for data
structure consistency checking of Java programs; our
experience suggest that a straightforward implementation of
the algorithm is effective on non-trivial formulas as long
as the number of set variables is small.  We also report
on a new algorithm for solving the quantifier-free fragment
of BAPA.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {An overview of the {J}ahob analysis system: Project Goals and Current Status},
  booktitle = {{NSF} Next Generation Software Workshop},
  year = {2006},
  abstract = {
  We present an overview of the Jahob system for modular
  analysis of data structure properties.  Jahob uses a
  subset of Java as the implementation language and
  annotations with formulas in a subset of Isabelle as the
  specification language.  It uses monadic second-order
  logic over trees to reason about reachability in linked
  data structures, the Isabelle theorem prover and
  Nelson-Oppen style theorem provers to reason about
  high-level properties and arrays, and a new technique to
  combine reasoning about constraints on uninterpreted
  function symbols with other decision procedures. It also
  incorporates new decision procedures for reasoning about
  sets with cardinality constraints.  The system can infer
  loop invariants using new symbolic shape analysis.
  Initial results in the use of our system are promising; we
  are continuing to develop and evaluate it.
  author = {Thomas Wies and Viktor Kuncak and Patrick Lam and Andreas Podelski and Martin Rinard},
  title = {Field Constraint Analysis},
  booktitle = {Proc. Int. Conf. Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpratation},
  series = {LNCS},
  volume = {3855},
  year = 2006,
  note = {See \cite{WiesETAL05OnFieldConstraintAnalysis} for full version.},
  abstract = {
  We introduce \emph{field constraint analysis}, a new
  technique for verifying data structure invariants.  A
  field constraint for a field is a formula specifying a set of objects
  to which the field can point.  Field constraints enable
  the application of decidable logics to data structures
  which were originally beyond the scope of these logics, by verifying the
  backbone of the data structure and then verifying
  constraints on fields that cross-cut the backbone in
  arbitrary ways.  Previously, such cross-cutting fields
  could only be verified when they were uniquely determined by
  the backbone, which significantly limits the range of
  analyzable data structures. 

  Field constraint analysis permits \emph{non-deterministic} field
  constraints on cross-cutting fields, which allows the verificiation
  of invariants for data structures such as skip lists.  Non-deterministic
  field constraints also enable the verification of invariants between
  data structures, yielding an expressive generalization of static
  type declarations. 

  The generality of our field constraints requires new
  techniques.  We present one such technique and
  prove its soundness.  We have implemented this technique
  as part of a symbolic shape analysis deployed in
  the context of the Hob system for verifying data structure
  consistency.  Using this implementation we were able to
  verify data structures that were previously beyond the
  reach of similar techniques.
  author = {Thomas Wies and Viktor Kuncak and Patrick Lam and Andreas Podelski and Martin Rinard},
  title = {On Field Constraint Analysis},
  institution = {MIT CSAIL},
  year = 2005,
  month = {November},
  number = {MIT-CSAIL-TR-2005-072, MIT-LCS-TR-1010},
  note = {Full version of \cite{WiesETAL06FieldConstraintAnalysis}},
  abstract = {
  We introduce \emph{field constraint analysis}, a new
  technique for verifying data structure invariants.  A
  field constraint for a field is a formula specifying a set of objects
  to which the field can point.  Field constraints enable
  the application of decidable logics to data structures
  which were originally beyond the scope of these logics, by verifying the
  backbone of the data structure and then verifying
  constraints on fields that cross-cut the backbone in
  arbitrary ways.  Previously, such cross-cutting fields
  could only be verified when they were uniquely determined by
  the backbone, which significantly limited the range of
  analyzable data structures.

  Our field constraint analysis permits \emph{non-deterministic} field
  constraints on cross-cutting fields, which allows to verify
  invariants of data structures such as skip lists.  Non-deterministic
  field constraints also enable the verification of invariants between
  data structures, yielding an expressive generalization of static
  type declarations.

  The generality of our field constraints requires new
  techniques, which are orthogonal to the traditional use of
  structure simulation.  We present one such technique and
  prove its soundness.  We have implemented this technique
  as part of a symbolic shape analysis deployed in
  the context of the Hob system for verifying data structure
  consistency.  Using this implementation we were able to
  verify data structures that were previously beyond the
  reach of similar techniques.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Patrick Lam and Karen Zee and Martin Rinard},
  title = {Implications of a Data Structure Consistency Checking System},
  booktitle = {International conference on Verified Software: Theories, Tools, Experiments (VSTTE, IFIP Working Group 2.3 Conference)},
  year = 2005,
  address = {Z\"urich, Switzerland},
  month = {October},
  abstract = {
We present a framework for verifying that programs correctly preserve
important data structure consistency properties. Results from our
implemented system indicate that our system can effectively enable the
scalable verification of very precise data structure consistency
properties within complete programs. Our system treats both {\em
internal} properties, which deal with a single data structure
implementation, and {\em external} properties, which deal with
properties that involve multiple data structures. A key aspect of our
system is that it enables multiple analysis and verification packages
to productively interoperate to analyze a single program.  In
particular, it supports the targeted use of very precise, unscalable
analyses in the context of a larger analysis and verification system.
The integration of different analyses in our system is based
on a common set-based specification language: precise
analyses verify that data structures conform to set
specifications, whereas scalable analyses verify relationships
between data structures and preconditions of data structure

