VMCAI 2012 Accepted Papers
Nathaniel Charlton
Ben Horsfall
Bernhard Reus
Crowfoot: a verifier for higher order store programs
Samik Basu
Tevfik Bultan
Meriem Ouederni
Synchronizability for Verification of Asynchronously Communicating Systems
Christian Von Essen and
Barbara Jobstmann
Synthesizing Efficient Controllers
Dmitry Bugaychenko.
On Application of Multi-Rooted Binary Decision Diagrams to Probabilistic Model Checking
Woosuk Lee
Wonchan Lee
Kwangkeun Yi
Sound Non-Statistical Clustering of Static Analysis Alarms
Joshua Sack and Lijun Zhang
A general framework for probabilistic characterizing formulae
Uri Klein
Nir Piterman
Amir Pnueli
Effective Synthesis of Asynchronous Systems from GR(1) Specifications
Kedar Namjoshi
Richard Trefler
Local Symmetry and Compositional Verification
Pietro Ferrara
Peter Müller
Automatic Inference of Access Permissions
Bernd Finkbeiner
Swen Jacobs
Lazy Synthesis
Falk Howar,
Bernhard Steffen
, Sofia Cassel and
Bengt Jonsson
Inferring Canonical Register Automata
Sagar Chaki
Arie Gurfinkel
Ofer Strichman
Regression Verification for Multi-Threaded Programs
Damien Zufferey
Thomas Wies
Thomas Henzinger
Ideal Abstractions for Well-Structured Transition Systems
Khalil Ghorbal
Franjo Ivancic
Gogul Balakrishnan
, Naoto Maeda and
Aarti Gupta
Donut Domains: Efficient Non-Convex Domains for Abstract Interpretation
Johannes Kinder
and Dmitry Kravchenko
Alternating Control Flow Reconstruction
Stan Rosenberg, Anindya Banerjee and David Naumann
Decision Procedures for Region Logic
Stephen F. Siegel
and Timothy Zirkel
Symbolic Execution with Collective Loop Invariants
Rayna Dimitrova
Bernd Finkbeiner
, Mate Kovacs,
Markus Rabe
Helmut Seidl
Model Checking Secrecy in Reactive Systems
Krishnendu Chatterjee and Vishwanath Raman
Synthesizing Protocols for Digital Contract Signing
Aws Albarghouthi
Arie Gurfinkel
Marsha Chechik
Whale: An Interpolation-based Algorithm for Inter-procedural Verification
Evren Ermis,
Jochen Hoenicke
Andreas Podelski
Splitting via Interpolants
Amir Ben-Amram,
Samir Genaim
and Abu Naser Masud
On the Termination of Integer Loops
Everett Morse, Eric Mercer and Jay Mccarthy
Modeling Asynchronous Message Passing for C Programs
Duckki Oe
Aaron Stump
, Corey Oliver and Kevin Clancy
A Verified Modern SAT Solver
Laura Bozzelli and Sophie Pinchinat
Verification of gap-order constraint abstractions of counter systems
Rustan Leino
Automating induction with an SMT solver