public /*: claimedby BinarySearchTree */ final class Node {
   public /*: claimedby BinarySearchTree */ Node left;
   public /*: claimedby BinarySearchTree */ Node right;
   public /*: claimedby BinarySearchTree */ Node parent;
   public /*: claimedby BinarySearchTree */ int v;
   /*: public specvar subtree :: objset;
       public vardefs "subtree ==
        {n0. n0 \<noteq> null \<and> (this,n0) \<in> {(x,y). x..left=y \<or> x..right=y}^*}"; */
public class BinarySearchTree
   private static Node root;
   /*: public static specvar content :: objset;
       private vardefs "content == root..subtree";
       invariant TreeInv: "tree [Node.left, Node.right]";
       invariant RootInv: "root = null \<or>
                           (\<forall> n. n..left \<noteq> root & n..right \<noteq> root)";
       invariant RootParentInv: "root..parent = null";
       invariant ContentInv: 
        "\<forall> x. x \<notin> content & x \<noteq> null \<longrightarrow>
	     (x..left = null \<and> x..right = null \<and> 
	      (\<forall> y. y..left \<noteq> x \<and> y..right \<noteq> x))";
       invariant ParentInv:
         "\<forall> x y. x..parent = y \<longrightarrow>
	  (x \<notin> content \<longrightarrow> y = null) \<and>
          (x \<in> content & x \<noteq> root \<longrightarrow> y \<noteq> null \<and> (y..left = x \<or> y..right = x))";
      invariant LeftOrderingInv:
         "\<forall> x y. y \<in> x..left..subtree \<longrightarrow> y..v < x..v";
       invariant RightOrderingInv:
         "\<forall> x y. y \<in> x..right..subtree \<longrightarrow> y..v \<ge> x..v";
   public static void add(Node e)
	requires "e \<noteq> null & e \<notin> content"
	modifies content
	ensures "content = old content \<union> {e}";
      Node n = root, p = null;
      boolean wentLeft = false;
      while /*: inv "(p = null \<and> n = null \<longrightarrow> root = null) \<and>
	             (p = null \<longrightarrow> n = root) \<and>
		     (p \<noteq> null \<longrightarrow> p \<in> content) \<and>
		     (n \<noteq> null \<longrightarrow> n \<in> content) \<and>
		     (p \<noteq> null \<and> wentLeft \<longrightarrow> p..left = n) \<and>
		     (p \<noteq> null \<and> \<not> wentLeft \<longrightarrow> p..right = n) \<and>
		     (comment ''WentLeftLInv''
		       (p \<noteq> null \<and> wentLeft \<longrightarrow> e..v < p..v)) \<and>
		     (comment ''WentRightLInv''
		       (p \<noteq> null \<and> \<not> wentLeft \<longrightarrow> e..v \<ge> p..v)) \<and>
		     (comment ''LOrderLInv''
                       (\<forall> x. p \<in> x..left..subtree \<and> p \<noteq> null \<and>
		             p \<noteq> x \<longrightarrow> e..v < x..v)) \<and>
		     (comment ''ROrderLInv''
                       (\<forall> x. p \<in> x..right..subtree \<and> p \<noteq> null \<and>
		             p \<noteq> x \<longrightarrow> e..v \<ge> x..v))" */
	  (n != null) {
	  /*: noteThat LSubtree:
	    "ALL x. n : x..Node.left..Node.subtree & p ~= null & p ~= x -->
	            p : x..Node.left..Node.subtree";
	  /*: noteThat RSubtree:
	    "ALL x. n : x..Node.right..Node.subtree & p ~= null & p ~= x -->
	            p : x..Node.right..Node.subtree";
	  /*: noteThat RootNotInLeft:
	    "p = null --> (ALL x. n ~: x..Node.left..Node.subtree)";
	  /*: noteThat RootNotInRight:
	    "p = null --> (ALL x. n ~: x..Node.right..Node.subtree)";
	  /*: noteThat WentLeftSubtree:
	    "wentLeft --> n ~: p..Node.right..Node.subtree";
	  /*: noteThat WentRightSubtree:
	    "~wentLeft --> n ~: p..Node.left..Node.subtree";
	 p = n;
