Constant Propagation

Computes that certain expressions are constants. For each variable maintains

  • $\bot$ (initial value)
  • some constant value C
  • the information that the value is not known to be constant
  int a, b, step, i;
  boolean c;
  a = 0;
  b = a + 10;
  step = -1;
  if (step > 0) {
    i = a;
  } else {
    i = b;
  c = true;
  while (c) {
    i = i + step;    // can emit decrement
    if (step > 0) {
      c = (i < b);
    } else {
      c = (i > a); // can emit better instruction here
      // put here (a = a + step), redo analysis

Correctness of Constant Propagation

  • concretization function
  • comparison of N-th step of data-flow iteration and N-th step of state exploration