There are several reasons why our system may be of interest in a broader
program analysis and verification effort. First, it can ensure that
the program satisfies important data structure consistency properties,
which is an important goal in and of itself.  Second, it can provide
information that insulates other analysis and verification tools from
having to deal directly with pointers and data structure
implementations, thereby enabling these tools to focus on the key
properties that they are designed to analyze. Finally, we expect other
developers to be able to leverage its basic structuring concepts to
enable the scalable verification of other program safety and
correctness properties.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Daniel Jackson},
  title = {Relational Analysis of Algebraic Datatypes},
  booktitle = {10th European Soft. Eng. Conf. (ESEC) and 13th
                  Symp. Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE)},
  year = 2005,
  note = {See \cite{KuncakJackson05OnRelationalAnalysisAlgebraicDatatypes}
          for full version.},
  abstract = {
We present a technique that enables the use of finite model
finding to check the satisfiability of certain formulas
whose intended models are infinite.  Such formulas arise
when using the language of sets and relations to reason
about structured values such as algebraic datatypes.  The
key idea of our technique is to identify a natural syntactic
class of formulas in relational logic for which reasoning
about infinite structures can be reduced to reasoning about
finite structures.  As a result, when a formula belongs to
this class, we can use existing finite model finding
tools to check whether the formula holds in the desired
infinite model.
  author = {Bruno Marnette and Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {On Algorithms and Complexity for Sets with Cardinality Constraints},
  institution = {MIT CSAIL},
  year = 2005,
  month = {August},
  url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/cs/0508123},
  abstract = {
Typestate systems ensure many desirable properties of imperative
programs, including initialization of object fields and correct use of
stateful library interfaces.  Abstract sets with cardinality
constraints naturally generalize typestate properties: relationships
between the typestates of objects can be expressed as subset and
disjointness relations on sets, and elements of sets can be
represented as sets of cardinality one.  In addition, sets with
cardinality constraints provide a natural language for specifying
operations and invariants of data structures.

Motivated by these program analysis applications, this
paper presents new algorithms and new complexity results for
constraints on sets and their cardinalities.  We study
several classes of constraints and demonstrate a trade-off
between their expressive power and their complexity.

Our first result concerns a quantifier-free fragment of Boolean
Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic.  We give a nondeterministic
polynomial-time algorithm for reducing the satisfiability of sets with
symbolic cardinalities to constraints on constant cardinalities, and
give a polynomial-space algorithm for the resulting problem.  The best
previously existing algorithm runs in exponential space and
nondeterministic exponential time.

In a quest for more efficient fragments, we identify several
subclasses of sets with cardinality constraints whose satisfiability
is NP-hard.  Finally, we identify a class of constraints that has
polynomial-time satisfiability and entailment problems and can serve
as a foundation for efficient program analysis.  We give a system of
rewriting rules for enforcing certain consistency properties of these
constraints and show how to extract complete information from
constraints in normal form.  This result implies the soundness and
completeness of our algorithms.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Huu Hai Nguyen and Martin Rinard},
  title = {An Algorithm for Deciding {BAPA}: {B}oolean {A}lgebra with {P}resburger {A}rithmetic},
  booktitle = {20th International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE-20},
  year = 2005,
  address = {Tallinn, Estonia},
  series = {LNCS},
  volume = {3632},
  month = {July},
  note = {Superseded by 
  abstract = {
We describe an algorithm for deciding the first-order
multisorted theory BAPA, which combines 1) Boolean algebras
of sets of uninterpreted elements (BA) and 2) Presburger
arithmetic operations (PA).  BAPA can express the
relationship between integer variables and cardinalities of
a priory unbounded finite sets, and supports
arbitrary quantification over sets and integers.

Our motivation for BAPA is deciding verification conditions
that arise in the static analysis of data structure
consistency properties.  Data structures often use an
integer variable to keep track of the number of elements
they store; an invariant of such a data structure is that
the value of the integer variable is equal to the number of
elements stored in the data structure.  When the data
structure content is represented by a set, the resulting
constraints can be captured in BAPA.  BAPA formulas with
quantifier alternations arise when verifying programs with
annotations containing quantifiers, or when proving
simulation relation conditions for refinement and
equivalence of program fragments.  Furthermore, BAPA
constraints can be used for proving the termination of
programs that manipulate data structures, and have
applications in constraint databases.

We give a formal description of a decision procedure for
BAPA, which implies the decidability of BAPA.  We analyze
our algorithm and obtain an elementary upper bound on the
running time, thereby giving the first complexity bound for
BAPA.  Because it works by a reduction to PA, our algorithm
yields the decidability of a combination of sets of
uninterpreted elements with any decidable extension of PA.
Our algorithm can also be used to yield an optimal
decision procedure for BA through a reduction to PA with
bounded quantifiers.

We have implemented our algorithm and used it to discharge
verification conditions in the Jahob system for data
structure consistency checking of Java programs; our
experience with the algorithm is promising.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Daniel Jackson},
  title = {On Relational Analysis of Algebraic Datatypes},
  institution = {MIT},
  year = 2005,
  number = 985,
  month = {April},
  note = {Full version of 
  abstract = {
We present a technique that enables the use of finite model
finding to check the satisfiability of certain formulas
whose intended models are infinite.  Such formulas arise
when using the language of sets and relations to reason
about structured values such as algebraic datatypes.  The
key idea of our technique is to identify a natural syntactic
class of formulas in relational logic for which reasoning
about infinite structures can be reduced to reasoning about
finite structures.  As a result, when a formula belongs to
this class, we can use existing finite model finding
tools to check whether the formula holds in the desired
infinite model.
  author = {Patrick Lam and Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {Hob: A Tool for Verifying Data Structure Consistency},
  booktitle = {14th International Conference on Compiler Construction 
                  (tool demo)},
  year = 2005,
  series = {LNCS},
  volume = {3443},
  month = {April},
  abstract = {
This tool demonstration presents Hob, a system for verifying data
structure consistency for programs written in a general-purpose
programming language.  Our tool enables the focused application of
multiple communicating static analyses to different modules in the
same program.  Using our tool throughout the program development
process, we have successfully identified several bugs in both
specifications and implementations of programs.
  author = {Patrick Lam and Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {Cross-Cutting Techniques in Program Specification and Analysis},
  booktitle = {4th International Conference on 
                  Aspect-Oriented Software Development},
  publisher = {ACM},
  isbn = {1-59593-042-6},
  month = {March},
  year = 2005,
  abstract = {
We present three aspect-oriented constructs ({\em formats}, {\em
scopes}, and {\em defaults}) that, in combination with a specification
language based on abstract sets of objects, enable the modular
application of multiple arbitrarily precise (and therefore arbitrarily
unscalable) analyses to scalably verify data structure consistency
properties in sizable programs. Formats use a form of field
introduction to group together the declarations of all of the fields
that together comprise a given data structure. Scopes and defaults
enable the developer to state certain data structure consistency
properties once in a single specification construct that cuts across
the preconditions and postconditions of the procedures in the
system. Standard approaches, in contrast, scatter and duplicate such
properties across the preconditions and postconditions. We have
implemented a prototype implementation, specification, analysis, and
verification system based on these constructs and used this system to
successfully verify a range of data structure consistency properties
in several programs.