	 if (e.v < n.v) {
	    wentLeft = true;
            n = n.left;
	 } else {
	    wentLeft = false;
	    n = n.right;
      if (p == null) {
	 root = e;
      } else {
	 e.parent = p;
	 //: noteThat PNonNull: "p ~= null";
	 //: noteThat PEDiff: "e ~= p";
	 //: noteThat SingletonSubtree: "e..Node.subtree = { e }";
	 if (wentLeft) {
            p.left = e;
	    //: noteThat WentLeft: "e..Node.v < p..Node.v";
	    //: noteThat ENotInROfP: "e ~: p..Node.right..Node.subtree";
	 } else {
            p.right = e;
	    //: noteThat WentRight: "e..Node.v >= p..Node.v";
	    //: noteThat ENotInLOfP: "e ~: p..Node.left..Node.subtree";	    
	 /*: noteThat SubtreeRelL0:
	   "ALL x y. y : x..Node.left..Node.subtree -->
	   (y : (fieldRead (old Node.subtree) (x..Node.left)) | y = e)";
	 /*: noteThat SubtreeRelL1:
	   "ALL x. e : x..Node.left..Node.subtree & x ~= p -->
	   p : fieldRead (old Node.subtree) (x..Node.left)";
	 /*: noteThat SubtreeRelR0:
	   "ALL x y. y : x..Node.right..Node.subtree -->
	   (y : (fieldRead (old Node.subtree) (x..Node.right)) | y = e)";
	 /*: noteThat SubtreeRelR1:
	   "ALL x. e : x..Node.right..Node.subtree & x ~= p -->
	   p : fieldRead (old Node.subtree) (x..Node.right)";
   public static boolean contains(Node n)
   /*: requires "n ~= null"
       ensures "result = (n : content)"
       Node curr = root;
       while /*: inv "(curr ~= null --> curr : content) &
	              (comment ''InContentLInv''
		      (n : content) = (n : curr..Node.subtree))"
	   (curr != null) {
	   if (curr == n) {
	       return true;
	   } else {
	       /*: noteThat SubtreeDef:
		 "(n : curr..Node.subtree) = 
		 ((n = curr) | (n : curr..Node.left..Node.subtree) | 
		 (n : curr..Node.right..Node.subtree))";
	       if (n.v < curr.v) {
		   curr = curr.left;
	       } else {
		   curr = curr.right;
       return false;
   public static Node extractMax()
   /*: modifies content
       ensures "(result = null --> (ALL x. (x ~: content))) &
                (result ~= null --> content = old content - {result}) &
		(result ~= null -->
		(ALL x. x : old content --> result..Node.v >= x..Node.v))"
       //: private static ghost specvar smaller :: objset;
       Node curr = root;
       //: smaller := "{}";
       while /*: inv "(curr ~= null --> curr : content) &
	              (curr = null --> curr = root) &
		      (content = smaller Un curr..Node.subtree) &
		      (comment ''SmallerLInv''
		      (ALL x. x : smaller --> curr..Node.v >= x..Node.v))"
	   (curr != null && curr.right != null) {
	   //: smaller := "smaller Un {curr} Un curr..Node.left..Node.subtree";
	   /*: noteThat SubtreeRRel: 
	     "curr..Node.right : curr..Node.right..Node.subtree";
	   curr = curr.right;
	   /*: noteThat SmallerLemma:
	     "ALL x. x : smaller --> curr..Node.v >= x..Node.v"
	     from SmallerLemma, SmallerLInv, SubtreeRRel, LeftOrderingInv,
       /*: noteThat CurrEq: "curr..Node.v >= curr..Node.v";
       /*: noteThat CurrRight: "ALL x. x ~: curr..Node.right..Node.subtree";
       /*: noteThat SubtreeDef:
	 "curr ~= null --> 
	 curr..Node.subtree = { curr } Un curr..Node.left..Node.subtree Un
       /*: noteThat Smallest:
	 "curr ~= null --> (ALL x. x : content --> curr..Node.v >= x..Node.v)";
       if (curr != null) {
	   {//: localize;
	   //: noteThat NodeUnchanged: "Node.v = old Node.v";
	   /*: noteThat OrderingEnd:
	     "ALL x. x : old content --> curr..Node.v >= x..Node.v"
	     from Smallest, TrueBranch, OrderingEnd, NodeUnchanged;
       return curr;
   public static Node extractMin()
