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sav08:proof_rule_for_equality [2009/05/20 12:07]
sav08:proof_rule_for_equality [2015/04/21 17:30]
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-====== Proof Rules for Equality ====== 
-=== Paramodulation === 
-\frac{D \cup \{ s = t \}\ \ \ \ C[s'] } 
-     ​{subst(\sigma)(D \cup C[t])} 
-where $\sigma$ is [[Unification|mgu]] of $\{s,​s'​\}$. 
-Here $C[s'​]$ means that $s'$ occurs somewhere in $C$; then $C[t]$ results from replacing that occurrence of $s'$ with $t$. 
-=== Equality Resolution === 
-\frac{C \cup \{ s \neq s' \}} 
-     ​{subst(\sigma)(C)} 
-where $\sigma$ is [[Unification|mgu]] of $\{s,​s'​\}$. 
-=== Completeness of Rules ===  
-How would you prove these rules are complete given Herbrand-like theorem for FOL with equality? 
-++| Derive [[axioms for equality]].++ 
-===== References ===== 
-  * {{sav08:​|Paramodulation Handbook Chapter}} (or from [[http://​​~roberto/​papers/​|this link]]) 
-  * [[http://​​~chris/​lectures/​fol-hol-tp/​Ruzica-Piskac-I.pdf|The Saturate System - example of a theorem prover that implements paramodulation]]