package toolc
package analyzer
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
object Symbols {
  /** A trait for anything that refers to a symbol. */
  trait Symbolic[S <: Symbol] {
    self =>
    private var _sym: Option[S] = None
    def setSymbol(sym: S): self.type = {
      _sym = Some(sym)
    def getSymbol: S = _sym match {
      case Some(s) => s
      case None => sys.error("Accessing undefined symbol.")
  /** Notice that creating a symbol will always automatically assign a unique integer id to it. */
  abstract class Symbol extends Positional {
    val id: Int =
    val name: String
  private object ID {
    private var c: Int = 0
    def next: Int = {
      val ret = c
      c = c + 1
  class GlobalScope {
    var mainClass: ClassSymbol = _
    var classes: HashMap[String,ClassSymbol] = new HashMap[String,ClassSymbol]
    def lookupClass(n: String): Option[ClassSymbol] = /* ... */
  class ClassSymbol(val name: String) extends Symbol {
    var parent: Option[ClassSymbol] = None
    var methods = new HashMap[String, MethodSymbol]
    var members = new HashMap[String, VariableSymbol]
    def lookupMethod(n: String): Option[MethodSymbol] = /* ... */
    def lookupVar(n: String): Option[VariableSymbol] = /* ... */
  class MethodSymbol(val name: String, val classSymbol: ClassSymbol) extends Symbol {
    var params: HashMap[String, VariableSymbol] = new HashMap[String, VariableSymbol]
    var members: HashMap[String, VariableSymbol] = new HashMap[String, VariableSymbol]
    // should contain the same values as the params map, but in the right order.
    var argList: List[VariableSymbol] = Nil
    def lookupVar(n: String): Option[VariableSymbol] = /* ... */
  class VariableSymbol(val name: String) extends Symbol