   /*: modifies content
       ensures "(result = null --> (ALL x. (x ~: content))) &
                (result ~= null --> content = old content - {result}) &
		(result ~= null -->
		(ALL x. x : old content --> result..Node.v <= x..Node.v))"
       //: private static ghost specvar bigger :: objset;
       Node curr = root;
       //: bigger := "{}";
       while /*: inv "(curr ~= null --> curr : content) &
	              (curr = null --> curr = root) &
		      (content = bigger Un curr..Node.subtree) &
		      (comment ''BiggerLInv''
		      (ALL x. x : bigger --> curr..Node.v <= x..Node.v))"
	   (curr != null && curr.left != null) {
	   //: bigger := "bigger Un {curr} Un curr..Node.right..Node.subtree";
	   /*: noteThat SubtreeLRel:
	     "curr..Node.left : curr..Node.left..Node.subtree";
	   curr = curr.left;
	   /*: noteThat BiggerLemma:
	     "ALL x. x : bigger --> curr..Node.v <= x..Node.v"
	     from BiggerLemma, BiggerLInv, SubtreeLRel, RightOrderingInv,
       //: noteThat CurrEq: "curr..Node.v <= curr..Node.v";
       //: noteThat CurrLeft: "ALL x. x ~: curr..Node.left..Node.subtree";
       /*: noteThat SubtreeDef:
	 "curr ~= null --> 
	 curr..Node.subtree = { curr } Un curr..Node.left..Node.subtree Un
       /*: noteThat Biggest:
	 "curr ~= null --> (ALL x. x : content --> curr..Node.v <= x..Node.v)";
       if (curr != null) {
	   { //: localize;
	   //: noteThat NodeUnchanged: "Node.v = old Node.v";
	   /*: noteThat OrderingEnd:
	     "ALL x. x : old content --> curr..Node.v <= x..Node.v"
	     from Biggest, TrueBranch, OrderingEnd, NodeUnchanged;
       return curr;
   private static Node removeMin(Node n)
   /*: requires "theinvs & n ~= null & n : content & n..Node.right ~= null"
       modifies content, "Node.left", "Node.right", "Node.parent", 
       ensures "theinvs & content = old content - {result} & 
                result : old content & result ~= n &
		(ALL y. y : n..Node.left..Node.subtree --> 
		y..Node.v < result..Node.v) &
		(ALL y. y : n..Node.right..Node.subtree -->
		result..Node.v <= y..Node.v) &
		(ALL x. n : x..Node.left..Node.subtree -->
		result..Node.v < x..Node.v) &
		(ALL x. n : x..Node.right..Node.subtree -->
		x..Node.v <= result..Node.v) &
		Node.v = (old Node.v)"
       //: private static ghost specvar bigger :: objset;
       Node e = n.right;
       //: bigger := "{}";
       while /*: inv "e ~= null & e : content &
		      (% x y. x..Node.left = y) (n..Node.right) e) &
		      (n..Node.right..Node.subtree = 
		      bigger Un e..Node.subtree) &
		      (comment ''BiggerLInv''
		      (ALL x. x : bigger --> e..Node.v < x..Node.v)) &
		      (e : n..Node.right..Node.subtree)"
	   (e.left != null) {
	   //: bigger := "bigger Un {e} Un e..Node.right..Node.subtree";
	   /*: noteThat SubtreeRRel:
	     "e..Node.left : e..Node.left..Node.subtree";
	   e = e.left;
	   /*: noteThat BiggerLemma:
	     "ALL x. x : bigger --> e..Node.v < x..Node.v"
	     from BiggerLemma, BiggerLInv, SubtreeRRel, LeftOrderingInv,
       //: noteThat ELeft: "ALL x. x ~: e..Node.left..Node.subtree";
       /*: noteThat SubtreeDef:
	 "e ~= null --> 
	 e..Node.subtree = { e } Un e..Node.left..Node.subtree Un
       if (e.parent.left == e) {
	   e.parent.left = e.right;
       } else {
	   //: noteThat "e..Node.parent..Node.right = e";
	   e.parent.right = e.right;
       if (e.right != null) {
	   e.right.parent = e.parent;
       e.parent = null;
       e.right = null;
       /*: noteThat SubtreeChange: "ALL x y. y : x..Node.subtree & 
	 x ~= e & y ~= e --> y : (fieldRead (old Node.subtree) x)";