Most previous research in the field of aspect-oriented programming has
focused on the use of aspect-oriented concepts in design and
implementation. Our experience indicates that aspect-oriented concepts
can also be extremely useful for specification, analysis, and
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and
               Martin C. Rinard},
  title = {Decision Procedures for Set-Valued Fields},
  journal = {Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci.; Proc. Abstract Interpretation of 
                  Object-Oriented Languages},
  volume = {131},
  year = {2005},
  note = {See \cite{KuncakRinard04DecisionProcedureSetValuedFields} 
          for full version},
  pages = {51-62},
  ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.entcs.2005.01.022},
  abstract = {
A central feature of current object-oriented languages is the ability
to dynamically instantiate user-defined container data structures such
as lists, trees, and hash tables.  Implementations of these data
structures typically use references to dynamically allocated objects,
which complicates reasoning about the resulting program.  Reasoning is
simplified if data structure operations are specified in terms of
abstract sets of objects associated with each data structure.  For
example, an insertion into a data structure in this approach becomes
simply an insertion into a dynamically changing set-valued field of an
object, as opposed to a manipulation of a dynamically linked structure
attached to the object.

In this paper we explore reasoning techniques for programs
that manipulate data structures specified using set-valued
abstract fields associated with container objects.  We
compare the expressive power and the complexity of
specification languages based on 
1) decidable prefix vocabulary classes of first-order logic, 
2) two-variable logic with counting, and 
3) Nelson-Oppen combinations of multisorted theories.
Such specification logics can be used for
verification of object-oriented programs with supplied
invariants.  Moreover, by selecting an appropriate subset of
properties expressible in such logic, the decision
procedures for these logics enable automated computation of
lattice operations in an abstract interpretation domain, as
well as automated computation of abstract program semantics.
  author = {Patrick Lam and Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {Generalized Typestate Checking for Data Structure Consistency},
  booktitle = {Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation},
  series = {LNCS},
  volume = {3385},
  year = 2005,
  abstract = {
We present an analysis to verify abstract set specifications for
programs that use object field values to determine the membership of
objects in abstract sets.  In our approach, each module may
encapsulate several data structures and use membership in abstract
sets to characterize how objects participate in its data structures.
Each module's specification uses set algebra formulas to characterize
the effects of its operations on the abstract sets.  The program may
define abstract set membership in a variety of ways; arbitrary
analyses (potentially with multiple analyses applied to different
modules in the same program) may verify the corresponding set
specifications. The analysis we present in this paper verifies set
specifications by constructing and verifying set algebra formulas
whose validity implies the validity of the set specifications.

We have implemented our analysis and annotated several programs
(75-2500 lines of code) with set specifications.  We found that our
original analysis algorithm did not scale; this paper describes
several optimizations that improve the scalability of our analysis.
It also presents experimental data comparing the original and
optimized versions of our analysis.
  author = {Karen Zee and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {File Refinement},
  howpublished = {The Archive of Formal Proofs},
  url = {http://afp.sourceforge.net/entries/FileRefinement.shtml},
  month = {December},
  note = {Formal proof development},
  year = 2004
  author = {Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Binary Search Trees},
  howpublished = {The Archive of Formal Proofs},
  url = {http://afp.sourceforge.net/entries/BinarySearchTree.shtml},
  month = {April},
  note = {Formal proof development},
  year = 2004
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Patrick Lam and Karen Zee and Martin Rinard},
  title = {Modular Pluggable Analyses for Data Structure Consistency},
  booktitle = {Monterey Workshop on Software Engineering Tools: Compatibility and Integration},
  year = 2004,
  address = {Vienna, Austria},
  month = {October},
  note = {Superseded by 
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {On Decision Procedures for Set-Valued Fields},
  institution = {MIT CSAIL},
  year = 2004,
  number = {975},
  month = {November},
  note = {Full version of \cite{KuncakRinard05DecisionProceduresSetValuedFields}},
  abstract = {
An important feature of object-oriented programming
languages is the ability to dynamically instantiate
user-defined container data structures such as lists, trees,
and hash tables.  Programs implement such data structures
using references to dynamically allocated objects, which
allows data structures to store unbounded numbers of
objects, but makes reasoning about programs more difficult.
Reasoning about object-oriented programs with complex data
structures is simplified if data structure operations are
specified in terms of abstract sets of objects associated
with each data structure.  For example, an insertion into a
data structure in this approach becomes simply an insertion
into a dynamically changing set-valued field of an object,
as opposed to a manipulation of a dynamically linked
structure linked to the object.