       //: noteThat EIsolated: "ALL x. x ~= e --> e ~: x..Node.subtree";
       //: noteThat ENoChildren: "e..Node.subtree = { e }";
       /*: noteThat ENRel:
	 "ALL x. n : x..Node.left..Node.subtree -->
	 e : (fieldRead (old Node.subtree) (fieldRead (old Node.left) x))";
       return e;
   private static Node removeMax(Node n)
   /*: requires "theinvs & n ~= null & n : content & n..Node.left ~= null"
       modifies content, "Node.left", "Node.right", "Node.parent", 
       ensures "theinvs & content = old content - {result} & 
                result : old content & result ~= n &
		(ALL x. x : n..Node.left..Node.subtree --> 
		x..Node.v <= result..Node.v) &
		(ALL x. x : n..Node.right..Node.subtree -->
		x..Node.v >= result..Node.v)"
       //: private static ghost specvar smaller :: objset;
       Node e = n.left;
       //: smaller := "{}";
       while /*: inv "e ~= null & e : content &
		      (% x y. x..Node.right = y) (n..Node.left) e) &
		      (n..Node.left..Node.subtree = 
		      smaller Un e..Node.subtree) &
		      (comment ''SmallerLInv''
		      (ALL x. x : smaller --> e..Node.v >= x..Node.v)) &
		      (e : n..Node.left..Node.subtree)"
	   (e.right != null) {
	   //: smaller := "smaller Un {e} Un e..Node.left..Node.subtree";
	   /*: noteThat SubtreeRRel: 
	     "e..Node.right : e..Node.right..Node.subtree";
	   e = e.right;
	   /*: noteThat SmallerLemma:
	     "ALL x. x : smaller --> e..Node.v >= x..Node.v"
	     from SmallerLemma, SmallerLInv, SubtreeRRel, LeftOrderingInv,
       //: noteThat ERight: "ALL x. x ~: e..Node.right..Node.subtree";
       /*: noteThat SubtreeDef:
	 "e ~= null --> 
	 e..Node.subtree = { e } Un e..Node.left..Node.subtree Un
       if (e.parent.right == e) {
	   e.parent.right = e.left;
       } else {
	   e.parent.left = e.left;
       if (e.left != null) {
	   e.left.parent = e.parent;
       e.parent = null;
       e.left = null;
       /*: noteThat SubtreeChange: "ALL x y. y : x..Node.subtree & 
	 x ~= e & y ~= e --> y : (fieldRead (old Node.subtree) x)";
       //: noteThat EIsolated: "ALL x. x ~= e --> e ~: x..Node.subtree";
       //: noteThat ENoChildren: "e..Node.subtree = { e }";
       return e;
   private static void swap(Node toRemove, Node toAdd)
   /*: requires "toRemove ~= null & toRemove : content & 
                 toAdd ~= null & toAdd ~: content &
		 (comment ''LOPreS''
		 (ALL x. x : toRemove..Node.left..Node.subtree -->
		 x..Node.v < toAdd..Node.v)) &
		 (comment ''ROPreS''
		 (ALL x. x : toRemove..Node.right..Node.subtree -->
		 toAdd..Node.v <= x..Node.v)) &
		 (comment ''LOPreR''
		 (ALL x. toRemove : x..Node.left..Node.subtree -->
		 toAdd..Node.v < x..Node.v)) &
		 (comment ''ROPreR''
		 (ALL x. toRemove : x..Node.right..Node.subtree -->
		 x..Node.v <= toAdd..Node.v)) & theinvs"
       modifies content, root, "Node.subtree", "Node.parent", "Node.right",
       ensures "content = old content - {toRemove} Un {toAdd} &
                Node.v = (old Node.v) & theinvs"
       //: noteThat toAddIsolatedL: "ALL x. x..Node.left ~= toAdd";
       //: noteThat toAddIsolatedR: "ALL x. x..Node.right ~= toAdd";
       if (toRemove.parent == null) {
	   //: noteThat "root = toRemove";
	   root = toAdd;
       } else {
	   //: noteThat HasParent: "toRemove..Node.parent ~= null";
	   if (toRemove.parent.left == toRemove) {
	       /*: noteThat toRemoveID:
		 "toRemove..Node.parent..Node.left = toRemove";
	       toRemove.parent.left = toAdd;
	   } else {
	       /*: noteThat toRemoveID:
		 "toRemove..Node.parent..Node.right = toRemove";
	       toRemove.parent.right = toAdd;
       toAdd.parent = toRemove.parent;
       toRemove.parent = null;
       toAdd.left = toRemove.left;
       toRemove.left = null;
       toAdd.right = toRemove.right;
       toRemove.right = null;
       if (toAdd.left != null) {
	   toAdd.left.parent = toAdd;
       if (toAdd.right != null) {
	   toAdd.right.parent = toAdd;
       /*: noteThat toRemoveSubtree:
	 "toRemove..Node.subtree = { toRemove }";
       /*: noteThat LORemovedR: 
	 "ALL y. y : toRemove..Node.left..Node.subtree --> 
	 y..Node.v < toRemove..Node.v";
       /*: noteThat RORemovedR:
	 "ALL y. y : toRemove..Node.right..Node.subtree -->
	 toRemove..Node.v <= y..Node.v";
       /*: noteThat LORemovedS:
	 "ALL x. toRemove : x..Node.left..Node.subtree -->
	 toRemove..Node.v < x..Node.v";
       /*: noteThat RORemovedS:
	 "ALL x. toRemove : x..Node.right..Node.subtree -->
	 x..Node.v <= toRemove..Node.v";
       /*: noteThat SubtreeChange: 
	 "ALL x y. y : x..Node.subtree & x ~= toAdd & y ~= toAdd --> 
	 y : (fieldRead (old Node.subtree) x)";
       /*: noteThat SubtreeSwapL:
	 "toAdd..Node.left..Node.subtree = 
	 (fieldRead (old Node.subtree) (fieldRead (old Node.left) toRemove))";
       /*: noteThat SubtreeSwapR:
	 "toAdd..Node.right..Node.subtree = 
	 (fieldRead (old Node.subtree) (fieldRead (old Node.right) toRemove))";
       /*: noteThat SubtreeSwapPL:
	 "ALL x. toAdd : x..Node.left..Node.subtree -->
	 toRemove : 
	 (fieldRead (old Node.subtree) (fieldRead (old Node.left) x))"
       /*: noteThat SubtreeSwapPR:
	 "ALL x. toAdd : x..Node.right..Node.subtree -->
	 toRemove : 
	 (fieldRead (old Node.subtree) (fieldRead (old Node.right) x))";
       /*: noteThat LOSwappedR:
	 "ALL y. y : toAdd..Node.left..Node.subtree -->
	 y..Node.v < toAdd..Node.v";
       /*: noteThat LOSwappedS:
	 "ALL x. toAdd : x..Node.left..Node.subtree -->
	 toAdd..Node.v < x..Node.v"
	 from LOSwappedS, HasParent, LOPreR, SubtreeSwapPL;
       //: noteThat NEq: "toAdd ~= toRemove";
       /*: noteThat SwappedSubtree:
	 "ALL x. x : toAdd..Node.subtree & x ~= toAdd -->
	 x : fieldRead (old Node.subtree) toRemove";
       /*: noteThat LOPart:
	 "ALL x y. y : x..Node.left..Node.subtree & x ~= toAdd & y ~= toAdd &
	 x ~= toRemove & y ~= toRemove --> y..Node.v < x..Node.v"
	 from LOPart, LeftOrderingInv, SubtreeChange, NEq, toAddIsolatedL,
	 toRemoveID, SwappedSubtree;
       /*: noteThat LOEnd: "theinv LeftOrderingInv"
	 from LOEnd, LOPart, LORemovedR, LOSwappedR, LORemovedS, LOSwappedS, 
       /*: noteThat ROSwappedR:
	 "ALL y. y : toAdd..Node.right..Node.subtree -->
	 toAdd..Node.v <= y..Node.v";
       /*: noteThat ROSwappedS:
	 "ALL x. toAdd : x..Node.right..Node.subtree -->
	 x..Node.v <= toAdd..Node.v";
       /*: noteThat ROPart:
	 "ALL x y. y : x..Node.right..Node.subtree & x ~= toAdd & y ~= toAdd &
	 x ~= toRemove & y ~= toRemove --> x..Node.v <= y..Node.v"
	 from ROPart, RightOrderingInv, SubtreeChange, NEq, toAddIsolatedR,
	 toRemoveID, SwappedSubtree;
       /*: noteThat ROEnd: "theinv RightOrderingInv"
	 from ROEnd, ROPart, RORemovedR, ROSwappedR, RORemovedS, ROSwappedS, 
   public static void remove(Node e)
   /*: requires "e ~= null & e : content"
       modifies content
       ensures "(content = old content - {e}) & Node.v = (old Node.v)"
   private static void remove_int(Node e)
   /*: requires "e ~= null & e : content & theinvs"
       modifies content, "Node.subtree", root, "Node.parent", "Node.right",