In this paper we explore reasoning techniques for programs
that manipulate data structures specified using set-valued
abstract fields associated with container objects.  We
compare the expressive power and the complexity of
specification languages based on 
1) decidable prefix vocabulary classes of first-order logic, 
2) two-variable logic with counting, and 
3) Nelson-Oppen combinations of multisorted theories.
Such specification logics can be used for
verification of object-oriented programs with supplied
invariants.  Moreover, by selecting an appropriate subset of
properties expressible in such logic, the decision
procedures for these logics yield automated computation of
lattice operations in abstract interpretation domain, as
well as automated computation of abstract program semantics.
  author = {Karen Zee and Patrick Lam and Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {Combining Theorem proving with Static Analysis for Data Structure Consistency},
  booktitle = {International Workshop on Software Verification and Validation},
  year = 2004,
  address = {Seattle},
  month = {November},
  abstract = {
We describe an approach for combining theorem proving
techniques with static analysis to analyze data structure
consistency for programs that manipulate heterogeneous data
structures.  Our system uses interactive theorem proving and
shape analysis to verify that data structure implementations
conform to set interfaces.  A simpler static analysis then
uses the verified set interfaces to verify properties that
characterize how shared objects participate in multiple data
structures.  We have successfully applied this technique to
several programs and found that theorem proving within
circumscribed regions of the program combined with static
analysis enables the verification of large-scale program
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {On Spatial Conjunction as Second-Order Logic},
  institution = {MIT CSAIL},
  year = 2004,
  number = {970},
  month = {October},
  url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/cs.LO/0410073},
  abstract = {
Spatial conjunction is a powerful construct for reasoning
 about dynamically allocated data structures, as well as
concurrent, distributed and mobile computation. While
researchers have identified many uses of spatial
conjunction, its precise expressive power compared to
traditional logical constructs was not previously known. In
this paper we establish the expressive power of spatial
conjunction. We construct an embedding from first-order
logic with spatial conjunction into second-order logic, and
more surprisingly, an embedding from full second order logic
into first-order logic with spatial conjunction. These
embeddings show that the satisfiability of formulas in
first-order logic with spatial conjunction is equivalent to
the satisfiability of formulas in second-order logic. These
results explain the great expressive power of spatial
conjunction and can be used to show that adding unrestricted
spatial conjunction to a decidable logic leads to an
undecidable logic. As one example, we show that adding
unrestricted spatial conjunction to two-variable logic leads
to undecidability. On the side of decidability, the
embedding into second-order logic immediately implies the
decidability of first-order logic with a form of spatial
conjunction over trees. The embedding into spatial
conjunction also has useful consequences: because a
restricted form of spatial conjunction in two-variable logic
preserves decidability, we obtain that a correspondingly
restricted form of second-order quantification in
two-variable logic is decidable. The resulting language
generalizes the first-order theory of boolean algebra over
sets and is useful in reasoning about the contents of data
structures in object-oriented languages.
  author = {Patrick Lam and Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {On Our Experience with Modular Pluggable Analyses},
  institution = {MIT CSAIL},
  month = {September},
  number = {965},
  year = 2004,
  abstract = {
We present a technique that enables the focused application
of multiple analyses to different modules in the same
program.  Our research has two goals: 1) to address the
scalability limitations of precise analyses by focusing the
analysis on only those parts of the program that are
relevant to the properties that the analysis is designed to
verify, and 2) to enable the application of specialized
analyses that verify properties of specific classes of data
structures to programs that simultaneously manipulate
several different kinds of data structures.

In our approach, each module encapsulates a data structure
and uses membership in abstract sets to characterize how
objects participate in its data structure.  Each analysis
verifies that the implementation of the module 1) preserves
important internal data structure representation invariants
and 2) conforms to a specification that uses formulas in a
set algebra to characterize the effects of operations on the
data structure. The analyses use the common set abstraction
to 1) characterize how objects participate in multiple data
structures and to 2) enable the inter-analysis communication
required to verify properties that depend on multiple
modules analyzed by different analyses.

We characterize the key soundness property that an analysis
plugin must satisfy to successfully participate in our
system and present several analysis plugins that satisfy
this property: a flag plugin that analyzes modules in which
abstract set membership is determined by a flag field in
each object, and a graph types plugin that analyzes modules
in which abstract set membership is determined by
reachability properties of objects stored in tree-like data
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {The First-Order Theory of Sets with Cardinality Constraints is Decidable},
  institution = {MIT CSAIL},
  year = 2004,
  number = 958,
  month = {July},
  url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/cs/0407045},
  note = {Superseded by 
  abstract = {
We show that the decidability of the first-order theory of
the language that combines Boolean algebras of sets of
uninterpreted elements with Presburger arithmetic
operations. We thereby disprove a recent conjecture that
this theory is undecidable. Our language allows relating the
cardinalities of sets to the values of integer variables,
and can distinguish finite and infinite sets. We use
quantifier elimination to show the decidability and obtain
an elementary upper bound on the complexity.  Precise
program analyses can use our decidability result to verify
representation invariants of data structures that use an
integer field to represent the number of stored elements.
  author = {Konstantine Arkoudas and Karen Zee and Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {Verifying a File System Implementation},
  booktitle = {Sixth International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods},
  year = 2004,
  address = {Seattle},
  series = {LNCS},
  volume = {3308},
  note = {See also technical report
  abstract = {
We present a correctness proof for a basic file system
implementation. This implementation contains key elements of standard
Unix file systems such as inodes and fixed-size disk blocks.  We prove
the implementation correct by establishing a simulation relation
between the specification of the file system (which models the file
system as an abstract map from file names to sequences of bytes) and
its implementation (which uses fixed-size disk blocks to store 
the contents of the files). 
We used the Athena proof system to represent and validate our proof.
Our experience indicates that Athena's use of block-structured natural 
deduction, support for structural induction and proof 
abstraction, and  seamless integration with high-performance automated theorem
provers were essential to our ability to successfully manage a proof of
this size. 
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {Generalized Records and Spatial Conjunction in Role Logic},
  booktitle = {International Static Analysis Symposium},
  year = 2004,
  address = {Verona, Italy},
  series = {LNCS},
  volume = {3148},
  month = {August},
  note = {See \cite{KuncakRinard04OnRecordsSpatialConjunctionRoleLogic} for
          full version},
  abstract = {
We have previously introduced role logic as a notation for describing properties of relational structures in shape analysis, databases and knowledge bases. A natural fragment of role logic corresponds to two-variable logic with counting and is therefore decidable.