       ensures "(content = old content - {e}) & Node.v = (old Node.v) & theinvs"
       if (e.left == null) {
	   if (e.right == null) {
	       // e has no children
	       if (e.parent == null) {
		   // e is the root node
		   root = null;
	       } else if (e.parent.left == e) {
		   // e is a left child
		   e.parent.left = null;
	       } else {
		   // e is a right child
		   e.parent.right = null;
	   } else {
	       // e has a right child but no left child
	       if (e.parent == null) {
		   // e is the root node
		   root = e.right;
	       } else {
		   if (e.parent.left == e) {
		       // e is a left child
		       e.parent.left = e.right;
		   } else {
		       // e is a right child
		       e.parent.right = e.right;
	       e.right.parent = e.parent;
	       e.right = null;
           e.parent = null;
	   //: noteThat LOESubtree: "e..Node.subtree = { e }";
	   //: noteThat EIsolated: "ALL x. x ~= e --> e ~: x..Node.subtree";
	   //: noteThat ENotLeft: "ALL x. x..Node.left ~= e";
	   //: noteThat ENotRight: "ALL x. x..Node.right ~= e";
	   //: noteThat ENoParent: "e..Node.parent = null";
	   /*: noteThat SubtreeChangeL:
	     "ALL x y. y : x..Node.left..Node.subtree & y ~= e -->
	     y : (fieldRead (old Node.subtree) (fieldRead (old Node.left) x))";
	   /*: noteThat LOPart: 
	     "ALL x y. y : x..Node.left..Node.subtree & y ~= e -->
	     y..Node.v < x..Node.v";
	   /*: noteThat LOEnd: "theinv LeftOrderingInv"
	     from LOPart, EIsolated, ENotLeft, ENoParent;
	   /*: noteThat SubtreeChangeR:
	     "ALL x y. y : x..Node.right..Node.subtree & y ~= e -->
	     y : 
	     (fieldRead (old Node.subtree) (fieldRead (old Node.right) x))";
	   /*: noteThat ROPart:
	     "ALL x y. y : x..Node.right..Node.subtree & y ~= e -->
	     x..Node.v <= y..Node.v";
	   /*: noteThat ROEnd: "theinv RightOrderingInv"
	     from ROPart, EIsolated, ENotRight, ENoParent;
       } else {
	   if (e.right == null) {
	       // e has a left child but no right child
	       if (e.parent == null) {
		   // e is the root node
		   root = e.left;
	       } else {
		   if (e.parent.left == e) {
		       // e is a left child
		       e.parent.left = e.left;
		   } else {
		       // e is a right child
		       e.parent.right = e.left;
	       e.left.parent = e.parent;
	       e.left = null;
               e.parent = null;
	       //: noteThat LOESubtree: "e..Node.subtree = { e }";
	       /*: noteThat EIsolated: 
		 "ALL x. x ~= e --> e ~: x..Node.subtree";
	       //: noteThat ENotLeft: "ALL x. x..Node.left ~= e";
	       //: noteThat ENotRight: "ALL x. x..Node.right ~= e";
	       //: noteThat ENoParent: "e..Node.parent = null";
	       /*: noteThat SubtreeChangeL:
		 "ALL x y. y : x..Node.left..Node.subtree & y ~= e -->
		 y : 
		 (fieldRead (old Node.subtree) (fieldRead (old Node.left) x))";
	       /*: noteThat LOPart: 
		 "ALL x y. y : x..Node.left..Node.subtree & y ~= e -->
		 y..Node.v < x..Node.v";
	       /*: noteThat LOEnd: "theinv LeftOrderingInv"
		 from LOEnd, LOPart, EIsolated, ENotLeft, ENoParent;
	       /*: noteThat SubtreeChangeR:
		 "ALL x y. y : x..Node.right..Node.subtree & y ~= e -->
		 y : (fieldRead (old Node.subtree) 
		 (fieldRead (old Node.right) x))";
	       /*: noteThat ROPart:
		 "ALL x y. y : x..Node.right..Node.subtree & y ~= e -->
		 x..Node.v <= y..Node.v";
	       /*: noteThat ROEnd: "theinv RightOrderingInv"
		 from ROEnd, ROPart, EIsolated, ENotRight, ENoParent;
	   } else {
	       // e has both a left and a right child
               Node r = removeMin(e);
               swap(e, r);