We show how to use role logic to describe open and closed records, as well the dual of records, inverse records. We observe that the spatial conjunction operation of separation logic naturally models record concatenation. Moreover, we show how to eliminate the spatial conjunction of formulas of quantifier depth one in first-order logic with counting. As a result, allowing spatial conjunction of formulas of quantifier depth one preserves the decidability of two-variable logic with counting. This result applies to two-variable role logic fragment as well.

The resulting logic smoothly integrates type system and predicate calculus notation and can be viewed as a natural generalization of the notation for constraints arising in role analysis and similar shape analysis approaches.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {On Generalized Records and Spatial Conjunction in Role Logic},
  institution = {MIT CSAIL},
  number = {942},
  year = 2004,
  month = {April},
  url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/cs.PL/0408019},
  note = {Full version of \cite{KuncakRinard04GeneralizedRecordsRoleLogic}},
  abstract = {
We have previously introduced role logic as a notation for
describing properties of relational structures in shape
analysis, databases and knowledge bases. A natural fragment
of role logic corresponds to two-variable logic with
counting and is therefore decidable. We show how to use role
logic to describe open and closed records, as well the dual
of records, inverse records. We observe that the spatial
conjunction operation of separation logic naturally models
record concatenation. Moreover, we show how to eliminate the
spatial conjunction of formulas of quantifier depth one in
first-order logic with counting. As a result, allowing
spatial conjunction of formulas of quantifier depth one
preserves the decidability of two-variable logic with
counting. This result applies to two-variable role logic
fragment as well. The resulting logic smoothly integrates
type system and predicate calculus notation and can be
viewed as a natural generalization of the notation for
constraints arising in role analysis and similar shape
analysis approaches.
  author = {Konstantine Arkoudas and Karen Zee and Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {On Verifying a File System Implementation},
  institution = {MIT CSAIL},
  year = 2004,
  number = 946,
  month = {May},
  note = {See also conference version 
  abstract = {
We present a correctness proof for a basic file system
implementation. This implementation contains key elements of standard
Unix file systems such as inodes and fixed-size disk blocks.  We prove
the implementation correct by establishing a simulation relation
between the specification of the file system (which models the file
system as an abstract map from file names to sequences of bytes) and
its implementation (which uses fixed-size disk blocks to store 
the contents of the files). 

We used the Athena proof checker to represent and validate our proof.
Our experience indicates that Athena's use of block-structured natural 
deduction, support for structural induction and proof 
abstraction, and  seamless connection with high-performance automated theorem
provers were essential to our ability to successfully manage a proof of
this size. 
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {Boolean Algebra of Shape Analysis Constraints},
  booktitle = {Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation},
  series = {LNCS},
  volume = {2937},
  year = 2004,
  abstract = {
The parametric shape analysis framework of Sagiv, Reps, and Wilhelm [45, 46] uses three-valued structures as dataflow lattice elements to represent sets of states at different program points. The recent work of Yorsh, Reps, Sagiv, Wilhelm [48, 50] introduces a family of formulas in (classical, two-valued) logic that are isomorphic to three-valued structures [46] and represent the same sets of concrete states.

In this paper we introduce a larger syntactic class of formulas that has the same expressive power as the formulas in [48]. The formulas in [48] can be viewed as a normal form of the formulas in our syntactic class; we give an algorithm for transforming our formulas to this normal form. Our formulas make it obvious that the constraints are closed under all boolean operations and therefore form a boolean algebra. Our algorithm also gives a reduction of the entailment and the equivalence problems for these constraints to the satisfiability problem.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and K. Rustan M. Leino},
  title = {On computing the fixpoint of a set of boolean equations},
  institution = {Microsoft Research},
  year = 2003,
  number = {MSR-TR-2003-08},
  month = {December},
  url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/cs.PL/0408045},
  abstract = {
  This paper presents a method for computing a least fixpoint of a
  system of equations over booleans.  The resulting computation can
  be significantly shorter than the result of iteratively evaluating
  the entire system until a fixpoint is reached.
  author = {Patrick Lam and Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {On Modular Pluggable Analyses Using Set Interfaces},
  institution = {MIT CSAIL},
  month = {December},
  number = {933},
  year = 2003,
  abstract = {
We present a technique that enables the focused application
of multiple analyses to different modules in the same
program.  Our research has two goals: 1) to address the
scalability limitations of precise analyses by focusing the
analysis on only those parts of the program that are
relevant to the properties that the analysis is designed to
verify, and 2) to enable the application of specialized
analyses that verify properties of specific classes of data
structures to programs that simultaneously manipulate
several different kinds of data structures.

In our approach, each module encapsulates a data structure
and uses membership in abstract sets to characterize how
objects participate in its data structure.  Each analysis
verifies that the implementation of the module 1) preserves
important internal data structure representation invariants
and 2) conforms to a specification that uses formulas in a
set algebra to characterize the effects of operations on the
data structure. The analyses use the common set abstraction
to 1) characterize how objects participate in multiple data
structures and to 2) enable the inter-analysis communication
required to verify properties that depend on multiple
modules analyzed by different analyses.

We characterize the key soundness property that an analysis
plugin must satisfy to successfully participate in our
system and present several analysis plugins that satisfy
this property: a flag plugin that analyzes modules in which
abstract set membership is determined by a flag field in
each object, and a graph types plugin that analyzes modules
in which abstract set membership is determined by
reachability properties of objects stored in tree-like data
  author = {Patrick Lam and Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {Generalized Typestate Checking Using Set Interfaces and Pluggable Analyses},
  journal = {SIGPLAN Notices},
  year = 2004,
  volume = 39,
  issue = 3,
  month = {March},
  pages = {46--55},
  abstract = {
We present a generalization of standard typestate systems
in which the typestate of each object is determined
by its membership in a collection of abstract typestate
sets. This generalization supports typestates that model
participation in abstract data types, composite typestates
that correspond to membership in multiple sets, and 
hierarchical typestates. Because membership in typestate
sets corresponds directly to participation in data
structures, our typestate system characterizes
global sharing patterns. 

In our approach, each module
encapsulates a data structure and uses membership
in abstract sets to characterize how objects participate
in its data structure. Each analysis verifies
that the implementation of the module 1) preserves important
internal data structure representation invariants and
2) conforms to a specification that uses formulas in
a set algebra to characterize the effects of operations
on the data structure. The analyses use the common set
abstraction to 1) characterize how objects participate in
multiple data structures and to 2) enable the inter-analysis
communication required to verify properties that depend
on multiple modules analyzed by different analyses.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {On Role Logic},
  institution = {MIT CSAIL},
  number = 925,
  year = 2003,
  url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/cs.PL/0408018},
  abstract = {
We present {\em role logic}, a notation for describing
properties of relational structures in shape analysis,
databases, and knowledge bases.  We construct role logic
using the ideas of de Bruijn's notation for lambda calculus,
an encoding of first-order logic in lambda calculus, and a
simple rule for implicit arguments of unary and binary

The unrestricted version of role logic has the expressive
power of first-order logic with transitive closure.  Using a
syntactic restriction on role logic formulas, we identify a
natural fragment $RL^2$ of role logic.  We show that the
$RL^2$ fragment has the same expressive power as
two-variable logic with counting $C^2$, and is therefore

We present a translation of an imperative language into the
decidable fragment $RL^2$, which allows compositional
verification of programs that manipulate relational
structures.  In addition, we show how $RL^2$ encodes
boolean shape analysis constraints and an expressive
description logic.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {On the Boolean Algebra of Shape Analysis Constraints},
  institution = {MIT CSAIL},
  year = 2003,
  month = {August},
  abstract = {
Shape analysis is a promising technique for statically
verifying and extracting properties of programs that
manipulate complex data structures.  We introduce a new
characterization of constraints that arise in parametric
shape analysis based on manipulation of three-valued
structures as dataflow facts.

We identify an interesting syntactic class of first-order
logic formulas that captures the meaning of three-valued
structures under concretization.  This class is broader than
previously introduced classes, allowing for a greater
flexibility in the formulation of shape analysis constraints
in program annotations and internal analysis
representations.  Three-valued structures can be viewed as
one possible normal form of the formulas in our class.

Moreover, we characterize the meaning of three-valued
structures under ``tight concretization''.  We show that the
seemingly minor change from concretization to tight
concretization increases the expressive power of
three-valued structures in such a way that the resulting
constraints are closed under all boolean operations.  We
call the resulting constraints {\em boolean shape analysis

The main technical contribution of this paper is a natural
syntactic characterization of boolean shape analysis
constraints as arbitrary boolean combinations of
first-order sentences of certain form, and an algorithm for
transforming such boolean combinations into the normal
form that corresponds directly to three-valued structures.

Our result holds in the presence of arbitrary shape analysis
instrumentation predicates.  The result enables the
reduction (without any approximation) of the entailment and
the equivalence of shape analysis constraints to the
satisfiability of shape analysis constraints.  When the
satisfiability of the constraints is decidable, our result
implies that the entailment and the equivalence of the
constraints are also decidable, which enables the use of
constraints in a compositional shape analysis with a
predictable behavior.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {Structural Subtyping of Non-Recursive Types is Decidable},
  booktitle = {Eighteenth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS)},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  isbn = {0-7695-1884-2},
  year = 2003,
  abstract = {
We show that the first-order theory of structural subtyping
of non-recursive types is decidable, as a consequence of a
more general result on the decidability of term powers of
decidable theories.

Let $\Sigma$ be a language consisting of function symbols and let
$\mathbf{C}$ (with a finite or infinite domain $C$) be an
$L$-structure where $L$ is a language consisting of relation
symbols.  We introduce the notion of $\Sigma$-term-power
of the structure $\mathbf{C}$, denoted $P_{\Sigma}(\mathbf{C})$.  The domain
of $P_{\Sigma}(\mathbf{C})$ is the set of $\Sigma$-terms over the set $C$.
$P_{\Sigma}(\mathbf{C})$ has one term algebra operation for each $f \in
\Sigma$, and one relation for each $r \in L$ defined by lifting
operations of $\mathbf{C}$ to terms over $C$.

We extend quantifier elimination for term algebras and apply
the Feferman-Vaught technique for quantifier elimination in
products to obtain the following result.  Let $K$ be a family
of $L$-structures and $K_P$ the family of their
$\Sigma$-term-powers.  Then the validity of any closed
formula $F$ on $K_P$ can be effectively reduced to the
validity of some closed formula $q(F)$ on $K$.

Our result implies the decidability of the first-order
theory of structural subtyping of non-recursive types with
covariant constructors, and the construction generalizes to
contravariant constructors as well.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {Existential Heap Abstraction Entailment is Undecidable},
  booktitle = {10th Annual International Static Analysis Symposium},
  year = 2003,
  address = {San Diego, California},
  month = {June},
  series = {LNCS},
  volume = {2694},
  abstract = {
In this paper we study constraints for specifying properties
of data structures consisting of linked objects allocated in
the heap.  Motivated by heap summary graphs in role analysis
and shape analysis we introduce the notion of \emph{regular
 graph constraints}.
A regular graph constraint is a graph representing the heap
summary; a heap satisfies a constraint if and only if the
heap can be homomorphically mapped to the summary.  Regular
graph constraints form a very simple and natural fragment of
the existential monadic second-order logic over graphs.

One of the key problems in a compositional static analysis
is proving that procedure preconditions are satisfied
at every call site.  For role analysis, precondition
checking requires determining the validity of implication,
i.e., \emph{entailment} of regular graph constraints.

The central result of this paper is the undecidability of
regular graph constraint entailment.  The
\emph{undecidability} of the \emph{entailment} problem is
surprising because of the simplicity of regular graph
constraints: in particular, the \emph{satisfiability} of
regular graph constraints is \emph{decidable}.

Our undecidability result implies that there is no complete
algorithm for statically checking procedure preconditions or
postconditions, simplifying static analysis results, or
checking that given analysis results are correct.  While
incomplete conservative algorithms for regular graph
constraint entailment checking are possible, we argue that
heap specification languages should avoid second-order
existential quantification in favor of explicitly specifying
a criterion for summarizing objects.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Rustan Leino},
  title = {In-Place Refinement for Effect Checking},
  booktitle = {Workshop on Automated Verification of 
                  Infinite-State Systems},
  year = 2003,
  month = {April},
  abstract = {
The refinement calculus is a powerful framework for
reasoning about programs, specifications, and refinement
relations between programs and specifications.

In this paper we introduce a new refinement calculus
construct, {\em in-place refinement}.  We use in-place
refinement to prove the correctness of a technique for
checking the refinement relation between programs and
specifications.  The technique is applicable whenever the
specification is an idempotent predicate transformer, as is
the case for most procedure effects.

In-place refinement is a predicate on the current program
state.  A command in-place refines a specification in
a given state if the effect of every execution of the
command in the state is no worse then the effect of some
execution of the specification in the state.

We demonstrate the usefulness of the in-place refinement
construct by showing the correctness of a precise technique
for checking effects of commands in a computer program.  The
technique is precise because it takes into account the set
of possible states in which each command can execute, using
the information about the control-flow and expressions of
conditional commands.  This precision is particularly
important for handling aliasing in object-oriented programs
that manipulate dynamically allocated data structures.

We have implemented the technique as a part of a side-effect
checker for the programming language C\#.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {On the Theory of Structural Subtyping},
  institution = {MIT LCS},
  number = 879,
  year = 2003,
  url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/cs.LO/0408015},
  note = {Technical report version of 
  abstract = {
We show that the first-order theory of structural subtyping
of non-recursive types is decidable. Let $\Sigma$ be a
language consisting of function symbols (representing type
constructors) and $C$ a decidable structure in the
relational language $L$ containing a binary relation
$\leq$. $C$ represents primitive types; $\leq$ represents a
subtype ordering. We introduce the notion of
$\Sigma$-term-power of $C$, which generalizes the structure
arising in structural subtyping. The domain of the
$\Sigma$-term-power of $C$ is the set of $\Sigma$-terms over
the set of elements of $C$. We show that the decidability of
the first-order theory of $C$ implies the decidability of
the first-order theory of the $\Sigma$-term-power of
$C$. Our decision procedure makes use of quantifier
elimination for term algebras and Feferman-Vaught
theorem. Our result implies the decidability of the
first-order theory of structural subtyping of non-recursive
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {Typestate Checking and Regular Graph Constraints},
  institution = {MIT LCS},
  number = 863,
  year = 2002,
  url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/cs.PL/0408014},
  abstract = {
We introduce regular graph constraints and explore their
decidability properties. The motivation for regular graph
constraints is 1) type checking of changing types of objects
in the presence of linked data structures, 2) shape analysis
techniques, and 3) generalization of similar constraints
over trees and grids. We define a subclass of graphs called
heaps as an abstraction of the data structures that a
program constructs during its execution. We prove that
determining the validity of implication for regular graph
constraints over the class of heaps is undecidable. We show
undecidability by exhibiting a characterization of certain
"corresponder graphs" in terms of presence and absence of
homomorphisms to a finite number of fixed graphs. The
undecidability of implication of regular graph constraints
implies that there is no algorithm that will verify that
procedure preconditions are met or that the invariants are
maintained when these properties are expressed in any
specification language at least as expressive as regular
graph constraints.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Patrick Lam and Martin Rinard},
  title = {Role Analysis},
  booktitle = {ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL)},
  ee = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/503272.503276},
  isbn = {1-58113-450-9},
  year = 2002,
  abstract = {
We present a new {\em role system} in which the type (or
{\em role}) of each object depends on its referencing
relationships with other objects, with the role changing as
these relationships change.  Roles capture important object
and data structure properties and provide useful information
about how the actions of the program interact with these
properties.  Our role system enables the programmer to
specify the legal aliasing relationships that define the set
of roles that objects may play, the roles of procedure
parameters and object fields, and the role changes that
procedures perform while manipulating objects.  We present
an interprocedural, compositional, and context-sensitive
role analysis algorithm that verifies that a program
maintains role constraints.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Designing an Algorithm for Role Analysis},
  school = {MIT LCS},
  year = 2001,
  abstract = {
This thesis presents a system for specifying constraints on
dynamically changing referencing relationships of heap
objects, and an analysis for static verification of these
constraints.  The constraint specification system is based
on the concept of role.  The role of an object depends, in
large part, on its aliasing relationships with other
objects, with the role of each object changing as its
aliasing relationships change.  In this way roles capture
object and data structure properties such as unique
references, membership of objects in data structures,
disjointness of data structures, absence of representation
exposure, bidirectional associations, treeness, and absence
or presence of cycles in the heap.

Roles generalize linear types by allowing multiple aliases
of heap objects that participate in recursive data
structures.  Unlike graph grammars and graph types, roles
contain sufficiently general constraints to conservatively
approximate any data structure.

We give a semantics for mutually recursive role definitions
and derive properties of roles as an invariant specification
language.  We introduce a programming model that allows
temporary violations of role constraints.  We describe a
static role analysis for verifying that a program conforms
to the programming model.  The analysis uses fixpoint
computation to synthesize loop invariants in each procedure.

We introduce a procedure interface specification language
and its semantics.  We present an interprocedural,
compositional, and context-sensitive role analysis that
verifies that a program respects the role constraints across
procedure calls.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Patrick Lam and Martin Rinard},
  title = {Roles are really great!},
  institution = {MIT LCS},
  number = 822,
  year = 2001,
  abstract = {
We present a new role system for specifying changing
referencing relationships of heap objects.  The role of an
object depends, in large part, on its aliasing relationships
with other objects, with the role of each object changing as
its aliasing relationships change.  Roles therefore capture
important object and data structure properties and provide
useful information about how the actions of the program
interact with these properties.  Our role system enables the
programmer to specify the legal aliasing relationships that
define the set of roles that objects may play, the roles of
procedure parameters and object fields, and the role changes
that procedures perform while manipulating objects.  We
present an interprocedural, compositional, and
context-sensitive role analysis algorithm that verifies that
a program respects the role constraints.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Patrick Lam and Martin Rinard},
  title = {A Language for Role Specifications},
  booktitle = {Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing},
  volume = 2624,
  series = {LNCS},
  year = 2001,
  abstract = {
This paper presents a new language for identifying the 
changing roles that objects play over the course of the
computation. Each object's points-to relationships with 
other objects determine the role that it currently plays. 
Roles therefore reflect the object's membership in 
specific data structures, with the object's role
changing as it moves between data structures. 
We provide a programming model which allows the 
developer to specify the roles of objects
at different points in the computation.  The model also 
allows the developer to specify the effect of each operation
at the granularity of role changes that occur in identified
regions of the heap.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak and Martin Rinard},
  title = {Object Models, Heaps, and Interpretations},
  institution = {MIT LCS},
  year = 2001,
  number = 816,
  month = {January},
  abstract = {
This paper explores the use of object models for specifying verifiable
heap invariants. We define a simple language based on sets and
relations and illustrate its use through examples. We give formal
semantics of the language by translation into predicate calculus and
interpretation of predicates in terms of objects and references
in the program heap.
  author = {Mirjana Ivanovi\'c and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Numerical Representations as Purely Functional Data Structures: A New Approach},
  journal = {INFORMATICA, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius},
  year = 2002,
  volume = 13,
  number = 2
  author = {Silvia Ghilezan and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Types and confluence in lambda calculus},
  booktitle = {3rd Panhellenic Logic Symposium},
  pages = {17--21},
  year = 2001,
  address = {Anogia, Greece}
  author = {Silvia Ghilezan and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Confluence of untyped lambda calculus via simple types},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, ICTCS 2001},
  year = 2001,
  volume = 2202,
  series = {LNCS},
  address = {Torino, Italy},
  month = {October}
  author = {Silvia Ghilezan and Viktor Kuncak and Silvia Likavec},
  title = {Reducibility method for termination properties of typed lambda terms},
  booktitle = {Fifth International Workshop on Termination},
  year = 2001,
  address = {Utrecht, The Netherlands},
  month = {May}
  author = {Mirjana Ivanovi\'c and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Modular Language Specifications in {H}askell},
  booktitle = {Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science 
                  with practical application},
  year = 2000,
  month = {September},
  abstract = {
We propose a framework for specification of programming language
semantics, abstract and concrete syntax, and lexical structure. The
framework is based on Modular Monadic Semantics and allows independent
specification of various language features. Features such as arithmetics,
conditionals, exceptions, state and nondeterminism can be freely combined
into working interpreters, facilitating experiments in language design. A
prototype implementation of this system in Haskell is described and
possibilities for more sophisticated interpreter generator are outlined.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Modular Interpreters in {Haskell}},
  howpublished = {B.Sc. Thesis, University of Novi Sad},
  month = {June},
  year = 2000,
  note = {See \cite{IvanovicKuncak00ModularLanguageSpecificationsHaskell} 
                  for paper.}
  author = {Mirjana Ivanovi\'c and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Numerical Representations as Purely Functional Data Structures},
  booktitle = {XIV Conference on Applied Mathematics "PRIM", Pali\'c},
  year = 2000,
  month = {June},
  note = {Also in: Novi Sad J. Math. 31 (2001), no. 1, 141--149}
  author = {Silvia Ghilezan and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Reducibility Method in Simply Typed Lambda Calculus},
  booktitle = {XIV Conference on Applied Mathematics "PRIM", Pali\'c},
  year = 2000,
  month = {June},
  note = {Also in: Novi Sad J. Math. 31 (2001), no. 1, 27--32}
  author = {Janis Voigtl\"ander and Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {Developing a Multigrid Solver for Standing Wave Equation},
  howpublished = {Proceedings of the 28th Dr. Bessie F. Lawrence 
                  International Summer Science Institute Participants,
                  Weizmann Institute of Science},
  pages = {149--154},
  year = 1996,
  abstract = {
  In this paper multigrid technique is adapted for solving
standing one-dimensional wave equation with radiation boundary conditions. 
Solver, consisting of wave cycle and ray cycle, uses Gauss-Seidel
and Kaczmarz relaxation sweeps and is aimed to work efficiently for
all error components.
  author = {Viktor Kuncak},
  title = {{PLS}: Programming Language for Simulations},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Petnica Science Center Seminar '93},
  pages = {111--146},
  year = 1993,
  publisher = {Science Center Petnica, Valjevo, Yugoslavia},
  note = {in Serbian},
  abstract = {
I describe design and implementation of a programming language PLS for 
writing simulations of physical processes.  PLS supports descriptions of dynamically
changing components of systems and simplifies the specifications of interactions
between multiple objects.  The language is implemented
as a translator from Pascal.  I give EBNF syntax of the language,
the translation rules from PLS to Pascal, and present an
example of a PLS program for simulation of $n$-body gravitational interaction.